10 Paces & Turn Created by: LIGHTSOUT225 Gametypes: Conquest v2 (8-12 players), One/Multi Flag, One/Multi/Neutral Bomb, Team Oddball, Team Slayer (4-6 players) DOWNLOAD HERE Description: This is my first map forged on a Legendary map, and also my first Conquest map. I know this map doesn’t follow the tradition of Conquest… It was very difficult trying to force a direct linear path between territories, so I opened it up a little bit, giving players a couple more options to keep it from getting too repetitive (as Conquest sometimes can). I feel its an interesting twist, and it’s been a blast every time so far. Note: for some strange reason, 10 Paces & Turn is VERY conducive of no-scopes. Soo many logged in the past few sessions, its ridiculous. Love it. Main Feature: A Wooden Elevator. After forging this map for a while, I realized the Defensive team was at a large disadvantage if they players consistently respawned on the ground, not allowing them any quick path to their own territories. I originally had a couple wooden bridges cutting across the map at an angle, but it tended to break gameplay and just looked tacky. I created for the elevator to allow quick access to the upper level. Here’s a few pictures in sequence showing how it functions. Player deploying grav lift (10 second respawn) and the elevator ascending. Water Crate stops and is held at the top by a receiver node. [FONT="][/FONT] Pallet Parade-style behind the scenes exploding fusion coils [FONT="][/FONT] These explosions destroy the grav lift every 20 seconds. Players may also blow the lift up by throwing a grenade underneath the fence wall base, or just by shooting the lift for a quicker option. [FONT="][/FONT] The Water Crate falls back in place perfectly [FONT="][/FONT] Elevator tips: 1. At times, the elevator may take a bit of your health if you dwindle on it too long after it reaches the top. Best way to avoid it: make a quick elevator exit right when you get to the top. If you stick around to admire it too much, it may come back to bite ya in the butt. 2. Don’t take the grav lift away from the elevator. If by some chance you DO wind up with the lift away from the elevator, deploy it ASAP, as you are hurting your own team by cutting one of their primary methods of travel to the 2nd floor out of the match. I moved the lift so this wouldn’t happen near as much, but its still possible. So take note Here’s some more screenshots and details Defending team's 1st territory, next to the elevator Defending team’s 2nd territory. You may take a bit of cover partially down the broke floor ramp and still capture the territory, but not so far you can’t take a little heat. Brute Shot spawns here Defending team’s Sniper spawn 3rd territory, atop the brick building, above Sniper spawn. Plasma Rifle Spawn Attacking team’s spawn and 1st territory Take the tunnel to this side’s Sniper spawn 2nd territory. SMG’s spawn 3rd territory in the Atrium. Like the territory with the broken floor, a player may capture this from down the slanted terrain a bit for cover, but not too far. Brute Shot spawn here, Plasma Rifle at the other end of the Atrium Central territory. Attack team attempting to use a grav lift to confuse us? Not buyin it One of the best parts about forging Ghost Town… a lot of the time you don’t even know it was ever touched. For instance, most people who tested with me probably didn’t even know I forged this little slanted bridge the red player is running on… everything blends in so well Weapons: I kept it pretty basic this time around, in order to make sure I could keep the asymmetric placements well-balanced. 1 BR (30) 1 Carbine (30) 2 SMGs (30) 1 Plasma Rifle (30) 1 Brute Shot (30) 1 Sniper Rifle (120) **All with regular clip count Theres a handful of grenades on each side, I can't remember the specifics of the top of my head, but its something like 2 Plasmas, 2 Spikes, 1-2 Frags per side. Equipment: Defensive side has the elevator, so i gave the Attacking side a Deployable Grav Lift (45) I hope you enjoy my latest map. Forging Ghost Town is unique and definitely a challenge. It's kind of a throwback to the pre-heroic map days. I worked hard to balance the map and keep the action fast-paced. As always, please leave any constructive feedback you might have. I can always improve.
Sexy Lifts!!! hey it automatatically stops all-caps. anyways, this map looks amazing, i remember hearing about it in the shoutbox a week or so back and i remembered it because of the unique name. now i'm generally not a big fan of conquest, but since there is a V2 and a sexy map to play it on, i will give it another go.
sounds quite dreamy ... I've still never played a game of Conquest (or really know what it is) ... but i'd love to be invited to some games if anyone's playing one when i'm on. I agree with you, Lights, that the scenery added to Ghost Town is awesome in how it blends in... and i think your elevator is most excellent. I'll have a look in Forge when i get home.
Very cool map on Ghost Town. I like how it is a conquest map but not particularly linear, but close to it. The elevators are fun to play on too.
So this is what you were working on... Downloaded for sure, considering the consistent good quality of your maps!
Testing this was great! I think I'm one of the red guys on the ground in the second last pic! Great Map! When I was playing I remember going up the Elavator and looking back to note how it was made so I could make one on my GT map too. lol
a good idea for the lift would be you have to sort of use the lift once you have gotten so close and it forces you to go up it and so then you dont have a problem with the grav lift not being there.... cuz what if the attackers stole the grav lift and just dont use it ... ? i know you probably dont understand what i mean about the elevator thing but if you really want to know what i mean add my gamertag.... My gamertag is OddWorLD20
Had a lot of fun testing this map with you and everyone else. I was really impressed with your elevator, I've seen a few elevators in maps before but I think this one has worked out the best out of any that i've seen so far. Keep up the good work man, You never seem to disappoint the masses.
thanks for the one star rating, random dude that didnt even DL the map or leave a comment backing himself up... you're the man. Anyway, thanks for the good comments guys, I'll get back to ya'll in more detail later.. super tired right now.. gonna get some sleep.
Looks pretty nice, LIGHTS. You've got my download, as usual. Question: since you're using the Conquest v2 setting, is there a Custom Powerup on this or did you guys just want to be the gold team?
Sorry the gif didn't work, but this looks cool, can't wait to play. Deff first legendary map witha switch.
light i am glad you posted this i had a blast playing on this map i will have to download the new version as i see you made some changes
Testing this was great.I like the layout and especially like the sexy lift.Im the red guy standing looking up in the 2 to last pic.
Sweet map my man,I love pics # 6 and #9. 6 is me getting a grenade in the ass, and 9 is hilarious because of that guy that if face down/ass up. Anyways, I play with you so often that I probly don't NEED to download this map,but obviously I will to support my boy. Keep churning them out man.
Conquest is basically territories designed for linear maps, where teams are constantlly battling over the center territories, attempting to push into enemy grounds. 3 rounds of 3 minutes, and the territories do not lock after capture. Its a lot of fun. I'm a bit new to the Conquest game myself, but I've always had a blast playing it. Yeh its a little different take on a Conquest map. One of the things I feel Conquest is lacking for most maps is replayability, due to the lack of unique fighting experiences a player encounters. The map may be a blast, but the repetitiveness of it brings it down a bit I feel. I wanted to give players more options to avoid this. Funny story actually.. I know you did. When I was watching the films so I could make the necessary adjustments, I ended up following you witht the cam for a bit that game... what were you doing? haha you kinda just walked around aimlessly for a bit, checked out the elevator, walked around a bit more.. it was pretty funny. Wouldn't that just be a grav lift on the ground? Wheres the class in that?! Ya gotta bring some style to your maps ya know? switches are hot... and this one is sexy, if i do say so myself. Appreciate the feedback though! Thanks Squid. Yeh they just chose to be gold that game. I thought about adding the CPU underneath the ramp at the central territory with a drop spawn to keep interest focused there more... I still might, but I would want to test it out first. I'll get back to ya. Lol yeh when theres no more than 20m in any direction to work with, this is pretty much what you get. This one's more about the gameplay than the architecture (elevator aside) forge-wise. Oh, and correction: Its half of Ghost Town. But Lord knows it doesn't play like it. I hope your opinion changes once you check it out. Thanks buddy. Yes, many more matches shall be logged here in the future, you can count on that. Oh and thats me sending those brute shots up your ass in pic 6 haha. I appreciate all the feedback guys, it means alot. Keep 'em comin!