If Reach has Forge, what new features/ objects do you want?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by eating lunch, Jan 10, 2010.

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  1. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I personally don't want a map editor. I know, but think about it. It would just make us lazier for our creations. We are given objects to use, and it makes us think about what we can make. Otherwise, there would be a lot of valhalla maps, were its all just terrain. I want a sandbox style Valhalla map with grass instead, I'm sick of all the sand in halo. It's a very messy game. :/ I also would like the object limit displayed, a larger budget, more object limit, and new versions of items.

    Instead of stupid wall T's, have Wall Quads so we have a larger wall and block to make floors and walls and stuff. Grass squares instead of the pain staking circles. Rock large, medium, and small.

    The coolest item I belive that they should create for reach Forge would be a sheet of Glass, a large one and small one, both breakable and non breakable types. Maybe a covenant supply crate that holds weeapons?

    There are a lot of different objects that I want but wont go into more detail.

    1 Last thing I would say is to have a new multiplayer map with pelicans instead of elephants or something. That would be epic.

    Also a map entirely devoted to floating maps, so when you look downward you don't see a huge golden square surrounded by dark dunes. Yuck.
  2. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    That there is called baking water. I use it for making moving watter (like a tap filling up a sink) in animations. And to get watter to move to where it will be (like you said) it must be baked there AND FOR THE LOVE OF FORGE, WE DON'T WANT THAT!!!!!!! Even with huge amounts of ram on your pc baking watter can take hours or even days and if you were as dumb to drop it on a non sloped place maybe even crash your xbox....
    We can dream though... We can dream....

    Edit: moving water is just not going to happen. Maybe still water at best... Unless Bungie pre baked the water but that would be VERY hard for them to do.
    #22 Turkey bag56, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  3. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    bungie will make a map editor for reach ! Bungie said it will be sure than reach will have a map editor !
  4. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    :surprise:mg: :happy: :surprise:verload:
  5. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    What?! Did you find out that Bungie said they're putting a map editor in Reach?!

    You're thinking in the wrong direction I think. First, the water doesn't absolutely have to flow if thats absolutely impossible. Secondly, even if standing water is impossible it could be made into the map first, with a big area covered in shallow water, and a smaller area like a river covered in shallow water. Kind of like Valhalla, except the large area covered in water needs to be like four times bigger, and the map needs to be good for forging on.

    I don't know how Longshore's water is for forging really because you can't download it, and I'm not paying $55 dollars for ODST. I REFUSE lol. I will resist it and defeat Bungie and Microsoft's attempt to squeeze more money out of Halo with ODST lol.

    But anyway I think people could deal with having the water already made in certain areas. I mean we don't have control over lighting, but people take advantage of the Crypt's lights very well.
    #25 eating lunch, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  6. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    That could happen but it would have to be in the map like a full water map with ground on top that you can delete bits of to make the pool of water. Placing a box thats made of water is the only way I could think of making your own water but then people would be dumb and you would end up with flying pools of watter in every map so that doesn't look likely.
    I might buy ODST just for reach beta.
    #26 Turkey bag56, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nan i found the info on a bungie staff web site ! Its a french web site it called HaloInfinity .
    He made a post do it explain the reach game with exclusive picture and video and information !
  8. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    That wasn't 100% what I meant... I mean like you know how in some games you make 1 guy vs everyone as a boss kind of? I did once and the only way to kill him was buy shooting a part of his huge ship (warthog) in the sky bubble and that killed him (took forever to get that to work) and with rediculously overpowered guns (not on any other map just for forged maps) like the sniper that can see people though walls and shoot them. EG everything is blue and you can't see any parts of the level but when you see people they show up as red so You just look all over the place for people to kill. and with NPCs you could make a game type to kill that guy but he has npcs as guards and a OP gun (sniper's not the only one) more games like that could be made.
    #28 Turkey bag56, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  9. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    My bad, I don't really get what you're saying exactly, maybe because I don't know what NPC's are. But I get the whole everything is blue except people are red part.

    But I will leave the gun thing in the list anyway, because it would still be another fun idea lol.

    If NPC is some technical game making thing you don't have to explain it to me you could just tell me what you want me to put as a new thing on the list, or I could just use the wording entirely from your first post if you think it is clear for a bungie person to read and understand.

    Those are even better ideas than what I was thinking. I was just thinking of having a map good for forging having a big nice section of water like half the size of Foundry I guess, and a river, because that would give a lot of potential for maps with a good bit of water on them. But your ideas for water blocks, or a map with water for the "ground" surface with delete-able walking surfaces are much better ideas I think. And flying pools of water sounds really cool lol. But yeah in a better map it would be stupid. I think that would only happen in maps with the person not intending to make a good map to start with, but just something to screw around on or something they find neat.

    Anyway I'm going to add those ideas to the list for water blocks and a water map.
  10. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Short for Non-Player Character, it is a game character not played by a person, it is computer controled. The NPCs are often called bots.

    Anyway I guess flying water isn't much worse than flying walls lol and I agree with you about people using it seriously.

    Just put in this for something... Very powerful guns for use in forged maps where a player is a boss (EG that sniper) and the ability to make a gametype like that. (boss can have npcs on his side or even a co-boss)
    #30 Turkey bag56, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ha. I started to read this, and at first I thought you were an idiot, but as I continued to read, you became less of an idiot, and more of a smart guy.

    Anyways, other than water, I'd love for there to be a feature similar to ghost merging, just without the dummying processes and whatnot.
  12. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Yeah thats listed somewhere, it would be wonderful lol.
  13. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    :haha: Yea I get that a lot, anyway heres a link to a 10 second water animation YouTube- Blender Water animation
    Read in the description how long it took to reader/bake even with a pc (probably with high ram) and that water was in a domain (invisible object the water can't leave to give faster bake time. There is just about always a domain for all water animations) low ram in halo and no domain for water . :shiver:
    lol I'll just tell you.... 5 hours and theres hardly any water.

    Edit: turns out it wasn't a link. :(
    Edit 2: You could have place-able waterfulls because they would be pre-baked but cost like $200 or something.
    #33 Turkey bag56, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  14. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Obviously all forgers want a legit map maker with textures and all that. But all it does is bring in more opportunity for modded maps and we all know microsoft is a COMPLETE **** about that stuff
  15. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    You gave me an idea! and I got some others too.
    -A power for bungie with the ability to remove a map (and all edited maps made from that one) from anyones xbox with them. (for modded maps)
    -A random box (you open it and it has a random gun in it :O)
    -equipment that gives you a grunt or something to help you for like 1min when used.
    I'll post more later!
  16. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Where's the fun in that?..
  17. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    If we get all this stuff what could we possibly need modded maps for?
    If Bungie can stop people from modding where more likely to get this stuff in forge and mods couldn't do anything that this stuff can't!!! :happy:
  18. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    We're NOT going to get all this stuff. I will bet you anything not even half of the wishes posted in this thread will be seen in Halo Reach's forge. People mod maps so they can do stuff you normally can't. Personally, I don't see what's wrong with mods, and I think most of them are great fun.
    What do you find so negative about mods that they should be completely shunned? And how would you know that mods wouldn't be able to do things that regular forge mode can't? They're called mods for a reason.
    #38 Rifte, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  19. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    I'm hoping for like 1 or 2 things, 5 at best lol also mods are like the dark side of forge and they come with humongous consequences for anyone using them... I new a guy once... It started as modding harmless is it not? But he wanted more power! He took out every computer in our school but it just wasn't enough! He started hammering game sites (took out all in his path) then he moved on to the real deal (WoW, xbox 360 games ect) and who knows what hes doing now? Mods are the dark side of forge!!! (true story)

    Edit: Also because of mods the game I'm making will take alot longer to make :(
    And it's not just my game. Games you like (mw3, halo reach, dead rising 2 ect) could have been out now if it wasn't for mods.
    #39 Turkey bag56, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  20. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I'm confused about your reasoning behind this... BTW, the thread name should be changed to "What new features/objects do you want in Reach's Forge?" No if anymore.
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