I watched it yesterday and I thought it was brilliant, but I've read reviews (from Empire to bloggers' reviews), and most of them have been bad. Why is this? I am in no way swayed by the bible, and agree with very little of it. But this story was still good enough to stop me undermining the bible in this review (this is not the place to express your opinion on religion/the bible etc. though, as I'm just showing that my ignorance didn't cause me to enjoy the film any less). This is what many of the reviews I have read have gotten on to as a bad point about the film. So, other than the reigious aspect of the film (even though that is the main basis of the film), what is bad about it? It can't just be people's general disagreement with the Bible that causes people to dislike the film. Your thoughts? (put spoilers in spoiler tags pl0x)
I thought it was a very well executed movie. The pacing was nice and Denzel Washington did a fine job. Mila Kunis was really annoying and a horrible actor imo. After the movie a couple of my friends turned to me and said they knew what the twist would be at the end about halfway through the movie. I never really try to analyze movies that I enjoy, I just sit back and enjoy the ride. As for reviews being bad, they probably thought the movie was boring due to many quiet scenes, but silence is often one of the best ways to build intrigue. The religious aspect of it all played a very small role in my mind.
That's some bull. No one could have guessed that. As for the religious aspects, they really did a fine job of keeping a balance. Denzel's character quoted the Bible and used it as his guide while the antagonists just wanted to use it as a thing of power. I guess both are true, depending on how you look at it. Great movie in my opinion. Definitely best I've seen all year(though it is only January).
Well when you look back there were some signs as to the twist. Spoiler - He could smell her shampoo - He could smell the ocean - He smelt everything before he ate/drank it - He could hear/smell the bandits - He asked where the water was when it was right in front of him in that shopping kart The most obvious one was him looking around like he didn't know where he was on that small boat.
Well it wasn't very obvious to me or my friends when we saw it. He acted pretty normal if you ask me, just a little more cautious because of his surroundings. And that boat part seemed like he was Spoiler dying. fllr
Funny story: when he said it had been 30 winters since the blast/light/whatever he said, I could have sworn he said 3. So like for 3/4 of the movie I'm sitting here thinking, "These people are ****ing retarded, they can't remember 3 years ago!" I brought this up to my friends right before the fight scene with the old couple and they all did a major facepalm.