Mini game idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ozarka, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    So today I randomly got an idea to make an infection styled mini game that focuses on launching vehicles into the air and splattering those on the landing pad below.


    When the round starts, the one alpha zombie spawns on the left side. I will be adding a base to that side which will house the warthogs. The zombie will launch his warthog and aim for the small landing pad where all the humans spawn. The humans try to dodge the vehicles flying towards the cramped pad and avoid getting splattered.

    Im thinking this game would be good for about 8-10 people. The humans should be crowded on the small pad so it should be fairly easy for the alpha zombie to get at least one splatter on his first try. After the splatter, the zombie falls off with the vehicle and respawns back up at the launch to repeat. As the amount of humans gets less, the barrage of warthog launches increases due to more zombies. So the action should never slow down. Of course, all this is just my theory, since I haven't tested it yet.

    Also, I'm thinking about putting a wraith that spawns a couple minutes in, which will bring a little diversity :)

    For the gametype, I was thinking that human betrayals would count as -1 to discourage them from pushing each other off their pad. Zombie kills would count as 2, and zombie deaths count as -1. The zombie inevitably dies each time he goes off the launch, so each zombie kill actually counts as one point. I made the zombie death at -1 so that the humans get rewarded for dodging the vehicles.

    Zombie Launch​

    Close up of humans spawn​

    Warthog launching off​

    Wraith launching off​





    UPDATED PICS - 12/28
    Zombie base. No vehicles

    Another view.

    Columns have been removed.

    Base with vehicles.


    Also, I have no clue on a name for both the map and the gametype, any suggestions would be great! :)
    #1 Ozarka, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2009
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What about...

    Watch Out! on For Flying Vehicles

    I don't think the ramp and platform are big enough. I for one, think the platform should get a little bit bigger as time progresses, and the ramp gets wide at the end so that the zombies can 'aim' their vehicles.

    There's still the problem of the zombies not falling off though...
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I think this is a great idea! It has much potential. I recommend putting horizontal shield doors right against the floor of the landing pad to fix that vehicle problem.
  4. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    I like the name :D
    But ehh... idk about the idea of making the platform larger as time goes on, because it will give the small number of humans (by this time) even more space to dodge. That will make it extremely difficult for zombies to get the final few kills.

    Thanks gunnergrunt! After what Glasgow said about the vehicles possibly not falling off the platform, I was honestly stumped. But you fixed it with the shield door technique! Much appreciated, going to go fix that now
  5. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
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    Can't wait until it comes out. The people I play with only ever want to play mini-games and I was getting sick of constantly playing jenga. Looks like it's going to be fun as hell. I'd test it before you post it though, I think the platform might need to be made a little bit bigger so that the humans have a decent chance of dodging the zombie's attacks.
  6. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Maybe a Wraith could be to big !

    Question ... The wraith do go faster to go on the pad ?
  7. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    For a name, how about Splatter on the Dance Floor?
    Also how about gravity lifts every 60 seconds or so for humans? That would mean humans would have a chance to send the zombie flying, and would give them a small chance.
    Also, I advise you give the humans magnums, as they wouldn't easily flip a warthog or be able to be overcharged.
    If you do take Bubba Doongai's suggestion of an increasing platform size (which I advise), why not add rings that the zombie will jump through to signify how long it's been? Every minute or so, a ring spawns, this would also be great for action pictures.
    Last suggestion: Every 180 seconds +, a power drain spawns. Humans could skillfully use it to kill the zombie, or just slow it down.
  8. cheesenipsaregood

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    my friend made a map exactly like this exept the human spawn is a trampoline and theres sheild doors where they land.

    to me the ramp looks like a ski jump so
    skiing on the ski hill?
  9. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Looks really fun I'll test if you want.

    GT = PatchworkZombie
  10. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I like the idea. You will probably have to make the humans run a bit slower, I am not sure. What will stop the humans from just jumping off the platform at the last second to avoid being splattered? Other than that, I do think the idea is pretty unique. It's a cross between Ice Cream Man & Trash Compactor. Fill us in when you get some more forging done.
  11. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Any other vehicles besides wraiths and warthogs? Other than that this looks like a pretty cool idea. Good luck. The only thing I'm not too sure about is that the wraith and the warthog would even land on the same platform. I would think that either the wraith wouldn't get enough speed to make i or if the wraith does make it the the warthog would fly over it. Maybe a scorpion or a prowler would be good too. I'm looking forward to playing this mini-game when it comes out.
  12. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys! I really like the names some of you guys have suggested (my fav as of now is probably Splatter on The Dance Floor). Keep em coming!

    Thanks bubba, and yeah I will definitely be doing a lot of testing before releasing this. I want to make sure everything is balanced and runs smoothly first :)

    Not quite sure what you're asking here, but yes the wraith is bigger than the warthog, so that means an easier kill for the zombie, BUT only if they know how to use the wraith. After doing some personal testing, I've found it takes a lot of skill to launch the wraith. Right before ramping off, you need to give it a certain amount of boost to get you there. Too little and you won't make it. Too much, however, and you will be flying past the landing pad. So, while the wraith IS bigger, it takes skill to use it effectively and reap the benefits :)
    Yeah, and also it is set at 180 sec respawn (not spawn at start) so it won't be dominant.

    Draco, I am REALLY liking your ideas. The grav lift and power drain would both be great additions and it would definitely spice the gameplay up a little bit. Im thinking deployable grav at 90 sec and power drain at 150 sec. I put 150 for a reason: the wraith spawns at 180, so if the humans are wise enough and good enough to holdout for 30 seconds, then they can take the wraith out easily. Whaddaya think?

    Also, the humans are set to not be able to operate vehicles, so that part is taken care of.

    Lastly, I LOVE the ring idea. Have three rings made of the gold columns, one appear at 60 seconds, one at 120, and th final one at 180. That way everyone knows how much time has passed, and plus it will just look awesome. Thanks for suggesting that! Im going to start forging it now :D

    Thanks man, i will send you an invite when the time comes.

    I have thought about making the humans move a bit slower, because currently I think there is too much time for humans to dodge the vehicles making it too easy. Slowing their movement would definitely help with that. Plus it would add some excitement, not knowing if you will be able to make it away from the vehicle in time before it splatters you :)

    And about the suicides, I made them count as -1 point, so that should keep them from jumping off

    I've tested out the ramp, and both the wathog and wraith will crash on the platform. The wraith just takes a little more skill. Like I said, you just have to give it a little boost right before launching.
    And I will experiment with other vehicles as well, good idea man.

    Thanks again for all the suggestions. I will do some more forging today and hopefully have some updated pics by tonight.
  13. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    I suggest you also have Prowlers spawn after a while--they can go down the ramp without being occupied and are decent at going down ramps like these to begin with.
  14. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Here's the only dilemna that I see. With only 1 launching ramp, it seems like it would be far too crowded at the zombie spawn. It's just me, but I would add a few more launching ramps.
  15. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    instead of having the platform get larger, why not it get smaller? Have it larger at the beginning and have it closed off towards the end.
  16. SaytanicHorde

    SaytanicHorde Ancient
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    based on this, why not have, every 60 seconds, a new ramp spawn?


    ............| |
    ............| |

    _____ [ plat ] _____60sec
    Ramp .[ ......] .Ramp
    _____ [form ] _____
    ............| |120sec
    ............| |

    look goods?(ignore the .'s
    #16 SaytanicHorde, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  17. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Wait, are you sure that if you jump to your death that it counts as a suicide? Sometimes it just counts as a death. You might want to make this on the main level or the crypt. I could be mistaken. I will have to try it and see if jumping will give you the negative suicide point.
  18. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    I am far too tired to make any comments right now so I'll get to that in the morning. But for now, here are a few updated screenies :D





    Happy Christmas Eve!
  19. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG, those rings look AMAZING. I'm falling in love with this map more and more. I quite like Spawn of saltin's idea of having the platform get smaller as time goes on; that way, as more people die the platform becomes more appropriate.
  20. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I vote you move the pillars holding it up more inside so that it looks like the pi, and then you can name the map Pi. That'd be sweet.

    kinda like this "PI" thingy here.

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