The Chichen Itza was a major regional focal point in the northern Maya lowlands from the Late Classic through the Terminal Classic and into the early portion of the Early Postclassic period. The site exhibits a multitude of architectural styles, from what is called “Mexicanized” and reminiscent of styles seen in central Mexico to the Puuc style found among the Puuc Maya of the northern lowlands. The presence of central Mexican styles was once thought to have been representative of direct migration or even conquest from central Mexico, but most contemporary interpretations view the presence of these non-Maya styles more as the result of cultural diffusion. And Now for the Pictures Download Chichen Itza Thanks
Thanks it took me so long. Too bad they don't have more stuff Because I could have made it really accurate and make it 9 stories
Not to be a douche: How did you run out? 665 Objects were wasted into this? how does that work. Random guess here, But a that looks like 250 Objects. Not even close to the limit. Anyway, Someone already did this. The other one has like more than this. However its not a accurate. Nice Job.
he does have a point. But it doesnt really matter. Very acurate. Should have put a picture, next to it, so we can see the resemblence.
Um, he is correct, Sandbox does have about 600 or so items. Let me guess, you didn't use an OLN canvas, thus you ran out of pieces early.. Anywho, the map looks great. I can just tell that the scale seems very accurate. The forging looks clean. Good luck to you if you submit this to the contest.
It frustrates me how you put 'moxus' at the end of your post all framed in random bits of text, trying to sum up a horrible review. There should be some kind of rule where you cant do that until you're a high enough rank. Anywayz, the map is truly amazing with it's accuracy. It's great in my opinion how you chose accuracy and cleanliness over sloppiness and inaccuracy. Would be some good stuff for machinima. I also think the FX suits it nicely. ==[~cart0graph~]==
though there is not as many stories on this one as ther is on the real Chichin Itza i wouls say this is the best Chicken Pizza remake in the contest right now. I have seen the real thing in real life and would say that this look almost exactly as i saw it. Great work. and for reference here is a picture of the real thing for you guys to see =(**#@~~!@{jakob hunter}@!~~@#**)=
Thank you If I went for height I would have made it as accurate but Not as high because if I do I though I would definetly run out of items to make it accurate. At least you Can still walk up steps.