If im not mistaken with only invisible invulerability, i nerf you with my one shot kill. body shot, headshot, graze you, it doesnt matter... the bullet touches you and you die. if your next to me right when it starts, you just lost it because i have other things than pistols... hunter = duel machine but w/e we all have our preference, and mine hasnt failed me.
I feel I must ask. Do you know what the word "Invulnerability" means? Possibly not, since you didn't even spell it correctly. Yes, you're right. I only have invisibility and invulnerability, like that's going to help me! *sigh* I'll admit this OK? You have one tiny small sliver of a chance IF you can shoot me in the nano-second instance of time between the word "DUEL" appearing on the screen and me entering PhaseWalk. If you miss that very small opportunity to take me out in that time then you're officially screwed, no ifs, no buts, you just are.
ooh. i missed one letter when i typed it, that doesnt mean i cant spell it, i just typed too fast on my wireless keyboard.
Hey there sorry to bother u but i read ur lilith build and it was really good on try so i wanted to ask u if u can post a more Specific PVE Build as detailed as ur PVP in the post!Ofc if it's not a bother ^^ Thanks in advance.