Hey forgehub my new map Domitune is here and i would like to show it to you. DOWNLOAD Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details This map is a big team battle map which is 6 vs 6 to 8 vs 8 this map features two bases nearly identical. I tryed testing it but the testers guild, could not get the testers i needed( Time became a factor to ) so i could not test this map but hey it's still a map. This map is manily for team objective games( Slayer, KOTH, Oddball Juggernaut, Infection ) are not playable on this map, Team games are only played on this map. Domitune is best played on multiflag CTF, CTF and Bomb anykind are mostly use on this map. Weapons * 4 Battle Rifles, 60 respawn, 1 spare clips * 4 Assult Rifles, 30 respawn, 2 spare clips * 2 Needlers, 120 respawn, 1 spare clips * 2 Sniper Rifles, 150 respawn, 1 spare clips * 4 Spikers, 30 respawn, 2 spare clips * 1 Spartan Laser, 180 respawn, no extra clips * 2 Plasma Rifles, 30 respawn, 2 spare clips * 2 Carbines, 60 respawn, 1 spare clips * 1 Shotgun 90 respawn, 1 spare clips * 2 Missile Pods, 150 respawn, no extra clips Vehicles * 2 Gauss Warthogs, 150 respawn * 2 Ghosts, 120 respawn * 2 Choppers 180 respawn Equipment * 6 Plasma Granades, 10 respawn * 4 Granades, 10 respawn * 2 Tripmines, 150 respawn * 1 Overshield, 150 respawn * 1 Bubble Shield, 60 respawn I tryed to get this tested but testers guild did not have the time to do it. So your waiting for some pictures well here they are.
Looks alright. I see you used quite a bit of Ghost Merging (I can never do the dummying thing). A couple suggestions would be swapping the Gauss Warthogs for normal ones, they always just seem so overpowered (1 Shot Kill on a normal player) and absolutely I hate it when people get Rampages on the turret during Big Team on Standoff Heavy. And if you could maybe make the map look a little more than randomly placed Double Blocks and Block Huges. Build up the middle a bit more and replace some of the blocks with shorter pieces of cover so there is more contrast in height. Things I would consider would be removing Ghosts or Choppers and adding one centralised Banshee (I like Banshees...). But maybe thats just me. B.T.W Update your Signature
I think the block-y-ness looks cool. Its an original look. But yeah I would swap the guass for the regular one too. I would DL but I sent in my box yesterday :/
It was not ment for slaughter but i tryed testing it two times but could not gather the players up i will delet some vehicles ghost, chopper from both sides and try fid somethingg else to replace it wit. Adding a banshe would throw the side of the battle to one side it's a killing maching, ill start forging around again finding new objects to use. btw with my sig my computer is having trouble uploading and downloading crap so i will change it latter but not right now, im forging stuff atm on this map making a v2 but it will be hell different. Yeah i will change some stuff around and add a v2 to somewhere in the future
I agree; the very regimented, geometric, yet interesting block structure gives the map a unique feel. As a note, I'd suggest changing some of those red and blue columns to regular stone small columns; as it is right now, the gold-ish exterior of the blocks stand out against the predominately stone map. Therefore, since there's enough color influence from the lights to give a sense of direction, using the regular columns would make the map that little bit more aesthetically pleasing, without sacrificing the player's sense of direction. -=Moxus=-
i get where your coming from, but really i have not even cared about the colours because to me its just there. but if a dumb player is to go hey it's a red pole well theres something wrong with him. They should not realy distract anyone you know what i mean
ooo i like this map, i was wondering at first if all the vehicles would be too powerful, but after seeing the beautiful structure it changed my mind, this kind of reminds me of last resort with the warthog and ghost but if the players kept it on the building the gameplay would be better. nice map, very original 5/5
Glad to see you finnaly finished it Penguin! it looks really great, and i love the style of it. People are saying that it is boring with just "randomly placed double boxes" but i think it is really interesting. after looking at it with you a few weeks ago i knew this map would be good . Although i think the gauss turrets are a bit overpowering i love it!
Missile pods and laser could have a lower respawn time because the lack of sightlines in the middle would easily block these. You should consider extending the columns out into the dunes so you can place spawn points there, and expand the playable area. This will also force vehicles to spend more time in the cramped center, instead of merely circling the outside. Please place your pictures in a column, to let people scan the thread more easily.