ForgeLook 2 Weeks in Review

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by G043R, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Forge Look

    This is a short writeup and notes on many of the new and exciting idea/previews for forge coming soon. I keep it to 2 weeks of last commented maps/previews. I will ever try and keep up with this. Next issue should be end of January time frame.

    First up is Not named yet but has a very sexy appeal for curved walls. Map is still in the works but you have my attention.
    Next up is Iron bubble.This interesting little part of a map isn't so much a map but a small portion of a map that should inspire others. I loved the little potential this guy has in forge. This idea is both crazy assertive as well fully functioning bubble shield that is permanent.

    RIFTE's At it again with his newest and greatest forged game-type on the way. "Asset Convey" In which is trying to deliver asset on the go. Like pizza isn't great enough it is now delivered to your door.

    Fritzster is back up to bat with another MLG out on the line. THe pitch being called Halcyon. I taken a look and this is something new and exciting that I'm defiantly interested in. I wanted him to take a step away from Amp and more drastically away from ignite. Halcyon seems to be stepping up to the plate quite nicely.

    Cynderland Seems to keep us up on our toes and excited on this up and coming map that features sexy hills and mounts that makes the flat floor we are use to seeing in sandbox totally sexy and got all the forgers trying to hide the excitement with pillows.

    Scobra and Noxiw are to of what I consider newer forgers on the tip of something exciting. The new map pack from the two of them are constructing some quite sexy competitive maps.

    Captain STFU working on a large asset map that features a few iconic height to asset game-type. It seems to hold sexy up over your head and makes it so you can't reach it till it is out. I'm like a poor kid watching threw the glass as all the rich kids get to eat all this SWEET candy. I think asset will take off to new height with maps like this. Can't wait to play it CaptnSTFU.
    Matawaddledee is no longer playing with the fishes' He working on something HUGE... it got to take up the size of the earth. Or at least the Mantle of it. The largest sky-box ever created has huge potential and I hope for as much time and effort he puts into it you give it a Preview of your own.

    The last mention in this week write up is a Campaign imagined. I LOVE CAMPAIGN as well the remakes of them. Hadokenchild is working on something so beautiful that you have to if anything take a forge look just to see how close he recreated campaign. I will be downloading this consider it Pre-ordered on my hard-drive. FINISH IT NOW!

    IF you ever need inspiration in forging or want to make a new exciting map look threw created map/previews of maps or even the imagination. Forge is no way not dieing but about finding the things you never saw and showing them off.

    -You may not know me I'm a forger that been here for a while. Always excited for the next thing to come.I may as well bring up a few guides I wrote for Christmas for forgers. In addition if you would like to talk to me about something I wrote let me know bring up discussion we love it here at forge. I am always open for customs/play-test/reviewing of maps. I have to actually often review maps on XF another forging site and I would love to help any forger around.

    So till next time we meet this is, your furry little forging friend,
    Gt G043r
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Wait so your making this into a weekly magazine? If so can I HAZ IN?

    I really like this, good reviews, nicely formatted and contains a lot of information.
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ditto that ^

    you could do with "featuring" your own maps that are only previews..
    This could get more interest in the maps, as well as more interest in your mag.

    the layout could do with a little spruce up though ;)

    but gj dude

    Edit: a little more detail and little less "sexy" would be good too ;)
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Sweet work Go43r, and yes my freind your are most definitely on my invite list for Devils Canyon. But really i like this idea, it'l keep people informed on the goings and comings of forge.
  5. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    cool idea, this sounds like a really useful thread, Im glad my map brings to your attention!
  6. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    The maps/map preview you put in are all fine choices except for the iron bubble.
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Well, it's not that great, but it's something new and original to try out.

    Well this is great. Now I can just go to your thread and see all of the cool things coming out in forgehub. Looking forward to seeing Asset convoy and Halycon come out.
    #7 Ac3Snip3r, Jan 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2010
  8. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Now I don't have to tramp around forge discussion looking for sexy looking projects. I just check your thread and that's it. Anyway, all the maps are really cool and I'm really looking forward to Halycon and Cynderland now.
  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Very awesome Idea. Love it. :)
    And thanks for the mension of Scobra and my map pack. :)

    Anyway, this little article definetely got me to see some other maps that I hadn't before, and I believe that's what you've intended. :)
  10. used man

    used man Ancient
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    Great idea Go43r. Especially useful for people who haven't been regularly checking the map prev... err, forge discussion section.
  11. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good idea G04, but you gotta spend more time reformatting and fixing the grammatical errors. Spend a little time on the presentation, because the maps mentioned don't seem as appealing without it.
  12. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I really like this, good reviews, nicely formatted and contains a lot of information.[/QUOTE]

    Thanks, I'll see how we can team up and improve my format. People do not like it so if you could lets break this down and start ironing out this.

    I think the reason why I'm featuring all these maps are first off bringing up the reasons the they are "Sexy" which is actually why they are new and refreshing. I'll do more to show the creative new element in forged maps.

    I will do a more review once it is finished...I would love to play test... keep the community going possibly post your map in the tester guild. They need a kick in the nads to get going. I know we are slowing building up emotion for maps and I think we will do nicely in the coming future of forge.

    Yep a few of your skills have my attention. Work hard at them and I see you going places.

    Ironbubble is a map the only map that made this list that isn't a preview. The reason being is it is to inspire someone to forge a map with that idea. It really is amazing and crafty, I would love to see nixaguy or another user turn around an use that element in a map. It is there under that reason, kinda like an open idea section. I can see about improving the format.

    I'm still trying to highlight maps that give me only screen-shots to go off of/little information the creators give us for the map. There are things that catch your eye and others that you miss that are truly valuable. Like the example Iron-bubble in a map is hard to see as effective but If you look at it alone it has great potential. If there is someone that could Pull it off it would be something that would catch my eye.

    I'm trying to say yes, but you will always have the option to look at maps and get your own fill of things. I could miss something and as readers I want you to call me out on them.

    Yep Noxiw, that is my plan to open the scope of forgers to the large community. Glad you liked it I hope this continues. The range of maps are interesting to see how they vary because we often get to a point where the exact field of forge gets repeatable, mixing them up together helps it stay interesting.

    I laugh at how you mixed up the preview/discussion section. I'm debating about opening up the View of FORGE Look to contain maps that are released in the last 2 weeks and semi reviewing them.

    The maps only look appealing if you gaze into the pictures and see what the worth of them are. Remember I'm highlighting what I liked in the previews of each of the maps. This is maps I may have not had a look to forge around. I would love invite from the forgers... but that isn't required. Going into the map section shows all the images/info you need to know about that map. I'm trying to bring up the New and exciting/SEXY* aspects of these forge maps. Even thou, each map has new elements I feel bring them up add to excitement of these maps as well get forgers excited to be creative.

    Given that this was an idea, and I'm not talented in image aspect of presentation I'm still open and wondering on how members will could help me out. Every little bit of advice would help.

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