The Flood

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Plasma Rifle Elite, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    This is Plasma Rifle Elite here with my first casual map. This is undoubtebly one of the scariest maps ever made. It has been tested many times, and some of my testers were literally screaming.


    UNSC Destroyer Scorpion jumps into orbit around Threshold, in search of an ONI vessel that vanished among the wreckage of Halo. Shortly after, the ship is located, but all communications with the ship fail. The ship's marines organize a large boarding party, and send 25% of their force ahead as recon. Shortly after contact with the ship, the communications with the recon force are lost. The rest of the ship's marines board the ship through the airlock. After entering, the marines notice that there is no gravity. Most items are floating off the ground. The weapons of the recon team are lying on the ground, but there are no bodies...

    "This is a report from Sergeant Johean. The troops can sense it. Something is waiting for us in there. Oh, crap! What happened to the lights? I can't see a damn thing! ****! We got contact! What the hell are they? Ahhh! Get away from me! Get away-----


    Obviously, this map is on Orbital. As written above, everything is floating. The weapons of your disapppeared comrades lie on the ground. And as if someone can feel your presence, the lights snap off. You will find yourself fighting the Flood, which were captured by ONI scientists who foolishly thought that they could contain them. The Flood killed the recon force, and re-animated their bodies. This map takes much inspiration from Dead Space.
    Throughout the ship, there are scattered weapons, though with low ammo. The most ammo is around the airlock, where the recon force was destroyed. There is some ammo down a corridor, where one of your men tried to take a Mongoose in a failed attempt to escape the Flood. The weapons consist of Flares, Frag grenades, Pistols, SMGs, Battle rifles, Assault rifles, Shotguns, and a single Sniper rifle.

    The two factions

    The marines
    The marines have body armor pieces (shields) that when ruptured, do not regenerate. They start with pistols, no grenades, and limited ammo. In the low gravity, they can jump very high. They have small, limited motion trackers.

    The Flood
    The Flood have a hard exoskeleton (shields) that do not repair. They start with Energy swords, and the ability to pick up weapons, which is realistic for the Flood. Headshots do not affect them, which is also realistic for the Flood. They have very sensitive motion trackers, and can jump very high in the low gravity, and can run faster than humans. Thay also dish out slightly more damage than the marines.

    This game is 100% fair for both sides, during all tests. Each round is very fast-paced, with the marines dying only because they eventually split up and get infected. Sticking together is key. The Flood have the advantage of picking up weapons of deceased comrades, and essentially becoming them. For example, if your friend, who had a Shotgun and a Sniper rifle, died, the killer would pick up both those weapons, basically becoming the infected version of your friend. Marines should watch out for Sniper shots and grenades, because you never know what weapons the Flood carry.
    Now, enough words, now for pics!

    Marine airlock and spawn.

    The Flood's destroyed containment area and their spawn.

    A small weapon cache next to the central pit.

    Hallway with most objects floating. Not so scary, right?

    Wrong! The lights are gone! Can't see!

    The common camping area for the Marines. The crashed Mongoose lies here.

    Here come the Flood!

    The crashed Mongoose. It's very unwise to use it, the only reason the Mongoose is on the map is to please a friend. You know who you are. Hint: That friend calls it a Jenkinsmobile!

    That friend and his passenger being infected. lolz

    Smart use of the Flares lying around

    A friend being owned by the Flood's ability to pick up weapons.

    That's all, folks! This is part 1 of the INFECTED MAP PACK. The other's will include a Gravemind remake and a remake of the Halo 2 multiplayer map Backwash.

    Gametype link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Map link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Thanks to my many testers and to the one that told my other testers that the map wasn't scary, and he only pissed his pants once. lolz
    #1 Plasma Rifle Elite, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    While "headshots" don't affect the flood, shooting the infected form does, so they do have a weak spot - but thats besides the point :D. Anyway, the map looks great, especially the airlock. Looks very realistic, and nice job on making a map that ISNT on sandbox or foundry. This may be the best I've seen that isn't on one of those. Anyway, is the effect off the entire time, or is it only there after a certain amount of time?

    Giving the infected actual weapons is a good idea, but making them stronger then the humans isn't that great in my opinion. If they had swords the entire time that would probably better. But, if you tested it and it worked then I'm in no position to judge - When I get a chance I'll download it and try it out at my next custom games night with my friends, great job!
  3. Lil FlipKid 8o8

    Lil FlipKid 8o8 Ancient
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    I like the airlock idea.
    Anyway, mabe the weapons should be spawned to never, so humans dont go running back. Well mabe that might not be a good idea, but mabe just the heavy weapons. There should be an objective for the humans, so it wont be like predator. Humans just looking for a camping spot, and blowing away zombies.
    The map looks pretty decent. I also like the floating objects idea, very creative.
  4. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    I are has idea. Possibly make the regular infected weaker by giving no shields, similar to an infection form, but with the ability to leech shields when the hurt humans, like a combat form. That way, the longer an infected person stays alive, the stronger they can potentially be. You'd probably have to play with it a bit to get it to work well, but it might be interesting to try.
  5. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    I like the concept, but twice in your description you describe the lack of gravity and then say that the guns lie on the ground so i kind of laughed, maybe put some guns on top of floating boxes or something just to show that they too are floating. I will download and tell you what I think.
  6. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    No word on how the Mongoose drives around. lolz
  7. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
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    As lemonguy said, the guns shouldn't be on the ground. Maybe interlock a weapon holder into one of those boxes to make it look like the weapons are floating. Also, there are other non-floating objects in the pictures, like cones and propane tanks.
  8. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I think that the flood should have a bunch of non-powerful weapons lying around theyre spawn, like plasma rifles and stuff, and the gametype allows them to pick up weapons only for 10 seconds, that way the flood cant grab, say, a sniper rifle. Making gameplay more realistic, much like the covenant in the gametype, "Asset".

    Good job, looks kind of dead space-esque.
  9. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a fantastic idea. Interlock weapon holders into the floating boxes, and make a bunch of weapons float.

    Anyways, this is rather impressive. The storyline is brilliant, and by reading it I have a new appreciation of this game. I cannot wait to play this, amazing job.
  10. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Interesting idea that the infected can pick up weapons, hasn't really been done well before, but i do agree with ROFLninja in that they should have weak weapons around their base and a low pickup time. This will also make the humans less likely to camp near their base because then the flood could get some powerful weapons, you could also add a custom powerup to make a true form flood or something.
  11. kilikx1x

    kilikx1x Ancient
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    in my personal oppinion maps that change lighting mid way ruin gameplay, i think i would b better if the "lights were off" the entire time
  12. Tonkihonki

    Tonkihonki Forerunner

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    Havent been able to test the map yet, tomorrow hopefully I'll find time for that, for how many players do you recommend this map?
  13. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Forerunner

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    This map looks realy great, and I like the idea how to make the flood looks real. Although, isn't the map too dark? I played this map in forge, and I could see the most, but sometimes it was just to dark to see proparly, when close to al wall for example. I haven't tested it yet, but doesn't make that it a little to hard for people, who don't know the map at all?
    Besides that, the map look realy nice.
  14. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Ok, here are answers for people. The lights shut off 10 seconds in, which gives marines time to grab weapons and orient themselves. The Flood can get to the human spawn almost at the exact time the lights go off, to scare the marines real bad. The darkness for new players make the map all the more scary, for my goal was to make the scariest map ever. It plays with a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 16. During testing, the more, the merrier was always the case. I considered making the Flood only pick up weapons for a short time ,but thins also affects the Marines. I tested that in one game, and the Marines died after a few minutes because they ran out of ammo. Giving the Marines unlimited ammo to counter that would give them a massive edge over the Flood, which is unfair. I did try experimenting with custom Powerups, but the humans kept grabbing them when they respawned. I'll probably do a V2 with some of these suggestions.

    Edit: Okay, V2 is finished. I'll be posting it soon, it's got some great new features, like one of those annoying Flood forms that shoots spikes (courtesy of a Brute Spiker and a Custom Powerup), floating weapons (though only 8 weapons float, need more weapon holders. Sorry, some weapons still on ground or lying on floating boxes), and a secret armory that the sneaky ONI crew placed, even though weapons on an intelligence ship are illegal. But that's how ONI rolls. Map now looks lots better!
    #14 Plasma Rifle Elite, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2010
  15. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Looks cool. But one thing i dont like is weapon use for zombies. But all in all it looks earie

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