Hey guys, I already posted this on XForgery, but since this is a larger community I thought I'd make my appeal here as well. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past several days, you've heard about the disaster that struck Haiti three days ago. It was a magnitude seven quake, which for a civilized nation would be crippling. Haiti is a fifth-world nation, meaning that the poverty there is so bad that analysts believe that they will never be able to build it up to a higher level. What would be bad for us in our steel-reinforced structures was absolutely disastrous for them. Both the U.S. Embassy and the Prime Minister's palace were destroyed, and those were the two most architecturally sound structures in the nation. Having been there, I can say that the estimates of 100,000 dead are incredibly low--my guess would be closer to 300,000-450,000. Everyone and their mother has jumped up to help the tiny nation in the Caribbean. American Airlines is flying doctors and nurses down for free. UPS is shipping anything under 50lbs. down there for free, and countless charitable organizations are organizing trips for people to go and help out with the relief effort. The chaos in the nation is astounding, and without help, they will never be able to recover. So what can we do about it? Bungie has given us two options in their latest update. For a limited time, there is a special shirt available in their store where, if purchased, all of their proceeds will go straight to Haiti through the Red Cross. While I know that I'm buying one, I also know that not everyone can afford it. Fortunately, there is another way to help. Next Wednesday and Thursday (1/20/10 and 1/21/10), Bungie has said that for every 1,000 players they have online (in either Halo 3 or ODST) who tote the hero emblem they describe, they will donate an additional $100 to the relief efforts in Haiti (keep in mind, that translates to a freaking lot in a fifth-world nation)--up to $77,000. It's a simple enough thing to do, and if we all do it, we can really make a difference. So I implore you, ForgeHub, to please take up the call and join me in aiding this particular effort. Now for the particulars. Use the "Hearts" ICON and the "Circle" BACKGROUND. For colors, change your EMBLEM PRIMARY to "RED" (or "MAROON" / "BRICK" / "ROSE" depending on which game you're playing), and your EMBLEM SECONDARY to "WHITE." Please make sure that you keep your emblem that way until Friday so that you will be counted. Here's an example of three players in ODST wearing the emblem: Spoiler Again, it's really the least that we can do, and I for one would greatly appreciate your help in this matter. And if you do pray, pray for Haiti. (and I apologize if this was already posted elsewhere)
Be a hero, help Haiti For those who haven't heard of Bungies Be A Hero campaign, head over to Bnet and check it out. Basically Bungie will donate $100 to help Haiti for every 1000 peoplewho wear a certain emblem (red heart on white circle) and play Halo 3 or ODST next wednessday and Thursday. My idea: Forge Hub could host a huge custom games night on wednesday, Thursday, or both. To take part you'd just need the special emblem mentioned above. We could have several 16 player custom games going on at once, playing maps made by Forgehub users. Who else thinks this is a good idea? It could greatly increase the amount of money Bungie donates.
TGIF is set for next week. How would you guys feel if we pulled it back a day for Thursday instead? We can use the front page pulling power to make this happen in as big a way as possible.
this was posted already, with more detail might I add. But James I think that idea is perfect. We would be helping so many people so lets do it. I can host if nobody else can.
Well Jepec bro I want to help as much as I can. I might convince my family to by a shirt or two and I am certainly playing on thursday. BTW good merge Shock! lol
Just pitched this to the staff. It'll be a day or so before we agree on how it'll go down, but I'm sure we can make an altered TGIF happen. Let's make it the biggest one ever. Merging ftw
Yeah what's wrong with TGIAF? "Thank God it's Almost Friday?" I hope we can get a couple games going at once. The more people, the better
I also did that txting business for Haiti, and thus, $10 will be donated from my phone bill. I suppose playing some viedogames for them isn't a problem.
Well, it may seem like advertising, but I already posted my video in the videos section. I made it for the cause. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/94816-hero-play-halo-3-january-20th-21st.html#post1126195
Good cause, iv'e added my emblem. Gamers-for-Haiti Efforts Gather Momentum [Update] - Haiti - Kotaku Thought I would drop this here as well.