Asset Convoy Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rifte, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Asset Convoy Map Pack

    Tired of the same old holdout asset? Want to try something new? Asset Convoy offers just that. Featuring 3 escort style maps, the convoy map pack offers players a whole new style of playing asset. You will be forced to work as a team, and success will only be reached by thinking and planning ahead.

    Things to Know
    -It will require a new spin-off gametype (Asset Convoy)
    -Each will have 3 destination points, thus reducing the chance of ties.
    -Two of the maps will feature scorpion tanks. These are not meant to be used as escort vehicles. Plan ahead, do not have everyone standing ontop of the single tank like one giant target. The VIP doesn’t have a waypoint for a reason! Instead, have just one person in the tank acting like a distraction while infantry sneaks around with the VIP.
    -The VIP does not have a waypoint, thus putting a bigger emphasis on stealth

    Onto the maps...

    Creator: rifte gifle
    The idea of having to go around sandtrap in an elephant was first brought up by Mr Ipod Touch, but then improved by myself.

    You can forget about any kind of stealth approach, if you want to get the VIP to even one destination, you’ll have to go as fast as possible. To survive on this map, the VIP must stay inside the elephant while the ODST kill any brutes looking to hitch a ride. One of the destination points will force the VIP to walk, but most of it is straight driving.

    Here's a
    WTF momen/bit of a sneak peek of the map, in HD of course.
    Beware of crates...

    Creator: Given To Fly 93

    Set on avalanche, Arctic Dispatch will force you to escort the VIP around the entire map. While there will be a tank to help you, it will only offer protection until players must sprint the last stretch while taking fire from covenant with a height advantage. Make sure you pick up all the weapons, and unblock the checkpoints as you go along.

    Creator: rifte gifle

    Like Arctic Dispatch, you will have a tank used to help players get their VIP to the destination points. What makes it so unique, is that this map will take you from one side of sandbox to the other. Stealth is your best friend in this, try to stay behind the rock cover as much as possible. Having everyone on the tank and trying to rush to the end is basically a death sentence. There will be weapon caches spread throughout the map, and you'll have three checkpoints for easy access throughout the map, so long as you remember to unblock them.

    Second destination point. Damn bridge trolls...

    I'll update the thread with pictures every once in a while, but expect these maps to be released soon.

    #1 Rifte, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2010
  2. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Loved playing Asset convoy maps. All spinoffs of the original Asset are fun, but I think this is my favorite thus far. I loved playing Desert package, it was really intense, and the importance of the checkpoints spiced-up the gameplay to make it more than the average escort map. Invite me too some more tests, guy. I won't be on mai ecksbaux till friday. Great effort on the post, riftebrosheph.

    Edit: wait, wasn't the idea of multiple capture points my idea?
    I bet you came up with it on your own before I said it.

    BTW, the bungievid is'nt working
    sad faic
    #2 R0FLninja, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I know... and I can't get it to work :x
  4. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    Oh, wow! I'm sure this will reassure peoples' faith in Asset. This actually sounds better than Escort, in some ways. Are the destinations linear, as in, they appear one at a time, forcing you to travel in a path, or non-linear?
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yes they are linear, and you have to get to them one at a time, in order. In earlier versions, there was just one destination at the end and people tried to just cheat around to the end. 3 destination points fixed that easily, and the bridge on desert package has to be used. People used to avoid that area as much as possible.
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    This definately looks interesting.
    Hopefully this gets a bit more respect than other stuff like this.
    You know, since you're Rifte Gifle (a.k.a. God) and all.
    I kid.
    But nontheless, looking forward to it.
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Cool, very cool. havent played the one of avalanche but it looks good, the rest are realy realy good! Also i belive im the bridge troll in that last picture :|
  8. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    I've tested all three did you work out the gametype bugs? Oh and do I get recognition
    for rollcall?
  9. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    I've only had the pleasure to play on Desert Package so far, but I already know that this map pack will be great. I really love the ideas you came up with to fit uniquely with each map. I would love to test out the maps on Sandtrap and Avalanche, but will definitely look out for this release in the future. It's that twist to Asset that everyone has been waiting for, so really nice work rifte gifle!
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yeah, sorry about that I knew I was forgetting something :p

    Also.. what bugs?
  11. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    Are there going to be more maps? Or just these three.
  12. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Ahh so this is y u want me to make an escort map on foundry lol jk jk but this convoy would work really well for it. I have an APC/convoy idea just havn't put it into affect. Still im lookin forward to this, i go skiing for 3 days and you come up and probably test this, dam i missed alot. Anyway i'll catch ya online.
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Probably just these three... I can't think of anywhere I could make this style of map.
  14. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    I actually really like how this game type sounds... I might even venture to try and make my own version of this. If I think it is good enough and I get it done before you post the map pack I might contact you and let you see if you think it is good enough for it to be in the mix. I really do like it tho...
  15. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i loved roll call and arctic dispatch. Desert Pancake i mean Package is also pretty fun but think it is to big maybe just because i have never played the newer version with a big party. But the checkpoint idea was great
  16. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    awesome, I can't wait for thiss!
    #16 TrustierToaster, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2010
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Okay guys, I found the problem with the bungie video embedding, and it's now fixed. Enjoy :)

  18. HomeTheArmless v2

    Senior Member

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    So you went with the 3 capture points, eh? Good decision, if I do say so myself.

    Played all the maps, all of them were enjoyable. Also, one of them has SUPA GEO-MERGED TELEPORTERS. You heard me right, GEO ****IN' MERGED TELEPORTERS. Bitches.

    But yeah, looking forward to the release.

  19. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Hey Rifte, you could TOTALLY make one on Last Resort i could see it happening, you could also just make another one on Sandbox, just saying the more the better.
  20. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    Upon release, though, we can make maps for this gametype, right?

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