Introduction intermediate level forger new to forge hub.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by silvergt, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. silvergt

    silvergt Ancient

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    Hey all. I've been reading on here for a few days and I decided to join the hub.

    I am about 6/10 on skill level and have created massive castles,fat kid runs,racetracks, and puzzles.

    I am a perfectionist so most of my lines and merges are seamless, as well as my floors and ramps being smooth.

    I love creating infection maps, but I'm running out of ideas....for now.

    But I am currently working on a new custom game, I will post it when I am finished.
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    1 do you have a skill-rank system for forge? I don't think you can quantitatively compare skill in that aspect of the game.

    anywho, welcome to FH. XD
  3. silvergt

    silvergt Ancient

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    I think you can rank yourself. 1 being standing up a wall and calling it epic, 5 being able to geo merge and merge immovables with some accuracy, and so on.
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not really. If you just read the Forging 101s and practice it a little until you feel comfortable with it, that's all there is to it really. Design, on the other hand....(at least I feel) is infinitely more important.
  5. silvergt

    silvergt Ancient

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    Wow. I've been here 3 hours and I'm already getting shot down! Can't wait to see what I get once I post a map. Oh well :)
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I guess I feel pretty strongly that you can't "classify" a forger. I particularly hate the "pro forger" thing, and even more so when you can easily tell that they have no idea what they're doing in terms of design. So, basically what I'm saying have the same possibilities as anyone else, and don't let anyone tell you their a "better" or "worse" forger than you...there's no "Forge gene" that makes some good at it and some bad....everyone's really on the same plane of possibilities. (on terms of design, there are certainly people who know what they are doing more or have a better command of influencing players to doing what they wanted. But it's not any special skill or anything.)

    Welcome to ForgeHub :)
  7. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its -3 forging skill for me, because now aday ya' young people found better forging skills then what iv used along time ago :'(

    Anyway, welcome to Forgehub :)
    #7 Kidbomber, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    I think he is ranking himself based on the skill set he has seen in and around places such as this website, what's wrong with that? I think you can absolutely do that.

    There may be no set scale, but there is a huge difference between a person who just stood up their first wall and someone who just designed and finished their best ghost-merged competitive MLG map. I think that is what he was saying, either way welcome and enjoy your stay brah.
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There's nothing wrong with it, I think what we're trying to say is that you can't look down on yourself as a "6/10 forger" when in actuality everyone is on the same plane, at least aesthetically.
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap. I wish I got this many colored replies on MY introduction.

    Welcome to ForgeHub. :)

    BTW, I'm with Kidbomber. -3 ftw.
  11. Dewski

    Dewski Ancient
    Senior Member

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  12. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I love how they all commented in the one intro thread I decided to meander into. XD

    and gasp, that's my guide :O
  13. Dewski

    Dewski Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You're just a trendsetter.

    What would make you think that?
  14. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    inorite? "Sarge of all people is commenting in a new member's thread, OHSHI- I need to get off my ass"

    the fact that I spent days writing it.
  15. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. I don't even think I got three posts in my intro thread... Anyways. Welcome to Forge Hub! Read These Rules and check out the Forging 101 area. Also, it appears you're judging yourself by How things look, not how they play. This is a dangerous habbit to get into and Is a quickly dug grave. You should start focusing on gameplay. Since you like infection maps try reading "A Theory on Infection Mapmaking" By our resident supermod SargeantSarcasm.

    Hope you enjoy your stay and learn a few things on the way!

    Just realized EVERYTHING I just said has been said/linked to... so...
    #15 stickmanmeyhem, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  16. silvergt

    silvergt Ancient

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    thanks all for the replies.

    i guess it all comes down to preference whether you want to rank yourself or not. i was raking myself based upon the things i have seen on this webisite, and how close i could come to doing the same thing.

    i would like to post my new custom game, rutabagas (on) fire.

    im kinda nuts as far as personality goes, so everyone expected it to be named something crazy.

    but before i post i need to know how to get screenshots of my map to my computer, and on the photobucket, then onto my thread. is there any tutorial for that?
  17. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For the old way to get screenshots (really the way you were wanting), is found below in the spoiler for ya'.

    Alright, it has come to this. A pictured tutorial on how to embed your Halo 3 screenshots of your map, in your post. I see too many people post maps without pictures, not knowing how, and then members try to explain. So I made this:

    Embedding Screenshots in your Map Thread

    Part 1: Taking a screenshot

    Sorry, no pictures for this section, don't have a capture card, but it is soo easy, I shouldn't need to explain, but I will.

    1. After recently playing your map, go to "Theater Mode".
    2. Select the match you played, and "Start Film".
    3. Press "Y" after film has started, and pause the game (or not), and position your camera.
    4. Click the camera symbol on the navigation bar.
    5. Save it.

    Part 2: Getting your screenshot from

    1. Open up your Internet Browser (I use Firefox) and go to our dearly beloved, and go to My Stats/Find a Player.

    2. Then, go to the right of the screen, to "People Finder". Make sure that it is set to Halo 3, and type in your Xbox-Live Gamer tag. Then click "Search".

    3. You should then being on your Gamer Tag profile. Click "Hi-Res screenshots".


    4. Find the Screenshot you wish to embed, and click on it. Also, make sure pop-ups are allowed from


    5. A large version of the screenshot should come up in a separate window. Again, click the screenshot.

    6. This should come up, asking you what program to open the screenshot with, or to save it to disk. For simplicities sake, just check off "Save to Disk" and the click "OK".

    7. Depending what your preferences are, the picture could be saved to a number of places, if you are using Firefox, then this should come up. Click "Open" on the top one, which is more than likely the screenshot you are looking for.


    8. An image viewing program displaying the screenshot should come up. Click the save option, in this case a floppy disk icon.


    9.Save your image as a JPEG file, under a folder and name you can find later. Type the name in and click "Save".

    10. Congrats, now you have your screenshot on your computer. Now onto:

    Part 3: Signing up for a Photobucket account, and uploading your screenshot to the internet.

    1. Start by opening your internet browser, and going to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket. Why Photobucket? Cause I find that Imageshack is a pain and people seem to get nothing but thumbnail pictures from it, if they do try to embed their screenshots. Once there, click "Join Now" cause IT'S FREE!


    2. Type in a username, and a password that you can remember. Then click "Next Step".

    3. Now fill the form out, when you are done, click "I accept. Sign me up!"
    Note that none of that information is true to me. That is not my name, or birthdate, or anything.

    4. Follow instructions from there.

    5.Go to Login on Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket, type in your username and password, and then click "Login".

    6. You should now be in your album. Find the section in the middle of the screen like the one below, and click "Choose Files", and make sure the size is set to 640x480.


    7. An "Open File" window comes up. Now find your screenshot where you saved it, click on it, and then click "Open". Note that you can select more than one image before click "Open" by clicking your first image, and then (while holding down the SHIFT key) click on the other images you wish to add.


    8. Give it time to save the screenshot on the internet. Click "Cancel" to stop uploading.


    9. When it is done, this screen will come up. Give it a title and a description, or just skip that, and click "save and continue".


    10. And now your screenshot is on the internet, ready to be embedded.

    Part 4: Embed your image in your post.

    1. Go to your "my albums" on your photobucket page, which is located in the top navigation bar. Then, scroll down the page until you find your screenshot.

    2. Click on the text in the space next to "IMG Code". This will automatically copy that link to your clipboard.


    3. Go to post your Map Thread, and right click/Paste the IMG code (an image code is the direct link url of an image, in between [./img], but without the ".")[/SIZE]


    4. Yay!


  18. silvergt

    silvergt Ancient

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    alright cool, ill post a ghost merged map im working on once its done :p

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