This is Sarge's fault for talking about his goddamn gaming headsets all the time, it got me reading up. I've been looking around for a fancy headset that will work with my playstation 3, xbox, and my computer; for gaming, music, and movies. I want something that's under $150 if possible. Nothing over $200, that's my cut off. Right now the two that have caught my eye are the Turtle Beach X4's and Tritton AXpro's. With the X4's i'd most likely by the used older model due to the cheaper price and essentially the same thing as the X41's. AXpro's seem to be better for multiplatform use but i don't know completely. I really want the 5.1 surround sound in there also, for use with movies and an even better gaming experience. I know you MLG people are out there so help would be appreciated. I just need insight of which of these two to get, and if you know of any other brands that would be great too. Thanks, CHUCK
I'm on my iPhone so I apologize for the short post. I've got Tritton AX Pros and the 5.1 surround sound quality is amazing. The mic is detachable so if you are lanning or traveling for any reason, you don't break the mic. It's a comfortable fit on your head and won't give you a headache after hours of gaming. You can buy Trittons on for $150 too. Edit: Insane knows a lot about headsets so you can talk to him for more information.
ah thanks and yeah i'm waiting for insane to make his way here. Multilock, i have been there. that page has been open since last night actually hah. i'm just really undecided. right now i'm leaning toward the AX pros because of price and compatibility with psn chat.
Will need a few more details to get what the best headset for you will be: 1 - How much are you willing to pay? 2 - How much does comfortability of the headset matter to you? 3 - How much do you care about wireless (or not at all)? 4 - How much does 5.1 matter do you, or does simulated surround not matter? 5 - Will you be going to LAN events or anything of that sort? 6 - How much does flexibility in what consoles you can use matter, and what consoles do you use (PC, Xbox, PS3, Wii)? 7 - How much does plugging in an iPod or MP3 player matter to you? 8 - How much does using a PC and a console at the same time matter to you (so you can use iTunes or such at the same time)? 9 - How much does durability matter? If it's in an area where things can get broken, that may make a difference. 10 - How much does customer support matter to you - if at all?
1 - maximum of like $200 (maximum maximum) 2 - as long as it's not unbearable after the 4th hour it's good 3 - i don't care about wireless. 4 - i want the 5.1, i don't care if it's simulated. 5 - no serious face LAN parties so that doesn't matter 6 - very important, xbox, ps3, mac 7 - it would be very very nice to be able to use with an ipod, but thats not what im looking for 8 - if i can do both with the headset, cool. not essential. 9 - i want to say it doesnt matter, but that's when things break. 10 - if they aren't durable, it matters. 11 - i love you
Alright, so what I'd get is the AX Pro. It's fairly comfortable (gets a little heavy late into the night, but not a major deal), about $150. Real 5.1 surround unlike the Astros or any TBs, which are both simulated. You can't plug in an iPod, but you can use a computer while you use it on an Xbox with the USB plug (I don't think you can use PS3 and PC at the same time). Their major problem is the breakability. The customer support is AMAZING (as in like...they'll just ship you a free new one if it borks), but if you're not careful with it, the chance is they'll break. Other than that, love them. I think they'd fit you best...check out my blog here for a review of them.
Like you? "I wonder how far these can stretch?" *snap* ...lololol I haven't had any issues with my Trittons. They are pretty durable as long as you don't drop them too many times. I've dropped mine once and they didn't get damaged what-so-ever.
haha i read through the blog. nice job breaking them, rofl. i wont be stretching them to test durability thats for sure. ax pros it is until somebody convinces me otherwise.
Before you make your final decision: If you go to they have some thread where all the headsets are given some sort of review, I think that might help you out; the Turtle Beach HPX's are supposedly pretty good and only $80 or so because of the fact they're a slightly older model, nothing big. Here's the ratings an active member gave. Headsets (Ranking) #1- Turtle Beach HPX #2- Sennheiser PC350 #3- Astro A40 Gaming (Ranking) #1- Sennheiser HD650 #2- Sennheiser HD595 #3- Turtle Beach HPX #4- Sennheiser PC350 #5- Astro A40 #6- Grado SR80 Music (Ranking) #1- Sennheiser HD650 #2- Sennheiser HD595 #3- Grado SR80 #4- Turtle Beach HPX #5- Sennheiser PC350 #5- Astro A40
These are all PC gaming, or require a Astro MixAmp, which is ~$200 by itself. So I left them out for the most part. Most of this stuff (particularly Sanheiser) is awesome, but not recommended IMHO for gaming unless you're in a LAN or already got a MixAmp, or you're willing to drop a ton of money. Also, none of them have mics, and require a good amount of setup before they can work with the 360. That's good to know...IMHO, I'd rather have a headset with slightly lower audio quality and better surround, with an INCLUDED mic.
yeah i actually found that thread in my avid google searching and read into each. I think i've decided on the ax pro's, i'm going to be making my way to Best Buy very soon. You all can continue talking about headsets and mics and stuff if you'd like. Thanks everybody