lol Don't you mean "What game universe would you choose to live in?" and MX vs MTV reflex?!? Anyways, if there was a Firefly game, I would live in it. But there isn't, so Fallout 3.
Fuel would be sorta cool. And it would be awesome to live in the city from Mirror's Edge. =D If I can only choose one, Mirror's Edge.
Legend of Zelda. Hands down. Sure, there would be creepy little things breaking into my house all the time, but that's better than being turned into a zombie or having my entire freakin' planet glassed.
Those 3 would be the most likely for me to pick then anything however, out of those I would mostly pick Fallout 3.
probably halo, if I was a spartan anyways. I would at least want to feel badass in this universe, you know?
Dead Rising or Saints Row 2 are the only logical places I would ever want to live in or experience. Dead Rising would be fun as hell having the entire mall to myself and I'd be able to **** up zombies all day long. Saints Row 2 would be more of a realistic life and would be fun as hell also.
You'd get bored and tired eventually and theres nowhere to hide. Food would also eventually run out. Not fun to be the last human.
True, but that's also why I stated Saints Row 2. Saints Row is just like almost like any city, except you'd be living the life of a gangsta, taking over the town. Which there would plenty of food, bitches, more food, and more bitches.
When you have lock on rpg's, and an entire arsenal of weapons fully loaded, a garage that stores an infinite amount of cars, plenty of houses, and a big ass gang to protect your ass, police aren't anything but tricks and hoes.
he must have bribed the secretary of the army..... lol i think the game i would most want to be in is Super Mario sunshine. I think ive already said that in this thread, but it would be awesome. Also, Mass Effect.