they all look nice, dont know what you used to make them but theyre beautiful. Youd make one hell of an architect.
Haha I like your house design so much that I was tempted to forge it the other day. Of course, I would have furnished it and what not... I hadn't seen your elevators or those colored pictures yet, but I like 'em. I really like the lighting you chose in that last picture by the way
Took some doing to get the light to fit through the slits Shadow settings are a bit bleak, and often i have to rotate the model and sometimes even tilt it just to get the desired effect. They are in order of when i made them, with the newest at the top. Hopefully you can see a bit of a development in creativity and skill. I'm still messing around with the top model, and when i'm happy with this room, will add more behind the image.
Very artistic, someone could make a Halo 3 map out of those lol. Very nicely done, and i also like what you did with the shadowing, of being an artist myself.
I dislike how everyone seems to connect everything to Forge. However, I love the designs. Especially the coloured ones. Glad you spent the time to get the lighting just right, it makes all of the difference.
I like them all very well done and original. The color ones are stunning especially sense you got the lighting perfect.
Thankyou. I have made some pretty considerable changes to my newest model, and i'm constently editing and tweaking, removing as much as i add. Lighting is the slowest aspect to tweak, as it takes a good 10 minutes of rendering just to see what it looks like, and then i have to tweak it appropriately and re-render. It's now a nightclub, thanks to Paul for the idea. The bar will be behind the image, which i should be doing tomorrow night.
This is the most misleading topic title I've seen in awhile. Anyways, I once aspired to be an architect. I look at structures as art unlike many people, however, I recently lost interest in that field of design, and have since become more intrigued by literature and writing. What you've created here is quite beautiful. Good luck with all of your future endeavors Matty. Enlighten us one day.
Architect? More like archisext. That's what you're gonna be right? An architect? You should design my house some time.
Theres are all very good models and I think it's time you step into the big time model programs... Don't let my lazyness fool you as what I make I spend little time on so it looks crap but you could do much better!!! I recommend you use blender because it's free and very good. I am using that right now. Heres some images made in blender (not by me, I'm to lazy lol) Spoiler It's worth whiles investments!!! You may need some time to get used to it (usethe site tutorils to start you off) Also you can make animations and games in blender (start with models) - Home
LMAO! Couldn't believe you kept the name Fractal then I realised you changed it to Orion. The Orion Lounge is a mega name for a club. You're welcome, btw
Within my rendering plugin i can place omni lights and adjust lighting as well as reflective properties of materials. There is like 42 omni's on there now, and about 140 reflective faces (although there should only be about 9, gona fix this soon because it clogs up rendering time)
They're some pretty mad designs there. The lighting in the coloured pics is pretty damn good too. Can you design my house? ^I'm joking, don't worry.
I call for a new CT, Matty. Archisext This looks pretty sick, but I have no idea what its purpose is. Is it art?