Does anyone know how to completely wipe a facebook account of all information? Like delete all posts, messages, etc. that I ever wrote WITHOUT deleting the account itself?
Settings > Deactivate Account Choosing 'I don't feel safe' will erase everything. Choosing 'I'll be back' will hide everything and allow you to recover it at a later time. You ****ed up, didntya?
lol no actually i'm thinking about double majoring in political science and economics and that could lead to a future career in politics, in which case i want to make sure that my facebook isn't filled with crazy stuff NOW so that in the future the media doesn't take something i said way back when and put some crazy spin on it and then then people think i'm like a huge asshole or something. of course that's a putting it a little more dramatically, but i think you get the idea.
It could happen. FOX News exists, therefore it can happen. Just delete your account and recreate one from scratch
Also, this is the internet. Even though you think you took everything down, It'll still be up there somewhere.
i'm 19. i don't think i'm being that paranoid. it's also sort of a clean slate as my new years resolution is to not swear/be vulgar so this will give me a fresh start
Don't worry, I have your account backed up into one of my external hard drives. Just like everyone else's.
To be honest the closest thing you are ever going to get to 'wiping' your account is deleting your account and then creating a new one. There is no little button you can press that will give you a clean slate. Think of it like jail, you can go to jail and do your time but your still going to have a record of what you did.
Good luck on being president, but Obama smoked weed, and Bush did cocaine, so i doubt you laughing at some debatable stuff on youtube is gona destroy your lottery-chance future.
well no it's just you could just take a lot of what i say (i'm very sarcastic) and twist it around. i'm also doing this because an increasing number of aunts keep friend requesting me on facebook and i don't want to give them a bad impression.