Me likey. More blur and burn on the edges, I thinks. Also, I think "for all your halo needs" should either be more legible...or white.
I think the text could be a bit more obvious or you could zoom in a little more towards the text. Other than that, it looks nice and simple as a header should be.
Actually I tried white and it really took away the natural feel to it. Isnt it obvious enough that the light source is on the only really text/focal in the banner and its in the middle? Just wondering just so i know Thanks for the comments btw.
Meh, I guess I wouldn't worry about it, but light source kinda takes away from the focal and the focal for a header should be pretty blatant.
It doesn't really look like the text is standing on the platform, which is what you were going for, I assume.
Don't listen to these peeps, it's very stylistic. As he said, the focal point attracts attention to the text, rather than large text. If you were going for a simple, clean banner, then you pulled it off.
Its my subtle opinion that drop shadow on a text layer never, ever looks good and that is always best to make custom shadows. Your text needs a lot of work but otherwise the placement and the overall banner and stock choice are good.
You would be correct. Well again this wasn't a really 'full project' for me, so my carelessness did set it. Guess ill have to look into my typography Books again
Probably too bright for a simple banner. Unless you want it to be Christmas-e like. Because it looks like snow, not sparkles.
Try to create some dynamic flow. When text is straight its like reading a book, just a linear procession of events. But if you're making a logo or banner you want it to draw you in and point you towards the content (if nothing else than to make it look cool )