Really rif? I think its better than... what was it? lockedout or airlocked or somethin like that... It is a weird name, ill give you that. it plays awesome though. Did you get the other gametypes in? all I saw was one flag and slayer. good job though, I hope to see this out soon.
You realize this is Airlocked, just with a different name. Explain to me how Airlocked can play better than Airlocked.
I thought you already released it haha. I like the name better than Airlocked. Seems idk more original. Still i like the map, i hope you moved the 1 flag spawn and cap points though.
Does it have FX on? The screenshot you gave us is awfully dark, and I just have to say, i hate FX. Lemme just say "no" its not a prismer inspired map. We did a couple tests and it ran well, I liked how FFA slayer. And At first I kinda thought it had a hang em high feel to it.
When you say original, you actually mean ridiculous, unrelated, fantasized, and unpronounceable, right? No filters were placed. And I could go to the xForgery thread and link you to were Urban says "Inspired by Prismer" if you'd like.
Looks interesting. Definitely want see how this turns out. About FX, I like like the juicy/colorblind combo. Or are there even FX? Name...seems more random/abstract than creative imo. Good luck.
ugh, multi you obviously didn't catch that I was making a reference to the name being better than what it was... the map to my knowledge hasnt changed, and if it has it wasnt much.
Have you made any major changes since I tested last? The version I played was great so I'm excited to download the final version. I love all the walkways in the middle. The whole map just has a neat design. And I'm not just saying that because of its inspiration lol. I'm glad you decided to use an original name. The last one seemed a bit too generic. If you set up any last minute testing, pass me and invite (so I camp the sniper!). Anyway, great map with a great design and atmosphere. Can't wait to see it released
Your map looks great so far, I like the FX. Do you ever stop producing winsauce? Anyway, I can't wait until this is released. I don't like the name though, it seems too random to me.
the picture looks great, im guessing behind the walls we can see, are some multi-level twisted corridor madness?
It's the interwebs, the way you phrased your reply I could see it both ways, calm down. It's my fault. On the map, I didn't like gameplay as much as I would've liked to. Mess with the symmetry settings would you and place the shotgun for FFA gametypes with no spare clips, it seemed everytime the player camping the ramps would run out of shotgun ammo finally, another would spawn, and there's way too much traffic going through sniper spawn, your map needs more flow, some balance. And here's your first actual constructive comment.
Wow ! the final result looks great ! Maybe add more picture please i want to know more thinghs about this map ! And i am making a map nut i dont have a name idea . Maybe i could take your name map ? Jail Bird
It certainly looks different from the first preview. And the red lights are very nice, they certainly set a different mood. These FFA types of maps are my absolute favorite, I can't wait for the release. And if you ever need another tester, send me a message. (gamertags to the left )