Gravity Lift Techniques

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. maarte2008

    maarte2008 Ancient
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    ive tried and all it does is blow away the latest spawned one
  2. LuiginDaisy

    LuiginDaisy Ancient
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    Take the weapon holder and rotate it slightly about every 90 degrees, then place a grav lift over it. there's no way to tell which side of the weapon holder is the "front" of the grav lift, so you'll have to rotate the weapon holder.

    Now I have a question: Someone made a working ladder in one of his maps. I don't know how he did it, but it had to do with hiding a grav lift behind stairs or something. Could anyone help out? I'll give + rep. It's what's stopping me from completing 2 maps.

    I would either add a teleporter in front of the grav lift to prevent the grav lift from flying away, or have them farther apart.
    #42 LuiginDaisy, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  3. Slayer Saint

    Slayer Saint Ancient
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  4. fraggature

    fraggature Ancient
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    On a note with the whole grav-lift to hol weapons to the roof thing, you can do that with players, and if you interlock so there is a slight ring shape poking through slightly you can cause people to get stuck (I hope you understand what I mean)
  5. sam007halo23

    sam007halo23 Ancient
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    If u had a gravity lifts set out like this would stuff hover in the middle?

    > s <

    <>^v = gravity lifts
    s = a object
    #45 sam007halo23, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2009
  6. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    How Do you make a grav lift so that when you shoot it, it spawns at a set area. Ex: There is this map called the mammoth, which uses a grav lift, placed inside an elephant, to push two drop pods towards the ceiling of the elephant to make it float (fly). But When you start the round, the grav lift is on the control board of the elephant (the part you drive in) and you have to shoot and destroy it to make it spawn where the drop pods are.
  7. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Ok. You need 2 grav lifts. Set the one you have to destroy to spawn at start, never respawn. Set the one you want to appear at 180 sec respawn, don't spawn at start. Then set the run time minimum to 1, which will force the second one to spawn early when you destroy the first one.
  8. DotBe3f

    DotBe3f Ancient
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    I haven't seen this posted anywhere but am assuming this is common knowledge based on previous posts...but an easy way to get a grav lift to float facing upwards or at whatever angle, is to simply spawn a weapon holder and hold it wherever you want your gravity lift to be at, then u simply rotate it so that the base is as close to perpendicular to the map as possible and while holding it there, simply save and quit. reenter the map and hold a gravity lift up to the weapon holder and it will lock in straight up in the air.

    ...................................(^^^ Grav)
    sooo: (weapon holder[>) (_^^_ Lift )


    where to get a grav lift sideways u just have the weapon holder normally placed...hope this helps
    #48 DotBe3f, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  9. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    since you can use grav lifts to hold weapons/items in place on a ceiling by 'sucking' it up towards it, could you do this with vehicles, like a mongoose or ghost?
  10. Mythik Machine

    Mythik Machine Ancient
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    I was under the impression that after about two or three grav lifts you reached a kind of 'terminal velocity' and could not go any faster?
  11. X3th4n13X

    X3th4n13X Ancient
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    destroy the gravlift when on a telliporter then delete the telliporter when the gravlift respons it wont fall

    you can destroy the gravlift when on the teliporter then delete the telliporter and then when the gravlift respons in wont fall
  12. Rawring Marco

    Rawring Marco Ancient
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    The drawbridge is a good example of grav lifts it works by having 4 grav lifts on the map two of them set to respawn at beginning no and time 180 secs and then the run time min on 2 so that when 2 grav lifts are destroyed they spawn and push the dumpsters to make a drawbridge. : Halo 3 File Details
    This link goes to the Drawbridge V.2 download which I think is much better than the V.3 - Take it apart and have a look how it works.

    Also your elevator idea is great I hope you make it, there is already one that has two vertical double walls placed against the wall like in foundry or you could just put another one there then it has a cannon man on the outside of both walls blasting in. If you jump it doesn't work but if you get a regenerator and use it in the elavator it will blast you up.

    _| |_ | = Double Walls. _ = Cannon Mans. I use 1 cannon man on either side.

    Sorry I don't have a picture or anthing but there are vids on how to make on youtube - YouTube - Halo 3 - Forge Elevator

    Note: It isn't my video.

    Have fun making an elevator they are easy and I've made loads so feel free to email me with any troubles on add me on xbox live.
    #52 Rawring Marco, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  13. Spacezoro

    Spacezoro Ancient
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    Floating trick

    I have discovered that you can float if you are to place a grav lift ontop of any thin object such as a wall,top of container exc. And then jump directly under the object where the lift is at you will float have fun and may forge live on!!!!!!!!
  14. mr ginge66

    mr ginge66 Forerunner

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    ive tried, and failed, a few times to put four grav lifts facing each other so as to pin a person inside. (if you put a spawn point inside it that is) the grav lifts just push the other ones away.
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    How do you go about making a spinning grav lift?
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    1. Place four weapon holders right next to each other
    2. Put down a grav lift
    3. ???
    4. PROFIT
  17. TIKI500

    TIKI500 Forerunner

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    Use teleporters to make grav lifts float? I'm going to run out of teleporters with all of these tricks using teleporters to make objects float :lol:
  18. Breakmeoff11

    Breakmeoff11 Forerunner

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    This doesn't really have anything to do with Grav Lifts, but it's a cool thing i learned about Man Cannons. If you take four of them, put them facing each other, each placed as close as you can place them without them blowing each other away, and jump in them, you'll go straight up. Kinda like a grav lift, but you fly a LOT higher.
  19. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    If you put 8 weapon holders all facing toward the spawn point and put them just the right distance apart, the gravlifts won't fling each other and it will work.

    Ya but it's insainly hard to place them perfectly.
    #59 killllllll11488, Aug 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2010
  20. Leo

    Leo Forerunner

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    You can ghost merge them into their positions, which makes it quite easy to place them perfectly.

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