The green squares are pretty cool but the effects on it have the generic washed-out look to them. This throws off the whole picture because it seems like you couldn't think of anything more original then taking a picture from inside an explosion. Use the same effect with the green squares and spice up the overall effect.
The effects are very basic and don't really affect you're spartan much. Other than that it's pretty good. (100th post =P)
Actually the green squares are from a modded map they are lifts that can be added into a modded map.:haha:
Ya Green square are from a modded map its not a effect you add made and the pics looks great . Maybe take the same kind of pidture with a sand color on your spartan !
That's pretty cool, I have no clue how you would get a modded map in the first place but it provided some pretty cool effects. It might look better if the spartan was a bit easier to see and there wasn't anything in front of him.
Dont lie dude, we see the sandtrap sand and we are familiar with the modded map. The effects aren't that good, just a frag grenade explosion, you could have possibly gotten a better angle that would give it better lighting.