this is actually really fun. shame i had to leave D: i might try to get a game of this started at some point tommorow. so send me messages and/ or FRS to get invited.
i dont run on a schedule. the times i have my TV to myself are absolutely random. so there is no specific time, but tommorow afternoon i will post whenever i start one.
i was there. it was epic. we played on avalance. there are the two roofs you can get on, which are where the cops go, and the mexicans have to run from the other side to the stores which are behind avalanche. we only had a 2 on 2, it would be epic 4v4.
I might start some hunter vs hunted today, that I have found is 10 times as fun, but it required more people (8 at least) the thing about BP, is it only works on derail, H vs H works on nearly every map(some are better than others...)
This is the funnest game I have ever played. Ever. I highly reccomend you MSG dloe48or me to get invited.
I know right? H v H is my fav personally, BP was better in cod4 because the map... I hope overgrown or something like it comes with the map pack this spring.
BP is still fun, if there was a door on the far left, that way getting into the store would be easier.
ya, on overgrownt the shack was smaller, there was less cover, and it was a bit harder to get into, it took more skill, now the cops mainly have to focus on the stores because they are so easy to get to...
It seems extremely hard though, it's more even on derail. The mexicans have a pretty good chance. And the space around the shack on overgrown seems like good cover, there is a long haul to the stores from the cover in derail.
ya, but you have a free run for the most part, until you're about 30 yards away... You are CONSTANTLY worrying about being seen on overgrown, and the games lasted longer
ikr. than it gets really hard. its like kinda hard the entire time on overgrown, or easy till the end than extrememely hard on derail. i wish we found another map for this. we should experiment. so youre sure highrise sucks? i guess the underground ruins it. rundown is too city. same with karachi. afghan? idk, no good enough spot. rust is too square. invasion- no. favela has too many buildings. sub base? trying to get into the hut that is behind the two towers? might work. quarry is a no. estate might work, kids try to get from the attackers spawn to the boathouse. scrapyard? no. skidrow is also a no. terminal, no. underpass-maybe. people get on top of the houses and in the houses, and the mexicans try to get to the place with the small windows. that is my analysis on all of the maps. so, possibilities i have thought of- sub base, estate, and underpass edit- thought of a new gametype. swat team. criminals have pistols only, and a team of spas-12 wielding swatters have to enter the safe house and take them out. played with uneven teams, such as 3 swat 5 criminals, or something of the like. no riot shields, otherwise i dont care what the primary is. edit2- i will be getting on at 11, so if i can get some ppl to play BP and HvH than i will. so msg me on xbl
Estate. From boathouse to greenhouse. Snipers are in the mansion. Scrapyard. One side to the other, border patrol is on top of the plane hulls, and Mexicans have to get to the big warehouse. Highrise. One side to the other, big building. Border patrol is on the roof of said building. Get to the back corner of said building. No underground. Rundown. Get across the bridges. Snipers are on death row. (That long hallway on the second floor that overlooks all the bridges.)
you are forgetting about how the mexicans have to be in a shack to shoot. the greenhouse one isnt bad though. but they can probably stay completely out of sight almost if they go around the long way.