Dracula's Castle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jshaf23, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    The Works of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence.

    Transylvania Articles
    Transcripts of Recordings


    The following are written trascripts of audio transmissions.

    January 11, 2007
    "Log of Professor James A Dunn, January second. While studying the habitat of the Great Heron in Transylvania, I have discovered a completely new species of vampire bat. I had one specimen in my holding cell, but last night it escaped."

    March 23, 2007
    "Log of Professor Ronald Cromwell, March third. It's six o'clock here. A historic moment is underway! I've discovered the remnants of what seems to be an ancient castle here in Transylvania. Tomorrow morning I will begin excavating artifacts from the castle."

    March 24, 2007
    "Log of Professor Ronald Cromwell, March fourth. I have just entered the newly discovered castle. I am surprised to say that the castle is still incredily well perserved. The gateway was even functional! I am now walking through a long hallway filled with tiny rooms. Now I am opening a door and... [high pitched noise] What is tha...AUGH. [Footsteps, loud panting] I am being chased by what seems to be... UGH! [loud thump] AAGH! [Indistinct yelling]"

    May 2, 2007 2:51 PM
    "This is squad commander Wallace with an update. We found Cromwell's body. Its severely decayed but two holes in his neck are still evident. I.. I didn't think it was possible, but Transylvania... the bats... the bite marks... it all points to the obvious fact. Requesting reinforcements."

    May 2, 2007 11:37 PM
    "Wallace here. I need the reinforcements... NOW! We're under attack by them. The Vampires... they're just like in the legend. They only come out at night... they're afraid of garlic... those they bite become vampires too... all of it's true. We're holding out in a small room, but we only have handguns and our ammo's low. We're not gonna make it past tomorrow night unless you get us those reinforcements ASAP!"

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________​


    Players: 6-16

    Humans: 12 Minutes until reinforcements arrive. You need survive until then to win.
    Vampires: Suck the blood of your human prey.

    Humans start in a room with only magnums. Make your way through the castle and pick up weapons on your way. There aren't many weapons around, so save your ammo. Also, the vampires can easily sneak up on a lone human. Cover each other!

    Players start only with magnums and SMGs, but a variety of weapons are available throughout the map:

    Magnum- M9 Handgun
    SMG- Special Operations MP5
    Shotgun- M10 Shotgun
    Battle Rifle- M16
    Assault Rifle- F2000 Assault Rifle
    Carbine- Extra Terrestrial- Weapon type unknown
    Fuel Rod Gun- Extra Terrestrial- Weapon type unknown
    Mauler- AA12 Shotgun

    Frag Grenade- Just an ordinary Frag.
    Plasma Grenade- Extra Terrestrial Explosive Device
    Spike Grenade- Garlic fragments + Gunpowder
    Firebomb Grenade- Garlic Juice + Lighter Fluid + Fire
    Radar Jammer- Temporarily disables the Vampires' Echolocation System
    Trip Mine- Land Mine

    There are 3 types of Vampires:​

    ** I recently added shield vampirism to the zombies (seeing as they are vampires) if you test the gametype, please give me feedback on whether or not the shield vampirism makes gameplay unfair.**

    Standard Vampire (Alpha- Zombie): 100% shields, 50% health, color- black, camo- none, 10% Shield Vampirism​

    Counts (Standard Zombie): same as Standard Vampires, but with poor camo and 25% Vampirism​

    Count Dracula (Custom Powerup) 10% Health, but good camo and 50% shield Vampirism. Color- Red ​

    Human Walkthrough:
    Players start in a small 2 floor building. Walk out of the building into the castle corridors. On Your right will be the castle's wall; on your left a series of small buildings. The first building has a pair of maulers in it, and the second has SMG ammo. Over on your right will be a little cove in the wall. This will have an Assault Rifle in it. At the end of the series of buildings is a fairly large ediface. NOTE: The Blue Columns on this building signify it as a "Safehouse." These buildings will offer extra cover and defense, but be warned: "Safe" is an overstatement... The bottom floor of the building has a fixed Machine Gun Turret. Walk up the stairs and you'll see a trip mine, flame grenade and shotgun. When you leave this building, (exit is on the second floor) immediately to your right will be another smal building. This has a mauler in it. Up ahead will be the second Safehouse. Inside on the first floor wil be a Carbine, and on the second floor will be a Battle Rifle and a SMG. When you leave the house, to your left will be another castle wall. Run through the long stretch ahead to get to the final Safehouse, known as "The Keep". In The Keep will be a shotgun, assault rifes, battle rifles, sniper rifle, and grenades. Ammo won't last forever here, but if enough players manage to survive the journey to The Keep, you might be able to defend yourselves...

    Screen Shots​

    A view of the Starting Spawn of the Humans​

    A row of buildings to your left.​

    The First Safehouse - Outside​

    The First Safehouse - Inside​

    The Second Safehouse​

    The Keep - Outside​

    The Keep - Inside view​

    The Castle's Gate​

    Download Map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=105265033

    Download Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=104553340
    #1 jshaf23, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  2. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now this is an interesting thing you got going on here.
    I like how creative you were for the gametype, I never once considered vampires as an option! The map itself is very cool looking, a very differently designed mansion. I'm sure the gameplay will also be pretty fun because I love zombie-mansion styled maps, they're always lots of fun to play with friends! :D I'll give it a whirl and report back later, but 5/5 for now! Keep up the good work!
  3. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow o_O I like the concept of the map its seems very well forged ill download the map but for looks right now i give 4.5/5 :D ill tell see if there needs any fixing

    Edit: I like the map alot Nice way u made the castle Layout very fun for a group of 10 but if its called a safe house it should have a roof on it and the only way for vampires to get in should be through the doors or u make like a hole in the roof :D but ill rate this 4.9/5 Keep it up the good forging
    #3 lightsin017, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  4. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    thanks for the great ratings guys. test out the map when you get a chance and post another message with a review. i'm open to any constructive criticism you can give me.
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks ok, one thing in your post i noticed is that all of it says onion... its garlic that vampires dont like. but like i said theres nothing wrong with the map that i can tell.
  6. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    Thanks a bunch RC; i'll switch that up.
  7. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    If i may ask, how are the safehouses safe? if they are at all.
    and as vampires, I think it would've been cool to have them get minute shield vampirism.
    but as for the map itself, it's very well forged and a somewhat original concept.
    the keep is my favorite part
  8. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    The safehouses are merely a way to get out of the open. They have a bit of ammo and are much easier to defend than trying to cover each other in an open hallway. As for the shield vampirsm, that's a great idea. Kinda ironic that i didn't think to add vampirism to vampires... i'll add that to the gametype tomorrow. Thanks!
  9. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks crazy! I mean that in the best way. It looks very well forged and I just think it looks great. I once had an idea for vampires but never made the connection to dracula. Thats funny because he is the most popular vampire. Maybe you can invite me and we will play some buffy.
  10. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    FrieMore- thanks for the review, and i'd be happy to play a few games with you. xbl gamertag is iRun SoFar Away (i didn't chose that name; i got hacked, the guy changed the name, and i never got around to changing it back to my old gamertag) But anyway, friend me and i'd love to play some customs with you.
  11. Xx5tAcHgunxX

    Xx5tAcHgunxX Ancient

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    soooo yeah, i play with jshaf23 aka iRun SoFar Away all the time, and we play at this map a lot with the big groups that we get, and this map creates a sense of desperation. Gameplay is quite enjoyable, but it is however challenging.
  12. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    I am coming out with a sequil to this map, entitled Vampire City. It will be similar to Dracula's Castle in structure, but it'll be a city with an abandoned highway running through it. I'd like to know:
    1) Can i put pictures of the next map on this post, or is that against forgehub's rules?
    2) Does anybody have any comments/suggestions for the sequil? I'd love to hear any feedback about this map or anything I can improve on in the next one.

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