BLACK BOREALIS As you can see, this is an Asset map based off the cliffs of Avalanche. It will work best for 6-8 players being a smaller Asset stage. Encounters span from close range withing the compound, medium range firefights across the cliffs, and long range sniping from the towers as experienced in preliminary (local) testing. Weapon layout and structure is subject to change, and the color coordination of blocks will be done to some degree. A deliberate upper-hand has been given to the attacking side forcing the defending team to better protect their VIP Public testing will be scheduled in the Tester's Guild forum, look forward to seeing you one more for the road:
Looks way to chunky and sloppy. I suggest you look at the advanced forging tutorials in the section forging 101 to learn the techniques.
Why didn't you test it before you posted it? It would be better if you would have done that, but nevertheless. In my opinion it looks more like random structures plopped together. I can't really comment on it right now seeing that I haven't played it yet. I'll have to see about the hornet spawn time and the covenant classes.
honestly, what I'm looking for at the moment is gameplay more than aesthetics. What's the point in creating a visual masterpiece if you can't play for **** on it then have to change it all around anyway? This is my first Asset map. I want to make sure I'm getting the playability right. mechanics first, art second. but this is scheduled for testing if you want to play it.
hence the post being a map preview, it is not released yet therefore testing is still to come. He mentioned he has done some testing but none on a big scale yet. On the map itself I have got to agree with forgegod to a certain extent. Although it is a good and unique idea, there doesn't seem to be much going on and the objects do not seem to be lined up very well, so it doesn't come accross as aesthetically pleasing. I'm sure it will be better once colour coded but a lot needs to be done before release; it is to simple atm. Furthermore, I know you said you have purposely given the attacking team the upper hand, but it looks to me like the defending team will lose every time. Feel free to invite me to testing though to prove me wrong ;D, and keep going until you have an end product you can be proud of. To not be completely negative, the central high point looks like it will give a good holdout area and it is so far the best part of the map. Try to make the rest a bit more like that.~ EDIT [in reference to your most recent reply]: I agree that gameplay is more important than aesthetics, but imo aesthetics to a certain extent affect gameplay when it comes to sloppiness.
I just realized it's a map preview. Wow my mistake. I haz excuse though. Some 4 hour drug safety test. Evil ****ing thing. I don't really think that gameplay is much of an excuse though, since you can make a game with both aesthetic greatness and fantastic playability. Asset maps tend to have a good deal of eye candy. Otherwise I would have to agree with you that playability>aesthetics. Invite me whenever you want.
^^I agree^^ Damn, I was gonna make the first Avalanche asset map! Anyway, ego aside, the map does look a bit sloppy, if I must say so myself. I think first off you need to clean up your map a bit, then test... yada yada yada. So... that's all I have to say.