Sandbox Spectre v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by superduper66, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    version #2


    This is the newest version of Spectre. The entire map has been re-done. Everything is interlocked appropriately, spawns have been adjusted from the original, a few more weapons and geometry have been added, and the map plays a lot smoother than the original.

    If you are already familiar with Spectre, you can skip to the screenshots.

    For those of you unfamiliar with Spectre, it is an Asymmetrical Map that takes place in the Sky Bubble of Sandbox. Despite the Asymmetricality, its sweet-spot is with Symmetrical gametypes. Each team is given equal- but different -weapon, equipment, and power-up sets.

    The attackers are given the advantage of an in-base Shotgun (0 clips), Overshield, Bubble Shield, more cover, and a little head start to the Neutral Gravity Hammer.

    Defenders are given the advantage of Active Camo, Mauler + Plasma Nades, Regen, a plasma Pistol, Brute shot, and distinct height advantage. The height advantage actually evens out the balance between teams, as they have a view of most open parts of the map, while Attackers must venture out in order to get that same advantage. This being said, the slight head start the Attackers get through the center is countered by the Defender's ability to easily kill them.

    The map as a whole is open and very linear, with many different choke points and key areas of interest to take hold of, including a bridge area, Rocket-bend, and each team's base. Every part of the map gets used, and every part of the map is worth fighting for.

    As an added bonus, the map supports Assault Rifle Starts very well, as well as Battle Rifle starts. This map was designed for Team gameplay, however, and your Battle Rifle may not be able to save you all the time ;) enough words, more seeing!









    Download Link : Halo 3 File Details

    Atlas Link : Atlas : Private Forum : Spectre - Sandbox (Sky Bubble), 2 Flag, 1 Flag, Slayer, 4-8 players
  2. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    call of duty fan hmm? lol. good name. likin the layout a lot. open but theres cover. seems to me that it would balance like highground. which is good. great map.
  3. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Ive been looking forward to this, loved the first one and cant wait to check this one out. Looks beautiful as always and im sure it plays great too. :)
  4. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    It looks like you've struck a really nice balance with the cover; there's enough around to break up sightlines, but there isn't so much that the map is cluttered. The map's size is also a pleaser for me; Spectre seems like a real nice size for comfortable team games.

    I like it.

    #4 Moxus, Dec 28, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2009
  5. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    Actually, not really. Where do you get the impression I'm a Call of Duty fan? Just curious. And the high points of the map are definitely balanced out my the amount of cover, despite the openness :)

    Glad you like it Paranoia. Hope to get a game with you sometime on it. Maybe Forge-Union Customs sometime?

    Thanks Moxus. You really hit the points that make this map good. I've always wondered how this map would hold for an MLG game. I wonder....
    *hint hint*

    Thanks for the replies guys. Anyone have some feedback? I'd love to improve the map, as I still feel I can change up somethings about it.

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