The Noxiw / Scobra Map Pack!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Scobra, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    You know that secret project Noxiw and I have been hinting at for the past few months? Well, we're finally ready to unveil it. The Noxiw / Scobra Map Pack (catchy name, eh?) was first thought up during the forging of our first collaboration, which will be presented along with our other two cooperative forges, and since then we have been working tirelessly to construct three unique competitive, main-tier Sandbox maps. Each map is built with a unique idea in mind and as of right now, all three maps are currently still in the testing and tweaking phase. Now, onto the maps themselves...


    Map Name: Dez Moines
    Base Idea: A map based around four Choppers & two Warthogs with a heavy emphasis on vehicle-vs-vehicle combat.
    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Capture The Flag, King of the Hill
    Preferred Gametype: King of the Hill

    Dez Moines was the first map Noxiw and I forged together. During construction, Noxiw threw out the idea to have four Choppers on this map at once. Since then, we've worked tirelessly to make it work and are currently still tweaking it to perfection. The map contains four bases: Red Main, Red Side, Blue Main, and Blue Side. The bases are modeled after the bases in my map Miami Nights and Noxiw's map Epivolc. The center structure of the map is a helix-type structure with two arms spiraling around a center pillar. A mancannon at each base launches you on top of the spiral as well. The map is also littered with Brute Shots to help combat those pesky vehicles with a Rocket Launcher and Gravity Hammer as the two central power weapons.

    UPDATE: Dez Moines is currently going through some major design changes.


    Map Name: Galaxy Milk
    Base Idea: A map with four Warthogs and a Laser at each base with vehicle track to keep the Warthogs from roaming freely around the map.
    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Capture The Flag, King of the Hill
    Preferred Gametypes: Slayer, Capture the Flag

    This map has gone through the most changes out of the three and looks nothing like the very first version. The idea behind this is that each base gets two Warthogs on a fast respawn time and a Spartan Laser. A wall and blocks the 'hogs from circling the dunes the entire game by forcing them to drive through the very center of the map to reach the opposite side with a empty alleyway containing the Rocket Launcher being the only other route between the bases. In the middle of the map is a building with the roof plateau being the main point of contention. Two long bridges stretch from the top of the plateau to each base to allow a faster, route up top, but also on the flip side, a faster, safer route between both bases. A Gravity Hammer spawns in the very middle of the map and is considered the main power weapon because of its ability to take out any enemy Warthogs traveling through the middle with ease.


    Map Name: Thus I Refute Thee
    Base Idea: An asymmetric map with a huge emphasis on multi-level combat with two Spartan Lasers and two Mongooses at each base.
    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, One Bomb, Capture The Flag, King of the Hill
    Preferred Gametypes: One Bomb, Multi-Flag, Slayer

    The most recently forged map of the trio. After the first test last night (thanks to everyone who helped test and give feedback) we changed a good amount from the initial idea and have a feeling that it will play out much better with the changes made. The theme of the map is a construction site with a giant crane in the middle constructing the red base and is named Thus I Refute Thee because it was originally made to be a One Bomb map (plus the name is just bad ass.) Keeping with the uniqueness, each base gets two Spartan Lasers next to two Mongooses. How you use them is up to you. In between the bases lies three bridges of varying heights. The tallest bridge contains on one side the Sniper Rifle and on the other the Rocket Launcher. Blue base contains the Active Camo while Red base contains the Overshield. The maps that heavily influenced this map are Headlong, Hang 'em High, and other maps that contain a good amount of Z-Fighting. Also, before you complain about the four Lasers, there is more than enough cover to keep out of their lines of sight near the middle of the map. Plus, they are on a large respawn.

    As of right now, there is no set release date. However, I will be updating this thread with action shots and other goodies in the coming weeks so stay on the lookout!
    #1 Scobra, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  2. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    "Thus I Refute Thee" looks the most epic to me, but that's just because I can see that insane structure in the middle. When two great forgers combine, I'm not exactly sure what I will get out, but I know it'll be good :)
  3. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    First off, Dez Moines... The Devil Wears Prada reference? haha
    they all look amazing. i cant wait to play em.
    i love all of your maps so i know theyll be good. the merging looks great.
    I think Thus I Refute Thee will be my fave. (long name for a mapxD)
  4. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    We appreciate the compliment, and that insane structure in the middle is a construction crane. :)

    Thank you for the compliment. :) Yes, Dez Moines is a TDWP reference and yes, Thus I Refute Thee is a long name for a map (and because it's so long, it has to be all one word. :p)
  5. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    (okay except Thus I Refute Thee, but still)

    I'm glad you guys are releasing all these at once, it's like the best Christmas present a Forgehubber could ask for. Never, I think, has there been a more successful Forging pair. Keep up the good work.
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I can not wait, I have been shown all of these maps.

  7. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Thanks Lippy. It's always good to hear your compliments.

    All of them? I don't think you've seen Thus I Refute Thee yet seeing as how we finished the majority of the forging last night. Either way, thanks for the comments and the awesome canvas, Meta. :p

    Also, anyone interested in testing of these maps, send a friend request to me (Bwendon) and I'll be sure to get you into at least on of the test sessions.
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    HOLY CRAP, you guys are incredible. Testing ThusIRefuteThee was awesome and I'm sure the rest of the maps are to. Great work guys!

    p.s: Do the testers get a mention? :)
  9. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Thanks Crypto. :p

    Why yes, they do. :p Though I cannot remember every single tester, I would like to thank everyone who has tested and enjoyed any of these three maps thus far and I look forward to seeing you guys in future tests!
  10. Blazen Kite

    Blazen Kite Ancient
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    wow!!!!!!!!! This is the greatest preview ever. 3 maps at once is ridiculous!!! all of them look awesome.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I want to thank everyone who helped test Thus I Refute Thee last night! Here's some action shots of the map from the One Bomb test last night. :D

    Mounting Up

    Storming the Base

  12. Blazen Kite

    Blazen Kite Ancient
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    Incredible! I can see a lot of time was put into this map. Your pictures are still such a tease though. I can't see the whole map lol
  13. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    Look forward to seeing it guys you've certainly built suspense with those pics. It would have been nice to see some variation from the ground level of Sandbox but if that's the level you forge best on go for it.

    Need a tester?
    Inv me anytime -- GT = PatchworkZombie
  14. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Thanks for the positivity. :p I'll probably update this thread with teaser shots of the other two maps in the coming days.

    Thanks and I'll be sure to invite you for future tests. :)
  15. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I still have yet to play Dez Moines. You have to invite me to test before you release it.

    Are you going to releases all of these at the same time or each at a different time?
    I will say that Galaxy Milk needs a lot work. It plays alright right now but there are some things that you could do to make it better; mainly that column me and Solo suggested yesterday.
  16. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I've made changes and plan on talking to Noxiw about them. Thanks.
  17. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Dude, you never cease to amaze me with these maps of yours, Nox and Bwendon, I thought the 4 lasers on thusirefutethee work really well, I like your style of taking a wierd idea and implementing it into your maps, because it always works. My favorite during testing had to galaxy milk, if thats okay to say, and I would like to congragulate both of you for the multiple amazing collabs you 2 have put together. Excellent job on all of these, hope that you can invite me for some more testing soon.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Jebus Mo-jangles. First I was testing epitel, and now this?! I can't believe that you've took the time to make 3 highly impressive middle-tier maps. Where do you find the time?

    By the way, I'd be honored to test. My gamertag is KSI Kuroda.
  19. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    When I read that, I thought you were mad. But, after reading through everyone else's reviews and comments I'm looking forward to the release of this just like mostly everyone else. And who doesn't love a map with 4 lasers on it (not sarcasm). Can't wait til this is done.

    PS: If I'm on, can you invite me for testing? Just wondering. :happy:
  20. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. I'll be sure to invite you for testing later on.

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