Well, ever since Halo 3 first came out map overloading has been well known. People thought the only way to overload a map was to throw a bunch of trip mines into a pile. Now people are starting to overload maps a different way. Maps are know coming pre-overloaded. Here's an example http://www.mlgpro.com/forum/showthread.php?t=163495. Someone is trying to make a MLG version of Epitah without the shield doors. There are different degrees of overloading. On Epitah, for example, There are 5 degres of overload. 1. The Shield Doors Disable 2. The Lifts Disable 3. The Rocket Pad drops 4. The Rocket Pad Disappears 5. The Objective Items disappear. I do not know exactly how to pre-overload a map, but with a little searching you will probably be able to find someone who does know how. I believe this would help out the forge community because this is the only way you can change the physical traits of a Halo 3 map without modding. Once it is figured out there could be a list of maps that people have pre-overloaded.
I'm not sure but i think it has to do with putting a lot of stuff in a pile(not like tripmines, like putting all equipment unused in one spot ect.)
if you place lots of fusion coils plasma batteries, that kind of stuuf, it is possible to overload the map and be able to save it, the problem is, where do you put these things...
Possibly for maps like Epitaph (with an underside) you could save/quit some crates down there and pile the stuff on, or for other maps put them in the sky or in a small room.
Pre-overloading...? If it is possible, I want to know about it. And to tell you the truth, that would be a good idea. Maybe this could open up some possiblities for a map like Snowbound....
Actually I know how its done, you overload the map as shown Here Then you simple save it in the overloaded state the problem is from what I can see everything overloads at once so everything including some barriers shut off.
your completly wrong. you can't save an overloaded map. You can however save a map that is about to overload.
Ive seen it dont but there must be some trick to it. I know its possible to overload one using the infinate money glitch but from what I can tell that only overloads the lighting
If Overload = lag, and laggy map = fail... Therefore: Overload = fail. I'm not talking about lag throughout the game, but that moment when the map is overloaded there is an extreme amount of lag if you have more than 3-4 people in the game. Its an insane amount of data that has to be synced through xbox live and other players' xboxes, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone lagged out in an overloaded BTB style map. Doesn't seem to be a viable possibility for map makers... --dc