Halo Reach Discussion - Pictures and Info

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BR3W3R, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. BR3W3R

    BR3W3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo reach 3d Art Evolved http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=24541

    Noble Team Members http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=NOBLETEAM

    Halo Reach Project Page All images are here http://www.bungie.net/Projects/Reach/default.aspx

    News: Next Game Informer Cover is Halo Reach - Kombo.com

    For more info on the upcoming release look here http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/01/08/news-February-Cover-Revealed.aspx

    For all info keep looking here the HALO REACH GAME HUB http://gameinformer.com/mag/haloreach.aspx

    If you read the description we will have new HALO REACH INFO ON TUESDAY!


    Feel free to discuss your theories or anything else here

    Rifte Gifle's Information:


    -Everyone is a spartan 3 except for Jorge, he is a spartan 2, and as a result is bigger.
    -Carter and Kat are the only 2 members from the original Noble Team, and so have a closer bond than the other members who have not been with them for as long.
    -The sniper is named Jun-266.
    -The spartan with the skull painted on his face is named Emile-239, french name I believe.
    -Marines, grunts, AR look much different.
    -There is a new race called "skirmishers", a cousin of the jackals, so that might be what you saw.
    -Human Insurrectionist are possibly in the game; there was a mention of them.
    -Covenant do not speak english anymore.
    -Covenant are more dangerous now, and will seem more like they used to in Halo 1, where we actually feared them.
    -There was a picture where the spartans drive a truck, so the possibility of civilian vehicles being driven is there.
    -Spirits AND phantoms will be seen. Phantoms have the lights like in the ODST trailer.
    -A sort of hornet will be available, they are called Falcons, seems more like a transport helicopter than anything. If we can use them, hopefully they are available in other game modes other than campaign!
    -Because the spike and flame bomb grenades have been taken out, I assume there will be no brutes.
    -Noble 6's armor will be customizable.


    -The health bar is back, although there are still energy shields.
    -HUD is yellow
    -The radar is redon, it is more of an oval than a circle.
    -I believe that the combat knife is only useable when players hold down the melee button, but that might just be for assassinations.
    -There are armor perks, including sprint and invisibility. The player can use them whenever he wants, possibly as much as they want, but it is judfed by a bar that decreases after use, and climbs back up when
    -Large scale combat situations are possible, where Halo 3 used to be able to host only 20 AI on the screen at the same time, Reach will support up to 40 AI or 20 vehicles
    -Already mentioned, but there will be a new DRM (Designated Marksman Rifle), one shot like the Halo 2 E3 demo BR.
    -Needle rifle, mid range weapon, takes 3 shots before super combine and explodes. Capable of headshots.
    -Spike grenades and flame greandes have been removed.
    -Stealth gameplay instead of run/gun is now possible.


    -Graphics and player mouvement is improved.
    -All of Halo 3's old game modes such as theatre and forge will be available.
    -Several other game modes are hinted.

    PRSPLAYER42's Info: "What an interesting picture. I picked up on some things I saw in it. I suggest you go here to actually see what I'm taking about.

    -The guy with the skull helmet has a suppressor on his AR, suggesting that either their is variants or addons for the weapons or he happens to have one in campaign, and the Ar's grenade launcher may come into play because of the grenade shells on his belt.
    - The Blue dude commanding has the name "Alex" on his arm, giving him a name.
    -The name "Rochel" is possibly spelled out on top of the blue girls pistol, and the pistol also has a flashlight on the underside of it.
    -Theres a dude with a new weapon, some form of LMG
    -3 of the 5 people have combat knives visible, suggesting that it will be used.
    -The tower-esque thing in the backround has a similar resemblance to the Threshold Gas mine in Halo 2... I wonder if that's what it is or if it's forerunner.
    -The sniper dude has ghillie.
    -In this game your either commanding your squad or takings orders, I can't tell which as of yet."

    Update: Full info release schedule with what is realeased that day

    January 12th - http://gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2010/01/12/meeting-the-reach-team.aspx - Interview with Halo Reach Team!
    January 14th - http://gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2010/01/14/afterwords-halo-3-odst.aspx
    January 18th
    January 20th
    January 22nd
    January 25th
    January 26th
    January 27th
    January 28th
    January 29th

    Thanks to everyone supporting this topic and keep posting, i added PRSPLAYER42's info just incase it was lost somehow.
    #1 BR3W3R, Jan 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so this was wat that leak picture was off, nice. Yeah looks like a Tom Clancy stlye, solo you can command your other 4 people. Or 5 person online (i hope).
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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  4. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What an interesting picture. I picked up on some things I saw in it. I suggest you go here to actually see what I'm taking about.

    -The guy with the skull helmet has a suppressor on his AR, suggesting that either their is variants or addons for the weapons or he happens to have one in campaign, and the Ar's grenade launcher may come into play because of the grenade shells on his belt.
    - The Blue dude commanding has the name "Alex" on his arm, though that's just the artist.
    -The name "Rochel" is possibly spelled out on top of the blue girls pistol, and the pistol also has a flashlight on the underside of it.
    -Theres a dude with a new weapon, some form of LMG
    -3 of the 5 people have combat knives visible, suggesting that it will be used.
    -The tower-esque thing in the backround has a similar resemblance to the Threshold Gas mine in Halo 2... I wonder if that's what it is or if it's forerunner.
    -The sniper dude has ghillie.
    -In this game your either commanding your squad or takings orders, I can't tell which as of yet.

    That all I picked up on. Discuss.
    #4 PRS, Jan 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  5. BR3W3R

    BR3W3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That picture of the sniper is wierd it wasnt in the trailer, i think we are going to be able to pick from more then 6 spartans at least the way it seems right now. STOKED FOR TUESDAY!
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good eye, but I just wanna point some things out...
    -The spartan most likely in command is from the trailer. When you look closely and inspect the trailer, you'll notice that his name is on his armor, as well as his service tag. "Carter- 259"

    -This is the same deal with the commanding officer.. but I know for a fact she is the same girl from the trailer, (arm) and if you inspect it closely(the trailer), you'll notice she is "Kat- 320"

    -Possibly, I was thinking it was actually some kind of flamethrower. His name is Jorge (again, trailer) btw.
    #6 Rifte, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  7. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, that's good to know. Did see all that in the trailer though, just figuring that seeing these names have some significance, but I don't know I was just putting them out there.
  8. BR3W3R

    BR3W3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Full info release schedule

    January 12th
    January 14th
    January 18th
    January 20th
    January 22nd
    January 25th
    January 26th
    January 27th
    January 28th
    January 29th
  9. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Alex Chu is the artist, not the name of the character.
    Chu, like most artists, signed the work but in a place and way which wasn't distracting from the art or could just be cropped off so some else could claim it was theirs.

    The tower in the background is a ground-based MAC gun (according to a thread I saw on Bnet). Similar, if not the same, to the one which attacks the Covenant ship in the trailer.

    Flashlight on the pistol? I doubt it'll be any more usable than lights we've seen on guns in previous games. Halo CE for example, the light came from the player's helmet but it would move when reloading or meleeing as if on the gun.
    Plus they have lights on their helmets and probably some sort of VISR mode if needed.

    Torches and flashlights are sooo old school.

    Edit: Chu's site has lots of awesome concept art. Its not all Halo, but it does look great.

    Edit again: Just looked at the GI article. Reach is looking good. Its not another Halo game, its seems like we'll be doing less run in, shoot everything and cross the finish line and have more satisfaction in killing the enemies and playing through the level than just completing it.
    Yes, the combat knives are usbale using special assassination attacks.
    Jackals look badder and less like turkeys and it looks like Bungie has got the camera height better. All the Halo games have the camera positioned higher than where the characters should be so it created an illusion of being taller than you should be. That was a problem I found in ODST, I can see the marines are normal sized and much smaller than Brutes but why am I still a giant?
    Looking at the first person screenshot and the assassination demonstration, it looks like we'll be playing at the right height!

    Reach is looking good and I don't think it'll be a replacement for Halo 3 like Halo 3 was for Halo 2.
    #9 DMM White, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I have a hunch that the AR will have a 3shot burst mode. People are assuming the BR is going to be single shot, and anyone who has read FoR or First Strike knows the AR can fire a 3 burst. However, the BR they get in First Strike seems to have both single fire and 3 burst as well.
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Its not single shot. But there is a NEW rifle in the hierarchy.

    AR >> Pistol >> BR >> DMR >> Sniper Rifle

    The DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) is a single shot rifle with great range.

    The magazine is out there right now, sorta. Those who have subscriptions to GI should receive it in the next day or so. But stores won't see the magazine for another couple weeks. I know, cause I checked several stores (including gamestop, and asked questions).

    Let this be a reminder to all. When the magazine drops into people's hands, discussion is OK, but magazine scans, links to magazine scans, or directions to where magazine scans lie are strictly against our rules, and infractions may follow
    #11 LIGHTSOUT225, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here's what I've picked up from the magazine article.


    -Everyone is a spartan 3 except for Jorge, he is a spartan 2, and as a result is bigger.
    -Carter and Kat are the only 2 members from the original Noble Team, and so have a closer bond than the other members who have not been with them for as long.
    -The sniper is named Jun-266.
    -The spartan with the skull painted on his face is named Emile-239, french name I believe.
    -Marines, grunts, AR look much different.
    -There is a new race called "skirmishers", a cousin of the jackals, so that might be what you saw.
    -Human Insurrectionist are possibly in the game; there was a mention of them.
    -Covenant do not speak english anymore.
    -Covenant are more dangerous now, and will seem more like they used to in Halo 1, where we actually feared them.
    -There was a picture where the spartans drive a truck, so the possibility of civilian vehicles being driven is there.
    -Spirits AND phantoms will be seen. Phantoms have the lights like in the ODST trailer.
    -A sort of hornet will be available, they are called Falcons, seems more like a transport helicopter than anything. If we can use them, hopefully they are available in other game modes other than campaign!
    -Because the spike and flame bomb grenades have been taken out, I assume there will be no brutes.
    -Noble 6's armor will be customizable.


    -The health bar is back, although there are still energy shields.
    -HUD is yellow
    -The radar is redon, it is more of an oval than a circle.
    -I believe that the combat knife is only useable when players hold down the melee button, but that might just be for assassinations.
    -There are armor perks, including sprint and invisibility. The player can use them whenever he wants, possibly as much as they want, but it is judfed by a bar that decreases after use, and climbs back up when
    -Large scale combat situations are possible, where Halo 3 used to be able to host only 20 AI on the screen at the same time, Reach will support up to 40 AI or 20 vehicles
    -Already mentioned, but there will be a new DRM (Designated Marksman Rifle), one shot like the Halo 2 E3 demo BR.
    -Needle rifle, mid range weapon, takes 3 shots before super combine and explodes. Capable of headshots.
    -Spike grenades and flame greandes have been removed.
    -Stealth gameplay instead of run/gun is now possible.


    -Graphics and player mouvement is improved.
    -All of Halo 3's old game modes such as theatre and forge will be available.
    -Several other game modes are hinted.

    That's all for now.
    #12 Rifte, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Are you making this up or did you actually get this from the Gameinformer that hasn't been released. Any source?

    EDIT: Nvm... just saw the post above saying that people should receive it right now... Wanna take a picture of the article for people to see?
    #13 Loscocco, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    So you read my post, but not the big bold red text part of it?

    Magazine scans are illegal. Like, against the law, illegal.
  15. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    if you saw the scan, are you allowed to talk about it?
  16. BR3W3R

    BR3W3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds like bungie has done some major work mabe now we will get some BADASS WARS IN THE GAME!!!

    Plus rifte gifle want me to put your info into the first post?
    #16 BR3W3R, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    yes, otherwise I would have edited out all of the above information
  18. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    alright then, well rifte I think they said that you can only do assassinations with the knife while holding down the B button. Depending on how long you need to hold it, this seems like it would be tricky to do in MM.
  19. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    actually, I kinda missed that because the line above it made it seem like something in your signature. =)
  20. BR3W3R

    BR3W3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems like we also be able to change the characters looks.

    also seems like there is a new air veichle called a falcon
    #20 BR3W3R, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010

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