Mythic II DLC Infection: Close the Door on The Barracks

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Devil95, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    The Barracks

    Close the Door was an old gametype that was left out in snow. Although This isn't the regular old Close The Door. Its Gameplay is Fun, Exciting and Challenging. In the old Close The Door Map (High Ground). Camping was a problem for Zombies. Thats when I Discovered a New Zombie. A Zombie that would take at least 3 people to eliminate.​

    I Tried My Hardest at make this Fair and Even.
    Map isn't great I Know don't Blame!



    Sorry For a Short Video
    Will Add A New One Later!​

    After long hours trying to build a Zombie that could take down shields without being super powerful, The Omega Zombie was Created. This Zombie is Very Dangerous, Deadly and Strong. The Zombie is able to pick-up the Gravity Hammer. This Zombie Kills Campers Easily.​

    Honor Rules
    Yes this map has Honor Rules. The Only 2 Honor Rules are:
    Omega Zombie can't Pick up Human Weapons and Zombies can't camp at the 3rd Teleporter.​

    New Features:
    Unlike the last few Close The Door Maps, I added New Features to make it more challenging and Fun.​

    * Over 12 Entrances
    * A New Zombie (Omega)
    * 4 New Locations
    * A ***** (I Mean What!)
    * Opening Doors
    * A New System that tells Humans that the Zombies are Free'd
    * Zombie Waiting Room
    * Mythic II DLC​

    There are a few problems:
    Omega Zombie is able to pick up human weapons.
    Zombie can camp at 3rd Teleporter. (I Tried to Fix)
    Map may be escapable! (I haven't seen anyone try it)​

    2x Tripmines
    3x Sniper
    3x Shotgun
    1x SMG
    2x Battle Rifle
    2x Assualt Rifle
    2x Rockets (6 Rockets Added Togther)​

    Zombie Classes:
    Neutrel Zombie (White)
    Alpha Zombie (Black)
    Omega Zombie (Gold)​

    Tips and Strategies:

    Only Use Rockets When Omega Zombie is Around!
    Stay Together!
    Teamwork is Critical!
    Omega Zombie Pop-up at least 2 times in a Game​

    Weaker Zombie Should Go In Hordes With Omega or Alpha Zombies
    Omega Zombie isn't very powerful against Big Groups of Humans, Bring a Horde!
    Don't Camp, Camping takes forever!​

    Special Thanks
    To Everyone who tested:

    Mr Ipod Touch
    Dealing Pigeon
    Lil Flipkid 8o8

    Also Big Thanks to
    R3AP3R 2117
    For Helping me with Bugs, Testing, Forging and Giving Me Ideas for this map.

    Thanks For Viewing
    (Dont Take the ***** Joke So Serious!)

    #1 Devil95, Dec 31, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2009
  2. Lil FlipKid 8o8

    Lil FlipKid 8o8 Ancient
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    Hey you put this up. This was fun to play on, everyone just running around, back against the teleporter. But no one followed the honor rules, some guys were just camping at the last teleporter (oh wait, that was me.) Man! That was annoying! Anyway, mabe there should have been something to block the entrance at the last teleporter from zombies. You need alot of players to make it fun and fair. If you have just one zombie getting killed ounce they enter, they would just quit. But anyway that was awesome.
  3. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    There is a crate blocking the entrance to the 3rd teleporter to keep the Zombies out and The Humans In. Thanks For Commenting!
  4. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    You seem to have done a great job balancing the game much more than the original, and I commend you for that. The addition of a new zombie type also helps, and the fact that camping seems to be hardly present is great! However, throughout the video, I couldn't see a close-able door, at least one similar to the original. I'm actually terrible at finding things; could you point out a point in the video in which close-able doors are present?
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Yeah, I was on a Budget. I didn't really get many doors that you could close. Theres one at the beggining and then someone got out of the map with the other 5. Hey guys Look what Lol Mastr sent me: "*Cough* Cough* Bad Map. Oh hey little boy I see you ATTEMPTED to make an infection map! Close the door is boring and is for losers and only the biggest idiot would make a Close the Door map. Please, get off ForgeHub." This is why I am very disapointed with myself. I make a map. This guy always puts something. Thanks for the comment. Another reason why I don't like forgehub's commuinity. Anyways thanks for commenting guys. That Make Me Glad. Thanks for not ranting.
  6. Eaglendia

    Eaglendia Ancient
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    Though the name "Close the Door" looks a bit discouraging to potential downloaders, you seem to have made a fair and good-looking map. Perhaps you should give zombies weapon pickup in respawn traits for several seconds, and allow them to spawn in an area with a gravity hammer/custom powerup, to avoid the Omega Zombie's ability to grab human weapons?
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I know, I just couldnt come up with a Name for the map. Then one of my testers said it reminded him of Close The Door. Thanks For Finding a Solution to my problem. I'll put on the 2nd Version soon. Also another Clip.

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