
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cr0ok3d, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    OK, I decided to procrastinate on my HW by looking at this instead.

    There's nothing particularly special about this map that makes it stand out for me. Aside from that, this map is great. The layout is intuitive, looks balanced, and flows cleanly. I like the symmetry method you chose, and it's clear that you took a long time making sure everything fit together nicely.

    My first real issue is that there are a couple spots you can grenade jump out of (from the barriers at the ends). This could be easily fixes, but it might ruin your wall-continuity, so I can understand if you choose not to 'fix' this.

    Secondly, I think you should either give the sniper rifles 2 extra clips or bring the respawn time down a bit. They're not THAT big of a power weapon.

    Third, I think the bubble shield respawn times could be set up to 2 minutes rather than 90 seconds. The basement could get a little too busy with bubble shields popping up everywhere.

    That's it. Three issues. Nothing major.

    I love the regenerator and rocket placements. I think they're perfect for a map like this. Everything else is pretty intuitive, and I wouldn't add any more or less cover anywhere.

    All in all, this is a great looking sort of MLG-style map, which a lot of people will love. I just wish there was something (aside from the great layout) that made it really stand out.
  2. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment. That is the type of map exactly that I wanted. Basic, yet amazing for gameplay with a sweet layout.

    The grenade jumping is a hard thing to do, I tested this with so friends earlier. Just one spot is possible. It is very hard to do though however. It took like 15 minutes which would be pointless in gameplay.

    I like the idea of the bubble shield to be at 2 min rather than 90 seconds. I tried to find a good time for them to respawn to fit into the map. If you think 120 is better then I will go with that.

    As for the sniper, I feel it has sufficient ammo. I feel 8 shots is deffinately enough to do some destruction with when used right. My favorite weapon is a sniper and I don't think personally, it should have any more ammo than what it has.

    I will have to come out with a v2 sometime. I need to fix one wall in the middle that is a little slanted that I have seen. Not that it effects anything, just for looks.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    "Minor Help From IxGUNxSLINGERxI"

    minor help FTW woot i would download this but i already have it !!!!!

    o and crooked i would be happy to fix the wall in the middle for you =D

    and if anybody thinks this map does not play well i can tell you from personal experiance it does my favorite parts are the long hallway duels
    #23 IxGUNxSLINGERxI, Apr 21, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2008
  4. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Yea, the long hallway duels are awesome. Especially for sniper battles and stuff.

    I need to set up MLG for this as well.
  5. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    Very nice job. I'm no expert on small maps, but I think you've got a great design, and you definitely have top-notch item placement. Can't wait to get owned by you on this.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This map looks very impressive. I'm going to have to take a peak.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I really liked the MLG Team Oddball game we played here on Saturday; the map works really well for that. The CTF game didn't work for me too well, though. I was immediately put off by being able to see the other team spawn across the map at the start of the game. It may have been that is was a new map that I was totally unfamiliar with, but I felt like I didn't have any time to set up and prepare any kind of strategy. And it seemed like it was way too easy to score with the default multi-flag setting. It happens a lot on some of the more linear Foundry maps, and changing a setting to have your flag at home to score seems to make for a closer game. The only suggestions I have would be to move the starting spawns so you don't see the other team right away and possibly to move the flag location to one of the raised, partially merged boxes within each base. But these are only suggestions, and as such have nothing to do with the map layout itself, which is very well done. I can't think of anything I would change as far as that goes. Nice job, sir.
  8. celtics513

    celtics513 Ancient
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    i played on this map before it was released! =-D. I think that the suggestions about the sniper rifle and the bubble shield given before are adequate and should at least be tested, and otherwise i am astounded by the ingenuity of this map. well done
  9. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Yea, that CTF game failed. I think it was because 2/5 of my teams guys were afk and the other team stayed in a pack of 5 so it was hard to kill them which was smart. I like the idea of having the flag at home to score. Great idea. I went with the spawn facing at start so you can see where your opponents start and it makes for a fair start to the game.
  10. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
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    I like the open-ness added to it :D
  11. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Yes, I tried to keep it as open as possible but still have cover if you know what I am saying.
  12. Kad

    Kad Ancient
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    This map looks amazing
  13. xlilpsychox

    xlilpsychox Ancient
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    wow, this map looks so kwl ill give it 9 out of 10 simply because of interlockin but it is still great
  14. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Thank you for the comments!
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Crooked, great map man. I like this much more than most other MLG-style maps just because its not the simple bi-level base map with a narrow divider that seems to be the makeup of a lot of MLG based maps lately. I loved the Ball game we played here, alot more so than the CTF. But i do think CTF could work alot better with some flag at home/flag away respawn areas, with perhaps a few more spawn points near the center of the map. I remember a lot of spawn killing in the CTF match we played. Respawn areas should do the trick nicely, and Squid has a good point about the "flag must be at home to score" setting. You could get some pretty epic back and forth multi-flag matches here with a couple tiny tweaks. The respawn areas would benefit all gametypes actually. I'd suggest using neutral areas for Team Ball/Slayer, and team specific ones for CTF. I also agree with Cosmic about the upping the bubble shield respawn time to 2 minutes. It seemed a little too hectic down there with the 90s respawns. This map was forged brilliantly except for a couple tiny spots. They don't really affect gameplay too much (or at all really), but in the bases, where the upside down bridges meet the upside down boxes, there were tiny gaps where you could see through to the first floor. It could be that the bridges just weren't long enough. In which case it'd be way too much hassel to shrink the whole map together. Merely aesthetic though, anyway. But overall I was seriously impressed, you've succeeded in creating a very competitive map that quite possibly could be my favorite Ball map to date. Well done, stoked to see your future work.
  16. Slayer21212007

    Slayer21212007 Ancient
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    Symmetrical i see very cool map
  17. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Thank you. Yea, those bridges barely made it to the double boxes. I didn't notice how much they were away until after the fact. I didn't want to go back and fix them since the walking part of it was still smooth. Yes, I agree I must fix the spawns. I have a bunch downstairs but up top I only had a few. The thing I seemed to realize that most of the gameplay takes place in the middle or on just one end. So when you spawn it spawns you farthest away from the other team. Usually on the other side. I think that is why that happens.
  18. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Even though I agree with you, it isn't exactly the ideal MLG map. I imagine this could have some MLG potential if you removed the AR's, Plasma Rifles, SMG's, and Equipment. It would be cool to have an MLG map on Foundry that actually had a sniper(s), and another Ball gametype (assuming it is as great as everyone has made it out to be) added to the circuit would also be sweet since it is too good of a gametype to only have one gametype with it. It is a shame that most of the forgers over on the MLG forums aren't creative enough to make asymmetrical Foundry maps because there are much less spawn issues on multi level asymmetric maps.

    On the map, I really love the look of it from the screenshots and have never really seen anything like it on Foundry. It seems like a completely linear Sanctuary. I have it queued.

    Edit: I have a hard time grasping the size of top mid, but I guess that I will find out soon enough.
    #38 XxTexasHornxX, Apr 23, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
  19. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    Just put the respawn and your good
  20. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Top mid is just big enough to hold a competitive game up there. It is not in any means big though. It is like 3 single boxes wide and probably 6 long.

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