Advanced Guide to Respawns

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Matty, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Ok, I got it now. For the one you want to spawn by the hornet, us a starting point, for the 2 you want to spawn away from the hornet use respawn points. That should force on person to spawn on the hornet, and the others to spawn somewhere else.

    Those numbers are not estimates. I figured them out through Bungie, in addition to the tests I performed.
  2. belwrath

    belwrath Forerunner
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    Alright...the spawn points for this map are really confusing.

    the main area with the spawn points are starting points, because the humans have OV's on at start, so therefore so they cant just keep jumping off, theres a "Tickle room"(humans cant kill zombies while zombies can kill humans) so theres my delemma, if i make the main spawn respawn points the humans will respawn there instead of the tickle room if they jump off.
    #122 belwrath, Oct 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  3. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    You can't use starting points there if that's how you want the spawns to work. Try replacing them with spawn points, and floating them in the air, then having a box spawn on top of them after 10 seconds. That should do the trick.
  4. belwrath

    belwrath Forerunner
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    Ok thanks this will help me a lot now and in the future.
  5. Xtr4M1nty

    Xtr4M1nty Ancient
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    Wow, great guide.

    It explains alot of "complicated" spawns of my players on a CQC map
  6. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Hmmm well you seem to be the go to guy on spawn points I'm copying over my other post here since it has no replys: Well I'm making a map for casual games. Mainly Infection and VIP, and I am using tube pieces as well as tube corners at the bottom to spawn the attackers. All the spawn points for the attackers are in the tubes up above the tube corners which contain the weapons. My problem arises when I try to add a respawn area to the spawn points. when I do that the only tube I spawn in is the one with the carbine. I was wondering if anyone was experiencing the same problem or knows how to fix it. Thank you for reading all this and any comments are appreciated. :)
  7. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Take a screenshot and embed it, so I have a better idea of what you are trying to do.
  8. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    #128 Dak393, Nov 14, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  9. External Memory

    External Memory Ancient
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    I get all this. I really appreciate the work that went into it.
    When, if ever, "should" Respawn Area: Flag Home/Away be used; that is, what do you speculate is the weight (positive of course, possibly negative for the opposing team) of a respawn area as such under the applicable circumstances? How can this be exploited effectively, especially for the sake of map efficiency in terms of object limits and simplicity?
  10. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    You'll notice that no default Bungie maps use the flag away respawn areas, they should only be used for minigames. I didn't do any testing on the flag away weight, but I could speculate that it's probably about 500.
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    They use them on One Flag on Last Resort actually, and it results in some god-awful spawns when you know that once the flag is pulled the other team will always spawn against the back wall, near the canisters. Nice easy shot for a guy camping at Froman.
  12. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Ah yeah, didn't think about that. They ALWAYS spawn there, which is why running it any way other than out the non-froman side of the base is silly. And as Insane mentioned, it's easily campable for someone paying attention.
  13. External Memory

    External Memory Ancient
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    Re: Flag Respawn Areas

    Thanks, I'll have to go take a look at that to see how to use it the right way. In mini games of course.
  14. zx Apollyon xz

    zx Apollyon xz Forerunner

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  15. BlueWolf

    BlueWolf Forerunner

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    Was referred to this by Insane54 and MickRaider's map design thread and, from a relatively basic understanding of spawning, I was able to follow your logic and understand this stuff, which will massively help with my forging attemps. Thanks a bunch.

    P.S. Gotta hope Bungie don't completely change the spawn system in Reach, now that we finally have some understanding of it! XD
  16. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    I will likely write a new guide for Reach.
  17. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    You should have captioned each figure you posted for reference. I will try my best not to mistakenly identify any of your figures.

    In the second figure, you note +100, 0, and -100 as the weights. Bug the friendly is far closer to point 1 than the enemy. How do you know that proximity does not affect the values?

    What about enemy aim?

    In figure 10, you indicate -500 for a dead comrade. How did you arrive at 100, 500, etc.? Are these just guesses?

    In figure 14, you have 0 for point 4. How do you know proximity does not affect the value outside the zone? Is this a guess on your part? Or do you know that a point just outside a zone is not affected at all?

    In figure 16 (2nd for Respawn section), you show the radius of influence. Do you know what the radius value is? Do you know if it is an absolute zone or a decay region?

    How do you know? What is your source? Citation please...

    And you don't take into account the direction of the enemy. If he is looking at point 4, his radius of influence extends like an elliptical egg covering point 4.

    In the next post, figure 24, fourth figure in the second post, how did you come to the estimates you concluded?

    In figure 27, you are describing a round robin type of scheme. While my initial testing in Reach gave me the same impression, further testing showed that not to be the case. The dead body being closer to point 1 lowered the weight. If you increase the time to respawn to say one minute, the body will not be present the moment you respawn. Given the correct conditions, you can force a respawn on point 1 over and over again.

    My interest in all of this is to find out how spawning works from a specification, not from empirical evidence. The latter is not a valid way to design maps.

    I posted on and someone suggested this thread to get an idea of how spawning works. But the information here is as guess work as what I see presently from other sources regarding the Reach engine.
  18. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Firstly, much of this information was written in the early days of Halo 3, and some of it is outdated. Though I did test my hypothesis, and came to mostly sound conclusions. Things such as spawn order were more speculative, and things such as proximity were not precisely measured. Also, it is my understanding that there is no evidence to support that looking at a spawn point influences the spawn.

    Also, this information applied to Halo 3, and is not necessarily applicable to Halo Reach. There are new spawn areas for Reach, which affect spawning drastically. Also, there are many other things that may influence spawns for Reach, which are not addressed here. I would use this as a platform for you to build your spawn knowledge, not as a bible, for which you can spew speculation as fact.
  19. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    On Reach, looking at a spawn point at a distance will pretty much shut it down and favor a point right next to you. I understood your post was about Halo 3, but I was curious as to the accuracy and source of information. At one point you said that you got some information from bungie, so I was curious what came from bungie in the way of clear, unadulterated information and what was speculation.

    Have you done any Reach spawn posts? If so, I would like to read through them.
  20. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    I haven't done anything for Reach yet, and the article was on the newsfeed. It was explaining why people kept spawning at bottom tower on The Pit in one of the professional matches. I have no idea where it went, but the numbers I listed are accurate for enemy nearby, friendly nearby, and death nearby.

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