Sandbox Colossus of Rhodes

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by jakob hunter, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    By Jakob Hunter

    This is my submission to the Wonders Of The World Contest it is an aesthetic map made in the center of Sandbox. It is for only AESTHETICS not game play at all! The map is a giant statue of the Greek god, Helios. He holds a torch in his right hand and a bow in his left. Everyone who as actually seen the statue is dead now thus we do not know exactly what it looked like, however some artists have made their own versions of it as to what they believed it to look like. Most have it with its feet spread across two buildings on the the side of the harbor entrance but that would be impossible since the statue took 12 years to construct and that would close the harbor for that long. Some historians say it was on a hill overlooking the city. Honestly who really cares though.
    This is the story behind the Colossus of Rhodes i copy and pasted everything in "s from this website:

    The island of Rhodes was an important economic center in the ancient world. It is located off the southwestern tip of Asia Minor where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean. The capitol city, also named Rhodes, was built in 408 B.C. and was designed to take advantage of the island's best natural harbor on the northern coast.
    In 357 B.C. the island was conquered by Mausolus of Halicarnassus (whose tomb is one of the other Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), fell into Persian hands in 340 B.C., and was finally captured by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.. When Alexander died of a fever at an early age, his generals fought bitterly among themselves for control of Alexander's vast kingdom. Three of them, Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Antigous, succeeded in dividing the kingdom among themselves.
    The Rhodians supported Ptolemy (who wound up ruling Egypt) in this struggle. This angered Antigous who sent his son Demetrius to capture and punish the city of Rhodes.
    The war was long and painful. Demetrius brought an army of 40,000 men. This was more than the entire population of Rhodes. He also augmented his force by using Aegean pirates.
    The city was protected by a strong, tall, wall and the attackers were forced to use siege towers to try and climb over it. Siege towers were wooden structures often armed with catapults that could be moved up to a defender's walls to allow the attackers to scale them. While some were designed to be rolled up on land, Demetrius used a giant tower mounted on top of six ships lashed together to make his attack. This tower, though, was turned over and smashed when a storm suddenly approached. The battle was won by the Rhodians.
    Demetrius had a second supertower built. This one stood almost 150 feet high and some 75 feet square at the base. It was equipped with many catapults and skinned with wood and leather to protect the troops inside from archers. It even carried water tanks that could be used to fight fires started by flaming arrows. This tower was mounted on iron wheels and could be rolled up to the walls.
    When Demetrius attacked the city, the defenders stopped the war machine by flooding a ditch outside the walls and miring the heavy monster in the mud. By then almost a year had gone by and a fleet of ships from Egypt arrived to assist the city. Demetrius withdrew quickly leaving the great siege tower where it was.
    To celebrate their victory and freedom, the Rhodians decided to build a giant statue of their patron god Helios. They melted down bronze from the many war machines Demetrius left behind for the exterior of the figure and the super siege tower became the scaffolding for the project. According to Pliny, a historian who lived several centuries after the Colossus was built, construction took 12 years. Other historians place the start of the work in 304 B.C. "














    Dl link: Colossus of Rhodes

  2. 99dudes

    99dudes Forerunner
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    Oh my god! *jaw drops* this is one of the best looking maps ive seen.. I think this is one of the first entries for the contest, and id almost say you already won it. The detail is amazing! Keep up the good forging :D
  3. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    wow, this is amazing........ this is exactly what they are looking for in this competition. You have done a fantastic job, however the golden thing/sword in his hand looks a bit........ strange but I love the cloth around him and i love the detail in the face. 5/5 I would like to see someone better this because i would be surprised
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    no offense but the entire statue is supposed to be gold, its not very accurate in that term, and IMO looks like the statue of liberty with a bow... the colossus of rhodes was supposed to stand with each foot on opposite sides of the port, one hand pointing out and the other holding a bow with a noched arrow. clearly you did what you could with the limitations set upon you what with sandbox's blocky "blocks" i can tell you made an honest attempt but it IMO could use some work.
  5. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    it did not have one foot on either side of the port because then during 12 years construction it would have been impossible for ships to get into the harbor. People do not really know exactly its stance or what it was holding because its remains where never found. Trust me i did a lot of research on this
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Pretty good attempt, its true nobody really knows how its stance is. If you look on google there are plenty of different images of this is many different stances. Either way its very good, could win. Although is the stature supposed to be surprised, happy or sad?
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    and, it looks nice, but im missing the "wow"-effect somehow, for me, its just not smooth enough, it looks somehow like a drawing of a 5th grader, but making a statue in forge is one of the hardest things to do and its still one of the best human statues i have seen so far.
  8. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    i lol'd. It doesn't matter if it was suppose to be gold or bronze though, because he is never going to get it looking like shiny metal on forge is he? So the important thing is the shape and scale/proportions which he has done very well, at the same time as making it look impressive and pleasing to the eye.
  9. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    OMFG. Superb! When I looked at his right hand, I thought he was giving me the finger. XD. Turned out it was fire. Good luck in the contest!
  10. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Since no one knows what it looks like they can't really judge it except for how the forging is. Its like some of the other ones their are no remains for it. So their is no clear picture what it looks like. Personally I like the forging but I don't see how it could win when it is an interpretation of different pictures.
  11. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    Some how to me the "toga" of whatever that is running down his chest just looks too messy... i know it would be near impossible to get that looking smooth but for me it just takes away from the whole thing.

    I agree that is does look like the satue of liberty haha. But still i think you did a great job getting the size of it down and some what accurateness of the stance
  12. T3RA PROWL3R

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    Lol, the first map on Forgehub with a 6-pack. Nice job. This is probably winning right now out of the two entries.
  13. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    everything about this is incredible, simply incredible. Personally though i think the robe/cloth doesnt look quite right, almost as if its hanging off a little too much.
  14. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i did not want to make his junk so i made the drapes hang down that far so i would not have to :D

    they are really hard to make smooth but i think they look pretty good i put alot of layers of walls on them

    i did not want to make his junk so i made the drapes hang down that far so i would not have to :D

    they are really hard to make smooth but i think they look pretty good i put alot of layers of walls on them
  15. Blazen Kite

    Blazen Kite Ancient
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    best statue in forge ever i must say. and the scale is simply breathtaking. you are quite the forger. i really think this has a chance of winning. too bad it can't really be scored for accuracy because only the remains are left
  16. Rippin Heads

    Rippin Heads Ancient
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    OMG!!!!!! Speechless... This map is amazing. The time and skill that would take to make this is incredible. The detail is amazing. 5/5. Should be featured
  17. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    It's not a toga. It's a bare chest and six pack.
  18. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    thanks for all the great feedback. I guess you can call it a toga but it is more of just drapes hanging over his bare chest/8-pack combo (i gave him an 8-pack because he is a god and they are just that buff)

    I recently noticed that this statues face looks like my mexican basket ball coach hhhhmm

    UPS KARMA Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map, this will definitely be up there.... GOOD LUCK ON THE CONTEST!!!!
  20. xavbio

    xavbio Ancient
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    best map ever :O its amazing! :p keep forging like that jakob your the best :p

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