Sandbox Asset: Visage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Panncakez, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    The map you've totally not been waiting for. I give you:
    Asset: Visage
    Pictures fixed early, yayz! Enjoy the actual map. Links have been added at the bottom.
    For those of you who don't know, Asset is the latest Forgehub craze, inspired by Halo 3: ODST, made by rifte gifle. Asset is an 8 minute, 1-sided VIP game, in which the defenders play the role of ODSTs, protecting their 'Asset,' Vergil the Engineer. The attackers assume the role of the Covenant, wanting to kill Vergil for some totally random reason. Now, although it may sound a bit cheesy, and many maps have been made for this gametype (25, to be exact), I hope that my map will give you an enjoyable playing experience.
    What's a good map without a decent backstory? Here you have it:
    The 232nd ODST Battalion had made a grave mistake: loosing the Engineer, Vergil, who may prove vital to mankind's victory over the Covenant. In a valiant move, the Battalion was able to recover their precious Asset from a group of Brutes, and escaped to an abandoned structure in the middle of a desert. The Brutes gave chase, and in doing so, destroyed the Battalion's vehicles. The ODSTs quickly took shelter in the structure, and the Brute commander demanded the surrender of Vergil. In order to progress the story, the ODSTs refused, and the Brute Commander armed his troops and went into battle. This is where YOU come in.
    I demand your pictures, Panncakez! Even if you are Magically Delishus.
    Alright, alright! Geez, I was just getting to that.
    Here are a few views of the arsenal you get as an ODST, along with your standard issue BR and SMG.




    Laser set to spawn at 90 seconds, I believe. Possibly 120.

    Here's what you get as an attacker. Right sender node sends you right to the battlefield, left takes you to the vehicle spawn. Other way around, my bad. Left node to battlefield, right to vehicle spawn.


    Brute Stalkers spawn with two maulers and active camo.

    Mr. Chieftain gets a gravity hammer and a custom powerup.

    Wraith and Banshee spawn at 90 seconds.

    Here's where you spawn as an attacker. There are four grav lifts under the floor that allow you to bounce, sort of like a trampoline. Kill ball spawns at 45 seconds. Oh, and sorry about the starting points: I had no saved game footage at the time, and nobody was on to test it with me.

    As an attacker, you also get some (not so) stylish cover. Receiver nodes are merged into the ground.

    Here's an overview from the destination point. Hornet spawns 3 minutes into the game, on the far left (viewing the photo).

    Sans destination.

    Vergil commands you to dowload!

    Visage: : Halo 3 File Details
    Asset V2: : Halo 3 File Details
    Yeah... I don't know how to link things with words yet. Oh well. BTW, the description of Visage hasn't been changed from its canvas's description. I made the map, NOT Forgotten Wing (the guy who made the canvas I used!). I also won't be able to change it until NEXT week, I'll be in New Hampshire.

    Thanks to all the blokes from across the pond who helped me test this, namely:
    Clay Kitten
    Assassin[insert random numbers which I will find out later]
    The rest of you whom I forgot. Sorry!

    Oh, and please tell me what to change about this map. This is my first, after all.​
    #1 Panncakez, Dec 27, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2009
  2. nixaguy

    nixaguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You might wanna check your pictures, there all the same :(

    RIPPINFEAR Ancient

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    So far looks good but could you post up a few more pics that describes the map a bit more thank you.
  4. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry 'bout that, pictures have been fixed. Enjoy!
    #4 Panncakez, Dec 27, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2009
  5. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    i loled really hard. the map looks good though. in other news have you seen that new asset map by rifle gifle? OMG YUM. but yeah ill edit this after u fis your post with my OTHER opions on your map ;)

    EDITZOR1 YAY PICS :D i like the whole platform thing but other than that its a bit sloppy and could use some more aesthetics.
    #5 just defy, Dec 27, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2009
  6. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like it but I see potential problems. Like that room in the base. You Never want
    a room in asset because the asset will just camp there. Ill have to test it. Send me a message to test and Ill join you. my GT is Mr Ipod Touch
  7. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    I understand your concern, but I made the room very open: if a wraith mortar blast is shot through the window in the front, everyone in the room receives some amount of damage. The room is simply for cover, but I can invite to a test about a week from now, since I'll be going away without mah Xbox.

    Understood, but the ODSTs spawn with BRs every time. I just figured since there would probably be so much BR ammo on the ground, there wouldn't be a need to have a BR as part of the weapons in the map. The AR might be a nice change of pace, for some.
  8. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Good looking map. It looks good, gametype and classes looks sound, and nothings to overpowered. I can't say it's amazing but I'll still DL. Well I would download if there were links....
  9. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! I'm not expecting anyone to say that it's amazing... But 'good' is good enough. Links have been added, now. Just read the big print at the top.

    EDIT: Woot, 4 downloads! Hey, it may not be an achievement for YOU, but I'm satisfied that three (rifte gifle DL'ed and told me he would give me feedback) people liked my map enough to DL it.
    #9 Panncakez, Dec 28, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2009
  10. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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    Its kind of simple and its very similar to Protocol.
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I haven't gotten a game on this yet, but I did do a forge through. I recommend you play around with the spawning time for weapons, vehicles, and brute special classes as they're mostly all 30second respawn which will definetly make the game a bit hectic. Also, your hornet spawn time is at 150 seconds incase you didn't know.

    I won't give any more suggestions/comments until I've actually played it(one of those things being the camo brute), but the base itself isn' bad even though it's on a slight angle.
  12. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    Any suggestions for spawn times of the other weapons? Should the sniper be delayed? If you noticed, the shotgun only has one clip: that's to prevent camping underneath the main structure. I didn't realize the Hornet was set to 150, though. Thanks for catching that. And yeah, the base was on an angle, though that was partially intentional, as the structure was meant to look as if it was sinking into the sand.

    Once I return home, I'll tweak the specialty classes. I was in a hurry to release this map to the public and my friends, so I didn't think too much about the classes. I'll try to think of some clever way to block the spawn points (like Ell3ment did on RidgeSide). But I'm glad that you sort of liked the main base, as that means a lot coming from the creator of Asset.

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