I currently am a 33 in MLG. Looking to create a team Rquirements: 20+ Skill in MLG Age: 14+ Active roughly 5 out of 7 days a week. Please fill out this format in your post Skill: Age: MLG Position: Highest Skill: XBL Activity: Favorite Playlist: Favorite MLG Gametype MLG Strong-suit Mine: Skill: 33 Age: 14 MLG Position: Objective Highest Skill: 41 XBL Activity: 5/7 days Favorite Playlist: Swat/MLG Favorite MLG Gametype: Oddball MLG Strong-suit: Objective Gogogogo
Hmm... we have to fill out somewhat of an application but yet you are the one looking to join a team?
Lol I dont care, just say if you want to make a team with me or that you want me to join your team, if theres a spot availible. Lol, i should have thought this through.
I recommend you hit up gamebattles if you want an active MLG team. I know its helped me find teams throughout the years.
Cool, thanks brew. Ill definetly check that out, though i heard all the people on gamebattles are rediculously good. lol, i can never spell ****ing rediculous.
I disagree. On one of my practice accounts my team managed to play back to back opposing teams all below level 40 high and below 20 in MLG. You'll get trashed from time to time, but the average skill of GB is not as high as most people think.