Scope, Try the TAR21, or the ACR once you unlock it. They're both similar, and in my opinion, better than the SCAR
O was 24-0 on highrise, ran out of ammo in my m16 after unloading 3 bursts into someones feet, and failed. his lunge skill are impecable. Congrats blue
The SCAR is fantastic. However, once you get the ACR, I would switch to that. It has no recoil whatsoever and a fairly large clip size. The only downside is it has low damage, so Stopping Power is needed with it. The only problems I have with the SCAR is its low clip size and it eats through ammo the way an obese midget eats McDonald's. The good thing about it is that you don't necessarily need to have Stopping Power with it because of its high damage, which is great if you like using Hardline and Cold Blooded (not sure if you unlocked those yet.) The TAR, as used man said, is also very good. Though it really isn't similar to the SCAR at all in my opinion. It's accuracy practically blows so to use it effectively, you have to burst fire the gun. One burst usually kills someone if you have Stopping Power, though because the gun has good range and high damage. It's all up to you though. This game is basically all about personal preference really.
IDK though, I'm not amazing at the game but I can still go pretty postive without stopping power. Now that I think about it, I don't even use stopping power on anything.
I rarely use stopping power on any of my setups besides when I use my Fal and my ACR. It's like piece of mind for me, because I feel like people don't die when I shoot them without stopping power. Could be just in my head or I can actually see the difference. However, there are such variances in lag, that the time it takes to kill someone is either elongated or quick.
I think I sort of knok what you mean. I use the FAL also, not with stopping power. I feel that if they are running I have to lead my shots so they will hit even though I'm close.
Stopping Power is also a very effective method of ammo conservation. Lets say you're playing hardcore and using a LMG that takes two shots to kill. With Stopping Power it takes 1, doubling the amount of possible kills. Also, if you're using an LMG with thermal, with SP Pro, you can use it like a LMG Sniper Rifle and it's also very effective on air support.
yeah, let's conserve ammo by shooting a plane. I don't think stopping power is needed in hardcore, its easy enough to get kills.
Stop jocking on my Tar. It isn't inaccurate, YOU'RE the innacurate ones. I've had more headshots with that gun across the map than with any other assault rifle.
I love the tar aswell, its my main choice over others. As i think scobra said, the f2000 sucks? I don't really agree with that at all. Sure it has high recoil, but if you use it like an m16 then its amazing. Just trigger tap for long distance. As for short range, it has great hipfire accuracy.
I stuck an ACOG on my ACR, it plays beautifully because of the accuracy, I need to get my close range class going with an AK/47-red dot.