Ipod Touch Computer Mic New Ring Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 $15 iTunes card $25 iTunes card x2 Seasons 1-3 of Scrubs An epic TOOL hoodie A nice gray hoodie which is more comfy that the TOOL hoodie but is less epic. $50 Visa Gift Card iTouch Cover thingy New Alarm clock that rocks back and forth and has shiny lights. I keep it on my computer desk. A super epic $80 swivel chair which I use for playing Xbox some gay pants some gay boxers x2 a slightly interesting flashlight x2 ear muffs. Star Trek movie with popcorn and stuff, we're returning it because we have 2 now.
iTouch CoD4 (trading it in for MW2) Skiis 1 liter Dr. Pepper. A lava lamp (lol) Video camera $50 total of iTunes gift cards
Holy ****, the amount of presents some of you get baffles me.. All I got was $300 and a watch, with some candy. Pretty happy though.
Despite asking for nothing, I still got stuff... oh well, I'll take it: -New electric razor -Assassin's Creed II -Inherited my uncle's old timex (not much of a present, but my mom had been holding onto it for 3 years) -8GB flash drive -A check for $300 (ya, that surprised me)
Hmmm -Finally a new xbox -Halo 3 ODST -Gold 3-Month -A **** ton of clothes -DJ Hero -Piggy Bank? -36 Mega Pack of starburst's -longboard -new jeans -New Helmet -Valo AB v.1 -150$ -10$ (grandparents) -New Parka Pretty damn good holiday.
lessee... MW2 (woot) Sweatshirts and some clothes $120 Adobe PS Ellements 4-6th season of House (even though ive already seen most of 4 and 5, I love House) Mini shaver thing. Tons of Crew/Old spice shampoo and deoderant and stuff. And a few books. Overall a great christmas.
I got: - A 23" Samsung HDTV - A Turtle Beach Ear Force X1 Headset - A sexy pair of DC Shoes - A Billabong Hoodie - Brutal Legend - Dragon Age Origins - Operation Flashpoint - 4200 MS points - Some Boxers - Some socks x2 - Some Soap and Glory x2 - Adidas Shower Gel - A giant cookie from Millies Cookies - Saw Goreology (Saw I - V) - Jimmy Carr: Telling Jokes - Michael McIntyre DVD (can't remember the exact DVD and I'm currently at my dads house) - £45 Giftcard for GAME - £70 - A mug and a mouse mat with something printed on them, but I don't know what yet because they haven't arrived in the post. - OOH, and lots of chocolate
Two cheques for £100 each, a watch, three spatulas, a spork, freeze-dried ice cream, an ODST t-shirt, a nice hoodie, some toilet paper, some warm socks, a pair of gloves, a catnip mouse toy for my cats, a £50 Amazon gift certificate, Unseen Academicals by Terry Prachett and a ton of sweets.
Remington 870 Express(shotgun) New wireless keyboard & mouse Jeans from American Eagle Sim City 4 Carrying case for my shotgun And now I'm going to Best Buy to buy myself a webcam.
I got a 100$ visa card 50$ cash and my school gave my mom a 70$ publix grocery card Edit: I had no idea so many people got people iTunes cards
A laptop Wireless router so I had internet on here Wireless Mouse Chocolate Like 50 bucks in cash money And once we find a good one, a car.
After a day of shopping I got Infamous and MW2 for the PS3. Even though I already own MW2 for the X360, I got it so I could play with Amber on the PSN
Nice I got a Tippmann A-5. Let's duel... I also got a sick gaming chair, a few clothes including a nice hoodie, Assassin's Creed 2, a new fishing rod for Florida, and some money. I got way more than I was expecting by the way.
over 500 dollars, an ipod nano, halo 3 odst, a new xbox 360 controller, a kicking awesome bike, a new phone, and a lot of other stuff.
I got Left 4 Dead 2 for 360, Protest The Hero's "Gallop Meets the Earth" Live CD and DVD, Three Days Grace's "Life Starts Now" CD, Inglorious Basterds DVD, Wolfenstien for 360, an 8 gigabyte Flashdrive, Chocolate, MS Points, and Money (90-ish$, Canadian, mind you) for Limited Edition Bad Company 2, and maybe a Capture Card.