Who here uses Photoshop Ellement? I want to get your opinion on it, and if you think it is better than gimp for making Sigs. I got it for christmas :3
No its not mate. Elements is a terrible program and is nothing like CS. As well if you do use it there is a very low tutorials floating around. Iv directed actually my friend of GIMP vs Elements. But its how you wish to work in.
Thanks for both of your opinions, Ill try it out, I've been at the theatre watching Sherlock Holmes. I certainly hope it is not as bad as you say, Kidbomber.
I fell prey to buying it. And then I returned it an stuck with GIMP. I would even go with photoflitre before that.
Stick with CS3. Elements, especially with Premiere, is terribly confusing compared to the norm Program in a suite.
After deciding that since I purchased the damned program that I might as well learn how to use it to my advantage, I found out it was a better experience to use than GIMP. But as of now, I prefer Photoshop CS4 over anything.
Not me, I prefer pen and paper. Anyway, I have used all versions of CS and Elements so I think it doesn't matter what your opinions are it's how you use it, I've colored amazing pictures in Element so I'd prefer that over CS4 being that CS4/3 are more for signatures(around here anyway). If you got it as a gift then It'll do what you need it too, it just needs more work.