Forge The Studio

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by emilio30, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Willy

    Willy Ancient
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    #101 Willy, Sep 4, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  2. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Congrats Willy!

    Hey, emilio, do you find that having seats in the studio is necessary? Players can't sit on them so they stand stand on them looking silly. Maybe just having the players stand there would be more appropriate, or a podium type thing, what do you think?
  4. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Seats are NOT necessary. Most of the time I move them or delete them. They are good though to get an idea of where the host and guest will be marked. A podium is ok but sometimes it's better to see the whole player on camera. The backstage passers though it seems to work out just to see their faces like on those walls with the holes in them.
  5. Willy

    Willy Ancient
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    Thanks Seaboro, I think your map with the fish tank was cool as well.

    My submission for October Longshore studio map.


    Download from fileshare : Halo 3 File Details
    #105 Willy, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2009
  6. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
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    Would a specially modified version of Black Chapel be up for a Halloween special? The map is a perfect representation of a Chapel, perfect for a spooky episode.

  7. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Sorry but TRR is not having a Halloween special. Lets see it anyway though as I could still use it!
  8. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
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    Assuming you have recieved the map description; another alternative; how about if I edited my Dodgeball: Ballistic Mayhem Map so that it had windows in the side so the interviewers could watch the backstage guests getting pelted by golfballs? I still have significant budget left on Dodgeball to build an interview room. I think the idea would keep the backstagers occupied for the time of the interview and the interviewees very entertained watching Spartans getting mutilated by golfballs simeltaneously.

    Let me know which of the two maps you would prefer me to edit and I'll get to work today (As in in 9 hours when I've slept -_-)

    Cheers and look forward to your feedback;

  9. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Sounds great GN0ME! Submit it and I will check it out.
  10. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Ok so here’s my submission, its set in Citadel and uses mainly the maps geometry rather than a map built from scratch. I would bore you with a big line of text but instead I’ll just show you some screenshots.
    The VIP’s view of the studio

    The interview area of the studio

    Entrance to the overview of VIP area (still within the studio)

    Overview of VIP area (still within the studio)

    View from the VIP’s area

    There is a small racetrack with mongooses running along the outside of the VIP’s area, ghosts in the centre of the VIP area and weapons in the VIP area’s basement, these are things for the VIP’s to do if the get bored.

    After the door has closed there is also no possible way for the VIP’s to gain entry or shoot into the studio as every possible entrance is closed of by an energy blocker or a barrier (clear wall)

    If the seats need editing I can easily move them, so just come in a game with me and tell me where they need to go

    [sup]^Click to download map^[/sup]
    #110 Beefi, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  11. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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  12. Willy

    Willy Ancient
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  13. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Secret Studio

    Ok heres my submission, its set in sandbox. nothing overly massive, studio in the crypt, base defence thing on the main floor for the vip's.

    the middle teleporter takes you to the studio, the side ones take you to the viewing ports.
    stuff for the vip's to play on(the weapons in the pics arent there on the map)

    #113 Beefi, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2009
  14. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Studi o radical

    Eh emilio! I finished a new studio, and it's pretty nifty to say the least. Definitely one of the funnest maps to make, for me, and you guys and the backstage pass mongrels will probably have a good time too.

    Suggested gametype

    This studio very complex, fun, and flexible. Hoever is in the studio can decide who else gets in, so the hosts and guests can venture out of the studio, where they can get on a ghost, and find some cool terrain to trick off. It's a activity that doesn't get boring, and I found that out making this map (turned out to be a big problem actually). Also, there's a sentinel accelerator, I'll explain that later.

    If you have any suggestions, want change something, or you need any help at all, just ask.

    Okay, here is a walkthrough of everything.. this may take a while:

    To start off, the hosts and guests fall into the studio, and that entrance closes in ten seconds. Once inside you'll find a room with walls with little studs on the wall, those are the turrets, and when broken off, they'll be sucked into the wall, out of your way.

    You will then see a ramp on the right, and a path on the left.

    The ramp on the right will lead to a window to watch your backstage passers, a gapeing hole, a tunnel leading up, and a teleporter on the wall. I'll explain the gaping hole later. The tunnel leads to a room with two windows, and it's really bright, this is a viewing area, and could be an alternative interview area. The teleporter on the wall leads to the main stage room, you'll see the letters TRR on the wall.

    The path on the left will lead to a window, a shotgun X, and a regenerator. This is complicated, listen carefully: Outside the window is a little space which is the enterance to the studio. when the regenerator is thrown near the X, anyone outside the entrance cant get in, and anyone inside will be shot into the studio through the gaping hole i talked about earlier, until the regenerator breaks. If there is someone you want inside the studio, get them inside the entrance, and throw the regen. Without the regenerator, you can fall through the gaping hole and walk out of the studio.

    And outside the studio is lots of fun ghost tricks to discover, you can walk up to the stage room and watch, and at the edge of avalanche is a the sentinel accelerator. Walk into the cannons, wait about 10 seconds, and you'll be shot at an estimated 500km/h across avalanche and off the edge. It's fun to push halo's physics.
    #114 Seaboro Kibbles, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  15. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Need more studios!! Got lots of guests coming up in 2010!
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    We'll see if we can throw a mention in the Site Update to remind people :)
  17. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Thanks Insane!
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I would like some upcoming info on your next episodes. Generally that would help tell me what you would feel is fitting to build. Example being if your interviewing an MLG player possibly a more Mlg felt map. Poor example but helps shapes what you could be looking for as well teases a bit of a prize to coming out to the episode.
  19. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    He always says who the next guest is at each show, and it shows on their site. So you can see a month in advance. For example, next time is Duard0, moderator ninja guy :p
  20. emilio30

    emilio30 Ancient
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    Sorry but I do not reveal the guest list or info on future episodes. The next guest is revealed at the end of each show. That said, there have been studios posted here with certain themes that did not win right away but won down the road.

    Think as this contest as like a database of maps to be used for future shows. The map may not apply to something now but may in the future.

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