Well, this is partially for my clan, and partially just something I made. Anyway, the planets are from scratch, the BG is a google image that I refined, the Pelican and Banshee were both renders that I edited a bit and added thrusters to. The Halo ring was from Bungie.net, and I edited it and erased parts to make it more of... ruins. Anyway, here it is:
They can fly in space, I believe. Though they are not used specificaly for space travel. CNC, lighting on pelican is wierd, blending = needz moar. Depth = needz moar.
Not really. Only when they're within the Iono sphere I believe. And banshees are a definite no. Because there's a huge gap where air is supposed to pass through.
Yeah, I agree with no banshees. Edit: LOL, i just realized there was a banshee in the pic. Couldn't even see it,
The blending isnt very well done, the lighting on the pelican and the banshee seem way out of place, and the quantity of the stars is not as much of a problem as is the sheer brightness of all of them. If you reduced the brightness, and edited the contrast, you might be able to get a better appearance for the stars. Also, the planets look copy-pasted in, with rough edges on them, and do not blend in to the background because of the lighting and color. If you want to do a V2, I would reccomend removing the banshee however, as it fits very badly into this image.
nobody does. but as far as their being to many. no. just no. theres probably not enough. and when the master cheif and the gang goes out on their journey to destroy the ark they do infact have pelicans in space. as far as the picture goes. i dont like it. doesnt seem like something you'd see in the game. after all, bungie people are the experts. and idk, but arent stars white? i think you added something to the top of the pelican aswell. some sort of symbol. that looks faily good. and the planets have a shadow on dem corresponding with the original shadow from pelican so it look like theirs a main light source which is good. but the planetes shadows go away at the bottom of it making the look flat and with some sort of a bevel
Estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars. And Pelicans have air-tight insulation (Check the one hovering above the 2 scarabs on 'The Covenant' but i can't tell you whether or not their thrusters would work in the vacuum of space, because i have only seen them fall from a ship into atmosphere. The colour of a star is dictated by it's temperature. Fairly cool ones (the bigger ones usually) emit red and orange light. Hotter ones are brighter, and to us would look white, although even we can tell our sun is pretty dam orange. The hottest stars that emit majorly visible light have a blue tint, and there are even stars that are so hot they emit mostly UV or Xrays. Ok.