Un-named 2v2 slayer map. Gametypes that will be set up: MLG TS KOTH Oddball CTF This map is a mix of multiple popular maps. Archaic Crown of Flies The Pit There will be 2 versions availible when posted, MLG and regular. Amount of Players suitable: 2 - 6 Map is: 70% Complete Pictures:
Looks excellent, I can see Crown of Flies influence. I would love to test it but it looks like all objectives would be one sided, and it also looks like it would work for FFA
You definitely need to break down the LoS across the middle of the map from the crooked windows to the other side. The OS holder that you have is probably not enough. And you should make at least one more pathway to back red. Right now, it seems as if people will spawn back there and have no incentive to go back during the match. And to be honest, this looks like the perfect size for a 1v1, not a 2v2.
God..DAMMIT youtuber. Lol, yes, I will probably add some more walkways attaching to red base. It so happens ace, that when i showed youtuber the map, he said the sxact same thing... And kept on bothering me about it. Thanks for the comments guys.
this map looks very good. although I rarely play this style of maps, im looking forward to downloading! I dont know if this is just me or not, but i find that everything looks better if there are higher buildings, or at least they have roofs.
Thanks, and yes, I found this too, when building asset maps, its almost essential for each room and base to have a roof. Which almost always looks better, but takes up objects.