This is my latest map project, as you will be able to tell it is in its play testing stages at last. It is a 1v1 map I drafted over and over and finally got down to forging it out. Im going to be entering it in a contest whose deadline is today, so its very playable but I will probably be testing for another two good weeks until this gets posted. The bright side to this is you guys get lots of pictures and a pretty good idea of what the map will be like. Yup a good 20,000 words worth of pictures and here we go. This is my latest map project, as you will be able to tell it is in its play testing stages at last. It is a 1v1 map I drafted over and over and finally got down to forging it out. Im going to be entering it in a contest whose deadline is today, so its very playable but I will probably be testing for another two good weeks until this gets posted. The bright side to this is you guys get lots of pictures and a pretty good idea of what the map will be like. Yup a good 20,000 words worth of pictures and here we go. Id love to write a little more but I have a day to start, Ill be back later with some nice captions for my pictures, till then any and all thoughts would be appreciated.
I can't see any pictures, seems like you haven't posted any mate. I look forward to seeing them and I'll check back later to see if you've posted them, if not I'll PM you letting you know about it.
You should make it of this. In all honesty Canadians, the map definitely needs a LOS blocker across the middle of the map. The sniper was just way too dominating and I think you said you'd lower the clippage for it.
I lowered the clip and raised the respawn time. It is possible that I could Work something into the center. I do want to test a bit more first though, I dont want the courtyard to turn into a big circle chase or promote too much CQ. Ill have to give it a whirl. Also sorry there was something strange with my pictures not sure what they worked fine on several other forge sites but oh well they are hopefully fixed now.
Not a tester but from looking at the pictures, I like that you did a 1v1 on foundry, not many of these and the sandbox ones have a distinct style to them. However there seems to be a lot of wide open areas, not just wide but gaping which should be close in a bit more, and adding another larger level by say extending the higher areas with walls or simply a large arching bridge through the center connecting high points would be a good edition
Another level might be interesting, was definately not the feel I was shooting for, I love to mess around with map alterations at that scale but the budget for the map just wont allow something like that. Even a bridge would be cutting it quite close, and in a 1v1 map I don't like players ever being out of reach. Very tall structures for such few players just doesn't sit well in my head. I am playing with the cover a bit, I'm not quite settled on what to do, but I'm sure Ill find something. The cut down on LOS plays better I just haven't figured out how to make it look right quite yet.
This is terrific, this is why i miss foundry maps! you have done a terrific job in creating an aesthetically pleasing along with a smooth playable map. I love the whole city like look with the doors and buildings. I also like the fusion coil holders those always make a map and the forger look better. I agree with Ace the sniper would be WAY too dominating (cant dl and look my live is down) it just seems too open. It also looks like you could jump through those two bridges with a well placed crouch jump. (again cant test myself) other than that good job, but could you give us a weapon list.