Well Rifte, guess what, Im Makin Ma Damn Bowlin Alley. Unfortunately though, I do not think it would be fit or even make sense to have a bowling alley for the covenant spawn and not have a holdout base for the ODSTs, so, to my unfortunate displeasure, I have to make a base for the ODSTs too. Figures. Although I have not made this bowling alley/fun room yet here is the picture of the base in progress. If you already couldn't tell, the gametype for this map is asset. Y Update: New Pics: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. Sorry progress is slow, I have three other maps I am working on and trying to get two of those maps tested. I'll work on it a bit more, but I will probably be playing L4D 2 and MW 2 starting Christmas and then I'll have to leave for 2 weeks. Edit: I just noticed the flaw in the 2nd pic, changing it now. Other maps: Crevice-completed Conquest: Rocky Ridge-testing Well that's it. These maps probably won't be posted for another month along with the other maps I'm working on. I have to go to Indiana for two weeks. If you have any names for these maps, shout em out. If this post lasts for more than two MOTHER ****ING days I'll update it. Feel free to help out with ideas too. Comment away.
Nonononono, the spawning point for the covenant is going to be a bowling alley or a fun room with a bunch of bouncing golf balls, and then 10-20 seconds later they will die by killballs and spawn in the weapons room where they will proceed to attempt to kill the Asset. If you can't tell what the gametype is, it's Asset. Personally I'm getting tired of poles and golf balls as the starting area. Edit: Another idea, man cannons shooting you out to an evil smiley face that kills you. On second thought, I'll stick with the bowling alley.
Me lieks. The Avalanche map looks epic, with the colors and whatnot. And that's a good start to an asset map, aesthetics are always nice. By the way, have I seen crevice? It's that cave map, with part of it being a river, right? Meh, I don't know.
Whoa, is thats Ridgesides father? haha jk tar, anywho the avalanche map is very good , although i didnt know it was intended for swords, it should play very nicely
Wow the first picture are so nice ! I really love the ark desing ! Avalancha are maybe the best of the two ! Cant Wait !
Yah, crevice and rocky ridge were on here for about a day before it went to the next page. I decided to not include either because they haven't changed too much and people would say I'm double posting my maps. You warned me before I came on that you were going to post something like this. You just HAD to didn't you? I don't really think it looks much like ridgeside and I'm tired of people saying that. Thanks for the comment.
I want a download like for that awesomely insane looking avalanche map..I need a download link!!I cannot wait!!
That has some potential, but how would you do that. Also keep in mind that tic-tac-toe is a two player game and there are usually 4+ people on each team. If you want to you can PM join me on live, but the map isn't finished yet. I'm having some small problems with the man cannon. If it's laggy, sometimes you will come out slower which can mean escaping the map or killing yourself. It's not that big though and I am fixing it. Just send me a message and join me if you want to see it. Update: New Pics: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. Sorry progress is slow, I have three other maps I am working on and trying to get two of those maps tested. I'll work on it a bit more, but I will probably be playing L4D 2 and MW 2 starting Christmas and then I'll have to leave for 2 weeks. Edit: I just noticed the flaw in the 2nd pic, changing it now.