who is ready for the next big MLG tourney. I can tell you one thing... I am. I'm absolutly ready for Carbon to step up and stop TD's streak. TD has been the first team to win back-to-back torneys. I don't want to make it a 3rd. Who ever is a fan of Carbon, is my friend too. I want Carbon or Instinct to win because they are the best teams of my choice. This is a big win for any other team. This will be any teams time to redeem themselves from the dark and shine in the light. I hope everyone is ready for some heart-stopping, back-throwing, chest-pounding entertainment. I want everyone veiwing this to post a reply saying what their favorite team is and who they think has the best chance to winning. Also just to put out here, also tell me what your favorite MLG map and gametype is... mine is CTF and my fav. map is The Pit. Thanks for reading and hope that your favorite team will win. Please post comments. CarbonFTW!!!
tD's goin' down. (@Raynne who will eventually see this thread) I want Str8 to win it all. tD can't take 3 tournaments in a row. No way! Fav MLG stuff: Map: Narrows Gametype: Flag (on Narrows) Team: tD! Str8 all the way Carbon could have a good chance. They performed well at Dallas and Walshy's playing well again. They've got a good roster. However, I just want to see Snip3down go off this tournament and help Str8 win it. Btw- Do you have Skype? Pegasi Delta, iRaynne, Insane54, Shock Theta, Matty, Ladnil, myself and others hold a group Skype chat during the tourney. It's a lot of fun. If you don't have Skype, you can DL it here: Skype
I'm a Str8/TD boy. Both really great teams, I can't really say who I think is better. When I'm on fire, nobody can stop me on Heretic.
What if i use slowpoke? OnTopic; im hoping for carbon or str8. i dont really care who wins it, but i want to see a really close game. fav map/gametype: mlg narrows/CTF, its really addictiong if you dont really care for competitiveness, and yet so fun when you do.
Favorite team: Str8 Rippin Team to win Orlando: Str8 Rippin Favorite MLG maps: MLG Onslaught, MLG Heretic Favorite MLG gametype: MLG Team Slayer
Okay dude no offense, but you replying to every person who posts in this thread is really unnecessary.
Instinct and tD to do big things this event. Oh and if OP replies to my post or the one above mine I ask that the thread be locked so he can't bump his post count like he obviously is doing.