I fancy buying a new game but im not sure which one i want. I have decided i want one of the following: Bioshock 2 Assassins Creed 2 Borderlands Army of Two the 40th Day I want Bioshock 2 because i played the first one and liked it alot but it lacked things to do once you completed the game. Assassins Creed from what i here is very good but i have played the first one and didn't care for it much. Borderland sound very fun and seems like its one of those games that you can spend hours on messing around. I owned the first Army of Two game and loved it however the online was bad and i have played the demo for the new one and i thought it was not as good as the first.
Well Bioshock 2 isnt out, and Ao2:40th day isnt out, and it wont be as good as any of the titles listed. Go with AC2, or Borderlands.
I have played Borderlands. And believe me. It isn;'t worth it after 12hours you think. This game is all the same. The environment,weapons and even the enemy's don't change. So I highly reccomend you to get Assasin Creed 2 because I have played that one aswell. And it's was very good. Better as I thought it would be! ArmyOfTwo is very bad... And Bioshock2 is going to very cool i think although it takes some time before it comes out!
Well, Assassin's Creed 2 and Borderlands are both excellent. I don't know if I could choose between them. They are so different but both so fun and I've spent countless hours playing them. However, if you're looking to buy a new game, I would give Darksiders a looksie. It comes out on Tuesday, and has some great reviews. The developer videos make it look totally awesome. The team behind the game really had a great mindset when making the game, and I think it will have spectacular gameplay. But if that isn't your style, I would go with either AC2 or Borderlands.
Definately borderlands or AC2 Borderlands is better if you plan to play co-op. AC2 has a better storyline.
Well like most people I suggest Assassins Creed 2 or Borderlands, both are excellent, and both are completely different. Borderlands is a great game to play with your friends, the four player co-op is a lot of fun, and allows for some serious mischief with your friends, as well as the RPG aspect of building a really cool character. Assassins Creed 2 on the other hand is a great single player game. If you didn't like the first one because of it's repetitiveness, you will find a welcome surprise to AC2, because they revamped all the missions to feel like you are playing a story rather than the same thing for each and every mission like the first one. After the game is complete you will probably still be able to search for the feathers, or the subject 16 video, so it has things to do after the game is over.
All desert wastelands and scrapyards apart from final levels True, but they're randomly generated Bandits, Skags, Guardians, Scythid, Spiderants, Lances, Bosses. Pretty sure that covered everyone.
Of your choices, only Borderlands and AC2 is out at the moment. I've played both. My thoughts: AC2 is a clear-cut rent. I got it on GameFly and it was out after 3 or 4 days of playing it. I 100% the game in achievements and things you can buy. It's a pretty good single-player adventure, but in my book I'd much rather spend the money on Borderlands. If you're playing by yourself, sure, it's boring. It's a classic shoot-and-loot game, but it's got the co-op element which is done very smoothly. Storyline? Well...not really much of one. However, you will get a good amount out of it if you have people to play it with online. You can get several playthroughs of it and still be wanting for more. AC2, at least for me, I couldn't play more than twice. It's good, but not...THAT good. On that point, neither of the games really has any solid RPG elements. They're fairly focused on the adventure side (AC2), or the shoot-and-loot. If you're looking for a real RPG, these aren't the games for you. I'd also like to recommend a few games, unless you have them: -Halo 3: ODST has a high-quality (but too short) campaign, but most importantly the Multiplayer disc with Mythic II -Modern Warfare 2 wasn't quite as good as the first time around, but the multiplayer is as addictive as ever -Dragon Age: Origins. Now here's a tricky one. If you're not really a fan of the BioWare mix of turn based and RPG combat, you probably won't enjoy the game. However, if you have experience in such games (Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic), or even enjoy some more conventional games, like the Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind and Oblivion to be more precise on the commonly played ones), you may enjoy it. It's got great character depth, story, motivation...what it's missing is any form of multiplayer (obviously), and it has some awful graphics for a 360 game. If you're an RPG veteran, you'll enjoy it. -Left 4 Dead 2. Better than the first one, IMO. However, quickly gets boring if you don't have people to play with. I'd choose Borderlands over this one, but it's certainly a viable option.
Not unlimited guns they are almost all the same only look otherwise. And 100 Enemies? I would say like 7 or something. Spiders,Midgetshotgunner,bandits,those fly things, and couple of other things. But if you played it 20hours+ then it gets boring.. It could be me and my friends.That we had a lan-party at the first day of Borderlands and played like 12hours non-stop. But I think otherwise after 24hours i would be the same bored like that. Also like you said if you like RPG's then you definitly most get this one. I finished it and I loved it. Really I did... Only the ending was a pain in the ass because you can't do the side quest anymore =[ And the content is also awesome it got like insane54 said very good storyline and the choices you can make is also very cool! I really like the class system and such. So well I recommend you to get this one if you like RPG 1.Dragon Age 2.Assasin Creed 2 3.Halo ODST / Modern warfare 2 -->> Although I can only play it a couple of hours but many people think not the same like me. 4.Borderlands I would not get L4D2 because A it's not worth the money and B it's very repetivive and gets quite fast boring like l4d 1. Also like someone said i would NOT get Darksiders and not Army of two because those games are just bad. Rather wait for Bioshock 2,Mass effect 2,Protocol
for the guns, the differences are NOT lookwise, all the guns have different functions like a fast/slow RoF, elemental effect, zoom, and other stats. How can you say this game has repetitive enemies and enviroment then go onto recommending AC2 which enemies are always people while BL has things like rakk hives, gaurdians, or midgets. And AC2 just has a city, most of BL is wasteland but there are also alot of canyons and urban territories. So to answer the TC, borderlands is great especially if you have other friends who have it.
Seriously dude. You have to get a brain or play the game. AC2 got like 7 city's that look almost the same like the real city's in Italy. The graphics of it looks almost real. Borderlands looks like crap. And Ac2 is bigger then borderlands. And varies it got's very good story you got alot variation in missions. And for the people that want some extra can do after they completed the game still get some achievements they didn't get or collect feathers for the cape and statue's glyphs.. So don't going to say to me "And AC2 just has a city". I played both as a retarded freak. So don't going to say ANYTHING what you don't know. Borderlands looks like it got alot weapons it don't they are just all the same but looks otherwise. Oke it got mabye alot of weapons but not hundredthousands of different weapons. no they got 89 different weapons. Well with COD you got that to. And Borderlands the story is the worse story I ever heard. The graphics suck very hard. And they got like 6 different enemy's that only grow stronger. The Gameplay is fun but not addictive. I've lanned with 8 friends 12hours after the release. And well we expected lesser of it but it seems to be a pretty good game. But it's very much the same. So if you can choose AC2 = Very good story,Really amazing graphics,Much variations,alot completetion,Long Singleplayer, oh and Free Roam.Replica of Italy(Florence-Venice) Or Borderlands:RPG,Shooter,4coop, 89weapons. Uhhh.. Yea? And borderlands the weapons aim and such is really ripped off from COD. And I'm not saying that because i'm cod fanboy. I don't like it even. Al my friends buyed Modern Warfare 2 but I was the only one that didn't.
If you're looking to play Co-op I suppose Ao2 would be a good option but there wasn't any replay value in the original... You could just rent it ans that'd be enough if it's anything like the first.
Out of the 4 games you feel you want, only Borderlands has a large amount of depth. There are infinite weapons, and the differences are vastly noticable. There are hundreds of different enemies. (Easily 15 different Bandits, 10 Crimson Lance, 20 odd spiders, 10 rakk, 20 skagg etc.) Many of these enemies will appear during playthrough 2 and 2.5, It's the only one that will steal a good amount of time from you. It's the one you will have a lot of fun with friends on. The coop element is probably the strongest aspect of the game, which is fantastic for something you could quite happily play through 3 times on your own on. AC2 is a real disappointment, and anyone who tells you otherwise is mentally challenged, or could have been just as amused by a wooden block and a larger block with a hole in it where the first block would fit. AC2's plot is a disappointment, the graphics aren't that good, combat is slower and much less entertaining than AC1. You will play it, finish it in maybe 15 hours and be bored. You will have spent half of that doing silly puzzles. Borderlands you can spend 25 hours in 1 playthrough, and a good 40-50 getting to level 50. This does not include the time spent having fun with friends.
borderlands is going cheap now, so its your best deal. ac2 is long if you want a good trudge though a game.
First of all, the graphics were a DIFFERENT art style called Cell shaded, and they got alot of the details and lightings good, not everygame has to look as realistic as your hand. Second of all, Borderlands has Free roam too, its seperated into sections. Still free roam because I can go anywhere anytime. Third of all, the game has alot of replay value, single player or with friends because there are tons of FUN quests and missions. Im not sure what your mean by "the weapons aim and such is really ripped off from COD." the aiming wasn't invented by IW if thats what your saying. Yeah so what the controls are copied from it, why put that against them, they are great, and they may have made a bad scheme who knows. AC2 may barely be a buy, I got bored of it after beating the game at my cousins place during christmas. If you are argueing that AC2 is a better buy, that is a brainless remark. Dont call me brainless either by the way just because I have another opinion. Oh and 1 more thing, at least Gearbox didn't need to bribe reviewers to make the game seem better.
In my opinion AC2 is a great game. I found it much less repetitive than the first. I preferred the location of the game aswell among alot of other things. Although it may be a great game, I suggest to you that you just rent it instead of paying full price for it. Borderlands seems like the better option. 4 player Co-op, lots of guns and enemies and the game is a good length aswell.
I'm not so sure about Borderlands, but what i've read about is it a pretty nice game. Besides, i do know something about AC 2, and that game is realy awesome. Almost everthing what was wrong with AC1 is now gone, the missions are realy not-repetive and you have a lot of area to explore. i'm sure you'll spend alot time with AC2. =D