map set up for infection but was made for looks, so gameplay isnt fully setup for the most fun : Halo 3 File Details left side of the top room, notice the details to block the normal walls beam right side of the top room top of the tunnel down looking down the tunnel in the tunnel the caves door the back of the cave front of the cave this was not made by ghostmerging
looks pretty good, fairly simplistic yet smooth. Kinda generic name don't ya think lol im just messing. Anyway like i said you did a good job on making it look clean and smooth. I'll dl now but won't be able to test it till tom.
lol the name is just simply plain. But the map is well made. Looks well for an asthetic map. Good job
i recognize you,you were one of the mod makers on halo 3 i saw you on youtube.Well the map looks pretty smooth and you will sure get a dl from me.5/5
I know you mod...extensively, just don't go posting them here. I'm sure you know this already, though. Anyway, the map looks really good. It's a very overdone genre of maps, but this one looks really nice. But please, take your pictures in pancam mode please.
You seem to have quite a bit of budget left. Although the name seems pretty,well, boring, I can't say the same thing about the map. It looks like you did a really nice job though. Looks smooth, but next time you might want to take them in pancam.
Please if i see another this was not made with ghost merging, look ghost merging been out for a while now.. rather it was or wasnt who cares and dont say now that ghost merging is out how would we know if u redid or used it .. dont say u didnt so u get extra downloads... who cares , and for the record i bet its ghost merged wahahahahahahahahahahaha......... and if u like cave maps check out the best one ever scism of light its on the featured list after that great map i wouldd never atempt a cave map,lol no one will ever come close
Is this modded because in the pics it says he has $1495 budget. With such a big map how is that possible? Any way good looking map Ill test it out and Im impressed that there was no ghost merging.
I like this one, it looks like a mining shaft which would make a good theme, the only thing that I would suggest is that you add some rocks for cover because it looks like some areas are incredibly open which makes gameplay worse.
If he used a budget glitched map sometimes it will show the budget with random numbers and such. Also i agree with the cover thing, i played a round on it and it was a little too open.
ok, well. for the majority you guys know i am a modder. i used my dev kit to make this map. i made every object cost $0. thats why i had $1495 left in the end. and its not ghost merged. i changed the physics of all the objects so that as soon as i spawn them they have no collision and arent effected by gravity(same thing ghost merging does but thats how the objects are when i spawn then, no hassle to do the glitch) nothing on this map is modded though. it was made with normal limits on items. i could of used an inf money map instead of modding the prices at the time, i could of ghost merged everything instead but that would of taken longer.
Hmm...that's really interesting. Anyway, if the budget is modded, it MAY be allowed, I'm not sure. A mod will have to come in and decide.
the budgets modded on my dev. as soon as i moved the map to my retail the budget adapts to the normal .map and it shows your almost out of money, or are the sandbox i made this on was modded. not the accual variant map that i made and is given out here.
I don't care. We usually ban for modding, but I will just go with a warn and lock in this case because it's borderline.