If there would be tournaments where you could win for example €15,- . Would you be able to pay €3,- . I'm talking about "Online Tournaments". Please comment here what is your reason why you answered that answer.. -Don't comment in this link... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/groups/flarious-tournaments.html
It depends on the rewards. If you put 10 and only get 20 out of it i probably wont. But if i put 10 in and get 100 out i will.
Yea you're right about that but are you willing to pay for it €10,- because you are never sure if you win ..
if it is a simple online tournament like on gamebattles then no but if i get something out of it then yes
Well,, but on Gamebattle you play with the best halo players i think. I mean it's Major League gaming.. But you don't can win anything ? Edited.Edited.
With Gamebattles, you play people that are WAY better than you most of the time, so if you pay to be in that tournament, You're basically giving your money away.
Not true anyone can play on game battles and they vary from little to no experience at all to professional levels. As for the OP I would most likely not because the online tournaments attract quite a lot of people and you're more likely to loose you're money rather than win it.
I probably wouldn't pay for a tournament unless it was hosted by a well known company/organization/site and then I'd check out what others are in the tourney before I'd pay anyway so I'd know if I had a chance.
You mean pay a submission fee? I'm pretty sure in most contests/tournaments there are submission fees, how else would they raise money to hold future events? Sure, there's advertising, but it's better to have a fallback. And to answer your question, yes, and if the prize money is more than triple the submission fee.
Well mabye it's true what you say about that it varies alot.But site like gamebattle.com would mostly have a proffesional people because if you got well say 50 people 5 vs 5 that 5 times and everytime a 1 team losed then you got from 10 teams 5 teams and that goes so till you got 2teams left and proffesionals will not lose from un experienced people because the best mostly come to the end and you will have to play against them but then you got sometimes first,second & third places or more/less. But I'm asking this because I thinking of doing something like that. Make a website like gamebattle but then in tournaments. Not only paid but also free. I think it's better to have people that are not very experienced and people that ARE very experienced tournaments wouldn't be really fair if someone played total of 1000matches (including all types) and someone that played 15000. But still then there would be people that start over and got only like 500 matches. Well then still wouldn't it be fair so actually you can't do that. Mabye come near in it. But never perfect.. Yea of course that's what i said i mean it's not for the fun major league gaming. It's because they attract the best players that are only halo3,cod,fifa or all such kind.. MMO even..
I chose "Of Course." I would pay to be in a tournament if I trusted the community (FH, MLG, xF, etc.), if the cost was reasonable, and if I was generally interested. For example I wouldn't mind paying $5-10 for 1v1 tournament on Forge Hub (like the previous one.)
I would pay for the tournament if I got something out of it, or if it was for charity. For instance, a couple of years ago, I entered FLAG (Fight Like A Girl) Tournament, and the money would go towards breast cancer research, and I got to play against Sancho and Dirty Drew (Bungie Employees). Now I would have to pay for a tournament to go up against non-sporting people that like to yell, scream, and be disruptive, I wouldn't do it.
Well about that non-sporting people.. I am sporting ,not screaming and not being disruptive. but oke enough are. But what about if you can get "achievements" out of it and/or there are leaderboards. Something just like forgehub but then only for tournaments with achievements,leaderboards and nice overview of upcoming tournaments. But with achievements i don't mean. Make a overkill or kill 10people in a row.No i mean thinks like Get a perfection medal or make a killtrocity with a battle rifle. Thinks like that. SO you got paid & unpaid tournaments .But in the paid you can win a "prize" and unpaid you can only unlock achievements aswell as the paid tournaments. Like the idea then. Would you pay then.