Name the New Super-Earth | Wired Science | Nasa's recently found water planet needs to be named. Look at the submissions. Reach is clearly winning. So everyone vote up Reach and down Siberia. Alright, now that that planet's out of the way, all in favor of calling the next planet Harvest, say I!
That's quite cool actually, but are you sure it's the most earth-like planet found? I have seen documentaries (i can link if you like) of them finding planets that looked almost visually undistinguishable from Earth. This planet has no landmass, so it would be a bit silly to name it something that we would associate with a landmass. What about Atlantis?
I think it's great, but if we could name every planet after a halo planet, then we'd have something ****ing amazing.
screw just naming planets, what about colonization. Maybe some day James Cameron's planet Pandora will be a real place. Well i like the idea of that planet but it'd be nice if it had air not carbon dioxide or w/e its composed of. As for the name of this planet, i have to agree with like Atlantis or Aquatica, something to do with water seeing as how its a ocean planet. (that is crazy like something out of SciFi lol) Do they know what the water is made of? Like regular H2O or something else, and are they even sure its water. It could be ice, then id vote for Hoth. Edit: read the article never mind, dam it's too hot for humans to live their. But they said they found it around only the first few stars? so i think we could kinda assume they will most likely find alot more planets, maybe one suited for human habitation. And 42 light years, aint that far haha, first we need to invite crio stasis.
^good point. Anyways, what's a matter with all the siberia spam, like we would name a planet after a place that is cold when the planet is suppose to be hot, its like calling the equator the north pole. (in a way) well anyways at least they are trying to delete that siberia crap.
Hell, what if it already does and we just haven't found it yet? Oooooo maybe we could use Honda's ASIMO robot, mass produce them, figure out a way to make it remote controlled from Earth, send a rocket ship full of them onto GJ-1214b and scope it out kinda like in Avatar, and have them send back some surface photos of the planet! What I'm wondering though is how we didn't see it up until now. EDIT: Underwater alien colonies, anyone?
Actually, according to the theory that the universe is infinite and alternate realities exist, I guarentee you Pandora is a real place. Then again, following that idea, I'm also the king of England, and Elvis is president. On Topic: While I doubt we could support life on the planet, the fact that there's water gives us a chance. But IMO we should focus our efforts on Mars. After all, once we lose Earth to global warming we need a need planet to live two centuries on.
Yeah they already proved with really advanced science we could make mars more of an earth. But i think that would take too long, granted 42 light years is a freaking long way away, but if someone was able to really conceive and create Crio Stasis then it wouldn't be bad at all. I mean you get in a tube go to sleep for oh 8 years then wake up and get to work. Also on the whole expanding universe/ multiverse theory, that multiverse thing is ****, i mean maybe their is more than one universe but their isn't a universe where Earth is run by dogs and we are slaves to them, or one where i am supreme overlord of the world mg: (lol that would be cool though) And why only 2 centuries on mars? Is that the speculated time the sun goes super nova and burns everthing inside the astroid belt up?
How do you know? have you proved it wrong? Nothing is wrong or right until proven so... and it would also take a lot longer than 8 years my friend, 42 light years, thats like 1000's of years maybe millions at the speeds we can reach...
Well im not saying we are going to go with one of our space shuttles. Dam that thing would fall apart before we even reached Jupiter. And no i don't know but that theory just seems way too out their for me to comprehend, but who knows most the time those way out there theories are the correct ones. I mean Albert Einstein's theories were right, and everyone at the time said they weren't.
exactly. So maybe one day we'll be able to open up wormholes between our planet and this new one "Reach"(cmon, we won, give it up siberia)... And maybe we might just find a place with lil alien critters...
We're getting off-topic here. I think we should name the planet Atlantic and name the first settlement/probe landing there Atlantis, considering that it has little landmass.
No. Two centuries because in that time we'll probably have to move to another one because we destroyed mars like we did with Earth. I expect us to be much faster this time. And there's always the prospect of warp travel. Scientists are pretty sure they have an effective method of warping, there's just one thing missing. We have to learn how to harvest some type of energy or matter. MASSIVE QUANTITIES. For one ship to warp it has to produce a sphere of the energy the size of jupiter. The energy distorts spacetime, pulling it behind it, and spacetime tries to flatten out again pushes the ship forward, effectively faster than the speed of light. Finally some energy is put into a forcefield, as to prevent debris from flat out killing you.
That's correct. Our sun is far too small to go Supernova. Do you guys cover space in school. It has been a long time for me. I like the name Reach. That would be sweet. And oh yeah, 42 light years. The fastest we could get there with our current technology would be like several hundred years.
I haven't had astrology in a while lol, i just know our sun can and will eventually grow big enough to burn everything up within the distance from the sun to Jupiter i believe. Well several hundred isn't that long if we had ways (like i said a couple times) to freeze our bodies/minds. But i think the materials we make our ships out of would expire before we reached our destination. Anyway back on topic, im pretty sure Reach is gona win. But i always thought the scientist/'s got to name the stuff they found?
Well yeah it's been concept art, but if they could figure out this planet is all water with a telescope then couldn't they tell what other one's looked like? Or could it be they are just hypothesizing.