Sandbox Archipelago

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Vincent Torre, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Archipelago: (ahr-kuh-pel-uh-goh)
    Designed by: MickRaider
    Forged and writeup by: Short Bizzle
    Gametypes: All gametypes supported
    Supports 4-10 people



    Archipelago is a symmetrical competitive map with a large multilevel "L" shaped mainland and a small island which holds the rockets, neutral objective points and a quick route between the mainland via man cannons. Its multiple levels causes you not to trust your familiar radar and rely solely on your instincts!! There are multiple pathways and routes between each end of the island where the coveted objective points lie. These characteristics make this map great for tactical 2v2 matches all the way up to intense 5v5 frenzies!

    Archipelago was designed by MickRaider on sketch up then forged by Short Bizzle. After tons of testing we find this map ready to be released

    Weapon List:

    [weapon]/[number on map]/[# of clips]/[respawn time]

    BR / 6 / 2 / 30
    Sniper / 2 / 1 / 120
    Needlers / 2 / 2 / 90
    Carbine / 2 / 2 / 90
    Rockets / 1 / 1 / 150

    Equipment List:

    [equipment]/[number on map]/[respawn time]

    Bubble shield / 2 / 90
    Plasma Grenades / 8 / 30
    Power Drain / 2 / 90
    Overshield / 1 / 150 (Spawn start "No")
    Camo / 1 / 120


    (design to actual forge comparison)







    *coming soon

    Thanks for checking our map out. We are open to constructive criticism and comments.

    Click here to Download Archipelago
    #1 Vincent Torre, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I didn't know it was so accurate with the Sketchup design. Most impressive, Bizzle! I've only played one game on here so far and that was pretty early in the testing stages. The thing I liked most about the map from earlier was the mancannons. I really liked how many there were and all their different paths. The design is unique, of course, and really stands out. The only complaint I can remember from my earlier game was about the small platform, but you seem to have reworked it since then so maybe its better now. You're quite good at the forgin's, Bizzle (I still play your version of Helix from time to time lol). Anyway, its a great map and I hope to get more games on it in the future. Nice work, you two!
    #2 Gunnergrunt, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I'm not a huge fan of competitive maps, but I have followed this one from the beginning. The sketchups blew me away. I told my friends. I spent close to an hour just looking at the pics, absorbing what was there. And, then, actually playing it fully forged took my breath away. I don't know how someone could take a drawing and making it into a map that looks exactly the same... It's amazing. The gameplay is stellar. I always have fun on the map, no matter the score. Multi flag is a blast, and slayer was fun, too. I like the extra path the island adds, even though there are several other ways to get around the map that most people neglect. The weapon placement was great, and the choice of weapons fit the map well. So, good design, good aesthetics, good gameplay. What more could you want? It's basically like a map Bungie made, but better. I tip my hat to you both. Amazing job.
  4. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    What can I say. The map blew me away when I saw the sketchup design, and fully forged it looks amazing. Bizzle, you forged it to perfection and Mick, well designed it to perfection. When I dl this, I doubt it'll ever come off my hard drive. I take my hat off to you. Very well done.

    PS: I'm not wearing a hat.

    PSS: Does MLG accept mancannons? If so, this could be a fantastic MLG map.
  5. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Ancient

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    Yep, I see you there, constantly looking at this thread, just waiting for reviews. Well, here you go:

    The Most Awesome Review of Your Map By Any One Person Who is Only Guessing Off the Pictures Because He is Not Near His Xbox!:

    This map is not only aesthetically pleasing, it is original, creative, and well-planned out/organized. You took a few complicated sketches and turned them into a complicated map. Now normally this process changes the map into a whole mush of goo, but you executed the transfer perfectly. I see no at-a-glance changes. The simulated "grass" complements the map as someone would add finishing touches to a room. Simply put, you added full surround sound to a 75" HDTV. You could've done it any other way: Walls, stone platforms (Which would've been just as cool, you may want to note) but instead you perfected the idea that everyone else could even dream about. Well interlocked, looks amazing, and I could only dream about the gameplay opportunities. The Cannon, Man system looks well-polished and it looks like you went through quite a few play-tests just to get everything right. It's obvious you've been working on this for a while. In conclusion, you took a great idea on a piece of paper and turned it into awesome-sauce.

    BUT. Yep, there's a but, sorry. It's great that you didn't add any shotguns because you were probably aware of the problem but from looking at the pictures alone I can tell that there are many camping spots. That includes the island. You may respond saying that you double-checked and there isn't camping but a well-skilled camper could get away with a lot.


    Looks: 9.8
    The map really pops out when compared to the other maps around it. You took advantage of all of the great-looking objects but there are a few parts where the color of the object doesn't fit in with the objects around it. An example is listed below:

    Gameplay: n/a
    Because the map hasn't been played yet, I don't know, but I'll make a few educated guesses. There are many camping spots that can be used even without the shotgun. And if someone decides to add or remove weapons and adds a shotgun, the map will go from great to horrible. I recommend using anti-camp devices such as trip mines or grenades.

    Presentation: 8.8
    A simple, bland map post (excluding the title pictures and sketches) with some minor grammar errors. This score is put into the final score as presentation is key when getting people to notice and share your map.

    *Final Score: 9.6

    *Final Score is not an average of all scores.

    PSSS: Just switch to teleporters if it is.
    #5 ExoticallyPure, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  6. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    If someone camped on the island.... would they just be shot from the "L"?

    i believe the Column is affected by the shadowing.

    I also somehow got to play this kinda recently, and the gameplay was awesome.
  7. Lil FlipKid 8o8

    Lil FlipKid 8o8 Ancient
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    I HATE YOU! this map is just..just..INCREDIBLE! The map is very detailed, from the sketchup. The island is a great idea. i like how the pillars are merged in perfectly and clean. just amazing! But the only problem i have, is that there are too many camping spots that can be overused.
  8. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There have been almost no camping spots found during testing. I'm not sure where this came up, why don't you play it before judging it :)
  9. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Ancient

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    Word of greatest importance bolded and colored red.

    Every competitive map has camping problems (That is unless it's open. And even when it's open, the corners of the map are camp-able). It's just the way that you deal with this inevitable problem is what counts. And whether or not you agree with me, you should at least try to accept the feedback and improve your map off it.
  10. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The one point I found that a player could dominate from was on the 3rd floor with a sniper rifle. A talented player (namely Shanon) sat up there in one little corner that made it very hard to grenade him and shoot him. Once he ran out of ammo he wasn't able to repeat it but that was the only time I had any issues with camping.

    The points you identified aren't very campable because they're easily viewed from the main structure. It's very simple to drop a grenade on the island and shoot the person while man canoning or after going through the teleporter.

    While I appreciate the criticism I've spent a lot of time testing to ensure it didn't have any issues with camping, if you find any during your games feel free to let us know and we'll see what we can do to fix it.
    #10 Vincent Torre, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Yeah, that was me as well. I think I got close to a Frenzy with a Sniper-BR-grenades mix before getting rushed by a gazillion angry enemies all at once.

    However, it is fairly tough to do...without surround sound, probably impossible. I had to run away from a lot of grenades bouncing off walls, while still trying to keep away from spots people could see. There's also the mancannon, where you'd have to hit him with the sniper or..well, you're going to die. The whole thing was overall really tough to balance out, and unless you're ridiculously good at the sniper *cough*Shanon*cough*, it's not much of a 'camping' spot at all.

    I love the map. Really good use of an island, which is tough enough to do. There's also some really cool elements, like the multiple layers, which force you not to rely on your radar...these games really add some spice to the game. I found setups to be practically impossible to do, however it's really not much of deal seeing as this isn't close to anything MLG. Teams can work together, particularly well in tag-teams. There are ways to juke and run away, my favorite being dropping down to the bottom when shot and disappearing around a corner, running around the structure to the second level and ninja dropping the confused enemy :D.

    A lack of in-game action pictures was slightly disappointing: while to me it doesn't offer much in the way of info towards the map, I felt like they always add some extra...character (if that makes sense in any way) to the map. In addition, I felt like the pictures given gave me an overlook on the map, but didn't really show any of the areas in anything close to detail. Just nitpicking, of course, though. There's really no requirement for any of that; most official MLG map posts like just like this...I think it'd help a little, though. Love the map overall.

    As for camping spots: there's really nowhere to camp. Unless whoever you're playing with is an idiot and doesn't realize that grenades are there for a reason and keeps rushing the same spot over and over...I don't see that as a "camping spot". Walls and other geometry has been carefully placed so that if there is a guy hiding on the other side of the wall, you can throw a nade and kill him. Easy as that...and it's made even easier by the map's design...someone will see the guy if you're not just running around blindly without actually playing a team game. In that sense, I did not have any "camping spots" on the map.
  12. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    i saw this map a few weeks ago u posted a preview and i have to say it's change a lot sine the i love the forging and just the ability to make a map like this.
  13. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I gave it a DL, the design looks cool and the aesthetics look fantastic. I like the amount of visual variety, one of the best looking sandbox maps Ive seen, I won't judge the gameplay til I play it. Good job!
  14. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I only tested this map in the early testing stages, but it was very fun! You have spread out everything on the map perfectly and its by far one of my most unique designs i have seen in a LONG time. I`ll be sure to play a game of this today since you probably made changes since the last time i played it.
  15. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    My spot wasn't easy to "camp."
    There are many ways to make sure that someone doesn't overly dominate in key positions, the island being the most useful for flanks. The spot I was in was used as a power position but was challenging to maintain. I had to make sure that the island was constantly clear of flanking enemies, and that nobody was going to come from below.
    Hill was my favorite gametype, although, it was just mainly run-n-gun for the most part. I would've like to have the main part of the map a bit bigger.
    Twas enjoyable to play.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Considering you've admitted to not having any actual game experience on the map, I'd say that no, he doesn't have to accept the feedback you are offering. I wouldn't try and correct game mechanics for a map you clearly aren't familiar with. I'd let it go.

    Mick, sorry I didn't come join you the other day to check this out man. Im excited to DL it now though and get to know her. Looks impressive. Ill be back after I giver her a go 'round
  17. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Ancient

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    I have some depressing news, everyone. LIGHTSOUT225 has recently-acquired down syndrome as he cannot even read! Please donate to help his cause!

    Unfortunately I really don't have much else to say other than great map but trying to prove your map is perfect in text only is not going to do it. There should be no "almost" involved, only "none". Obviously you have a different standpoint than me but I recommend taking all advice and tweaking your map accordingly, whether or not they make sense. You might actually find some other things in need of fixing ;].
  18. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    We all have the ability to read, as he just did to your post.
    It seems as though, you're retarded and delusional. This is due to the facts that:

    1. You're unaware of what it takes to have a valid review
    2. You don't seem to understand that LIGHTSOUT was only trying to help and correct your idiocy and lack of understanding the process of reviewing
    3. No, he does not have down syndrome.
    4. You're not funny, rather, pathetic.
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    How incredibly ironic, being that

    That was the very first line of my post. Enjoy your infraction for disrespectful behavior.

    Back on topic: I took a short forge-through on this map a bit ago and was impressed. I really couldnt get a good idea of the layering involved and how separated the map really was just from the sketchup. Should lead to some real interesting games.

    How does CTF play? Seems like a pretty short route straight across the L. In any case, I hope to find out on my own sometime soon.
  20. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    CTF is fun, but really quick. It's usually a 3-2 game but it ends in 3-4 minutes generally. I would say 3v3 is best with 4v4 also being good. Slayer is really best, with neutral assault and king of the hill being a close second.

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