Sandbox arena/ring

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MSG, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. MSG

    MSG Ancient
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    this anchint arnea is good for: the games listed below

    map: arena/ring
    game: fiesta-ring 2-16 players
    game: king of da ring 2-8 players "max!"

    images: there only 2 becose its just a big "O"

    this is were extra people spawn thay get fiesta wepons but thay cant control this hill in "king of da ring" it is very hard for them to win in fiesta slayer becouse there fusion's in there room...

    king of da ring- all players start out of the ring when you spawn you NO life so youd better get in the ring fast last 1 alive in the ring wins =)

    fiesta slayer-... last 1 alive wins ;)

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, it could use a more original name, but it definately looks smooth. I would suggest adding a TINY amount of cover, like the "On it's side Column" or "That little hill that people like to stand on". Also, when you're the "Extra", how do you get to the hill? Do you have to kill yourself w/ the fusion coil then hope to spawn down in the ring? Also, how does having a Fusion Coil in their room make it hard for them to win when you can't even see it from the outside of the room in the first place?
  3. MSG

    MSG Ancient
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    it has 2 rows of rooms 1 with no door and the top 1s with doors

    it playes like this if 16 poeple start the game (fiesta slayer) 8 spawn on the lower lvl 8 in the top rooms

    same with (king of da ring) but it only has 8 max players if it didnt it would be unfair being unable to get to the hill
    all 8 players spawn on the lower lvl the lvl with no doors
  4. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    thats what i'm seeing, i dont get why this is any different to a big ring? and why this deserves a download...please correct me if there a super awesome feature i have missed though :) and it does look cleanly made.
  5. MSG

    MSG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you right it is a big ring 1 of the biggest iv seen/made on sand box

    it really not for the map but for the game types

    there was 1 on foundry just like this

    if i can get a group of people togeather i will take action shots to show you the games or test them out for your self

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