Sandbox Archipelago

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Vincent Torre, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Ancient

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    Does Capture The Flag involve the island in any way? I mean, one flag would be great because the attackers could start out on the island and have to go to the L, grab the flag, and make it back to the island again. Sounds like an awesome game to me.

    And I just noticed, you did change a few things in your sketches. You forgot to add a column and instead of a railing you replaced it with a walkway (all in the same picture). Did you change the way the map was because of the gameplay, lack enough pieces to use the objects, or just forgot?
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Finally! I've been waiting for this map! I even managed to get a game on it, haha.

    Anyways, fantastic job. It's well-made, tactical, and unique. Feature-worthy, if you ask me.
  3. SMP

    SMP Ancient

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    this is a great map, awesomely forged, weapon placement and everything is perfect, very much reminds me of halo 1, also it was fun playing with my brother when he thought that the grass wass deadly (he thought it was a swamp because of the name XD)
    5/5 feature worthy indeed!
  4. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
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    Many small changes were made along the way from MickRaider's conception to the final product you see here. All changes that were made were done to best benefit game play. No sacrifices to game play were made to satisfy aesthetics. There was at one time an original version of the map that was the same as the one he made in sketch up.

    We took input from literally dozens and dozens of people and hours upon hours of testing and videos. We made the changes that were most relevant across the board. We didn't go and make changes to the map because one person said there wasn't enough cover or something. If enough people made comments about a certain aspect, or we noticed something after studying the videos, then we made changes accordingly. We listened to everyone and took their opinions with a grain of salt, however, some people had more salt haha.

    Most of the before and after photos have subtle differences, but at first glance you will not notice them. Every map is expected to evolve a little as play testing goes on. This map is no exception. MickRaider had the whole thing perfectly budgeted in preplanning, and he knew how many of each object would be used and how much budget we would have to tinker with after it was built.This map was always evolved around game play, and why I decided to hop on the project.
    #24 Short Bizzle, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  5. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (plz delete)
    #25 Short Bizzle, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  6. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey man, glad this is finally finished. looks absolutely epic, im gonna dl now.
  7. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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  8. ott2own

    ott2own Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is actually the first time ive seen then sketchup of this map.Like everyone else is saying man, you absolutely aced the map design in the sketch.It is really an amazing and unique map and the forging is flawless like always with your maps.The weapon layout is balanced and perfect imo for the map.The multi-level design is great for vertical gameplay,the cannon-mans are fun and very useful and i am also glad that you put the teleporter as another way of getting across to the floating island.I had a blast playing CTF,TS,KOTH, and ODDBALL on the map so far, and I WILL be playing more of this map real soon.You are really a gifted forger and I WILL keep an eye out for any new maps that you release in the future.Keep up the good work!
  9. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    EP, I hate to sound like an asshole, but you're acting like an idiot. How can you say that this map has a lot of places to camp if you haven't played it? There's no way you could make out places to camp off of a few pictures. You said earlier,
    Well, a good player can easily kill off any camper. Also, no forger should ever worry about what other players might edit on their map after they posted it. There is no way to make your map immune to other forgers who might edit it to make a place to camp.

    Your post is illogical and therefore pointless.
  10. Gelatinous Yam

    Gelatinous Yam Ancient

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    PSS: Does MLG accept mancannons? If so, this could be a fantastic MLG map.[/QUOTE]narrows has mancannons, so it should be.
  11. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    This is a really fun map, OneNondual brings it up into his customs pretty often. And I generally love the games I play on it.
    (I remember one time I didn't have fun, but that's because I was playing horribly and had my ass handed to me, not the maps fault)
    Anyway, this really is a wonderful map, and it will be remaining on my harddrive for a long time. :)
  12. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    narrows has mancannons, so it should be.[/QUOTE]
    Ever heard of Narrows...

    ...and LockOut...

    ....and like every MLG map to ever exist.
  13. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
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    Yet another very fun game of KOTH on this tonight. I love how face paced this map is. When the hill in on the middle floor of either base, it's really fun to take the man cannon as soon as you're about to die, then just take it again to get on top of the base.

    Hopefully you guys are thinking of making a remake of this for Reach. And if so what are your thoughts about making the remake a little bit bigger? As you know our games a little to full to do games on here a lot of the time, being that the biggest it can support well is 4v4. Still though, any remake will do of course, and who knows what kind of tools we'll be given, everything could be completely different.

    Your guys are awesome, keep up the good work!
  14. squirrelboy900

    squirrelboy900 Ancient
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    Same here i havent been on forge hub in a long time and the last time i was here this was just a sketch up i had no clue it would come out to look this good great job guys
  15. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
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    DLed because it looked good and was getting tons of hype, have to say though after play testing Not much fun to play, tons of camping, no flow on the big island (the ramps up to top red and blue are too narrow), the power ups respawn too quickly, sniper is over powering. Basically it has all the noob forger game play problems, which was surprising given the quality of the structures.
  16. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Well I'm sorry you didn't have fun on it. How many people did you play with? If you did 1v1 this map is not designed for that which could explain it.

    The powerups are on normal respawn time, the camo is slightly faster to offset it from the OS but the 30 seconds shouldn't be too noticeable. The island does have some flow issues but is a backup route so the flow to it should be minimal in the first place. The sniper can be a bit much but it's at a very low power position at it's spawn so a skilled player must take it to the top to be over powering, which is a real challenge to do.

    Hopefully you enjoy my future map more :)
  17. Nokterne

    Nokterne Ancient
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    I play a lot of splitscreen with friends, and I have to say that this is one of the best maps for 4 player splitscreen FFA that we have found so far. It seemed very Quake 3 inspired to me when I first played it and a lot of people have been just randomly mentioning that it reminds them of Quake, which is ****ing sick :D.

    Ridiculously well done, thanks for putting so much work into it. Only issue I've come come across is the FFA spawns on occasion, though I think that's more to do with just how Halo 3 handles spawning.
  18. lVlr Me 2

    lVlr Me 2 Forerunner

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    Well great job to the both of you. Mick you designed a great map and Bizzle you forged it perfectly. I can't see too many problems with it other than the gameplay might get a little boring after a few times but still great map

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