i recently downloaded an oln sandbox canvas. i have a few questions about it. ---what is OLN? ---how do i use this canvas properly? ---ive heard you can go over the object limit with oln, how do i do that? ---anything else i need to know about it?
OLN = Object Limit Number. Just forge as normal. The objects are on the map because they count towards the overall amount of pieces they you can have. If you delete the OLN objects, you can not get them back. If you need extra money you can delete some of them, or just money glitch the map. You can never go over the object limit. That is a lie that someone told you. Have fun.
So... its a canvas with default objects still in place, that counts towards the oln. Sadly I still don't understand why the default objects need to be there?
It's just the way Bungie set up Sandbox. Don't really try to look for some deep answer. The default objects count towards the like 600 or so peices that you can have overall. Basically, if you delete all the default objects and spawn points, then you can only have like 300 or so pieces as oposed to like 600. I hope this makes sense to you.
Yeah, basically what he said, I don't often use OLN canvases though, I usually have enough for whatever I want to make. The problem I can't seem to pass, is the ghost-merging on OLN's.
Yeah, I have heard people say this. "I don't use an OLN canvas, becasue I am building a small map". IMO you should still use an OLN canvas simply because it can't hurt. Let's say that you want to expand upon your original idea, and the map turns out to be bigger than you expected. Now you have the extra stuff you need. Baically, if you don't use an OLN canvas you are also loosing 73 respawn points. Even if you are only going to use, let's say 16 of those 73, doesn't is make more sense to have them as opposed to not??
Let's just say iv'e hit OLN on Paladin and that's a small map, I wish I had used an OLN canvas, the best OLN canvases are the ones with spawns, weps and equipment. Geometry items doesnt really matter much...
My OLN canvas map has helped me go a long way with my map "Final Stop". Trust me, just use and OLN canvas but dont delete the OLN objects (unless they're useless or un-needed).
In my opinion I've never actually needed the OLN geometry pieces, only Weapons, Spawns, Equipment, and Objective items I've always hit the OLN before needing extra budget. But DEFINETELY use an OLN canvas. It's a waste of time if you don't, and annoying as HELL when you did hit the OLN with 300+ dollars left.
I actually recently found a canvas that was OLN stacked and budget glitched. Which I didn't think was possible. You don't have to worry about object limit or budget as bad.
If I'm understanding right, I can dl a OLN canvas that has been pre-made, then not only use those items already on the canvas, but up to the 600+ limit, as long as I don't delete any of the original items?
Basically correct. Lets say sandbox has a Object Limit of 600. Now assume that on the default sandbox uses 250 objects. (Geometry, weap/equipment/spawns/objectives. (anything that can be chosen from the forge menu is counted as an object.) Next, to create the map that you want, you completely clear off all the objects on a map. Unfortunetely if you do that it will lower the OLN by the number of original objects you deleted. I.E. you delete all 250 objects new OLN is 450. You delete 100 objects the new OLN is 500. Obviously those numbers are made up, but I hope I am getting the point across. The reason I only keep OLN Weapons/Equipment/Spawns/Objectives is because I generally always hit the Budget limit before the OLN. the OLN and the budget limit are not the same thing. Hopefully this will clear some things up.
Ok well my question is if most objects are useless to me if they can't be ghost merged, how is an OLN map useful to me? Just the weapons, spawn points, equipment, and objective objects? I'm working on a cave map and I think almost every single piece will end up ghost merged other than like weapons, spawns, equipment, and objective objects, but I don't see how I could ghost merge the objects that are already sitting on the map. I guess I could use the more annoying set respawn at start to no and start new round method, whatever thats called. I guess I will just have to deal with that if I want to use those objects.
But don't you have to spawn the object to ghost merge it? Maybe I have the name wrong for the method I use. I get the object list up in spartan mode, select a box for example, set it to never respawn, get in spartan mode with the object list up again, spawn another box, wait til the other box goes away, then set the currently selected box's min to the max, and then the wierd ghost one appears. I don't see how that method could be done with an object already sitting on the map.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/85959-new-forge-glitch.html#post1021790 The second video shows how to ghost merge OLN stacked objects